Attendance Handbook for School Personnel

Attendance Handbook for School Personnel


August 1, 2008

Page 11

Attendance Handbook for School Personnel

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

2008-09 Attendance Guidelines 4

School Attendance Responsibilities:

Administrator 5

Attendance Manager 6

Elementary Teacher 7

Secondary Teacher 8

School Social Worker 9

Attendance Intervention Assistance Team Process 10

Forms and Letters 11-22

Community Resource Directory 25-35

DOE Entry and Withdrawal Codes 36-39

Student Code of Conduct - Attendance Policies and Procedures 40-42

Polk County Schools Head Lice Policy 43-48

Florida Statutes 49-58

2008 – 2009 School Social Work School Assignments 59-61


This handbook has been prepared to supply school based personnel with procedures, information, and forms necessary to address attendance issues at the school level. Original policy documents are included as resource materials.


·  Utilize ConnectEd for attendance notification.

·  Utilize Elegrade codes in elementary schools (A = Excused Absence; U = Unexcused Absence; S = Suspended; T = Tardy).

·  Utilize Pinnacle codes in secondary schools (A = Excused Absence; AU = Unexcused Absence; I = ISS; O = OSS; T = Excused Tardy; TU = Unexcused Tardy).

·  Notify the school nurse of sick students returning to school without a doctor’s note (when the family has been notified that a doctor’s excuse is needed to return to school).

·  Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate interventions for dropout, non-attending, truant and tardy students. All interventions must be documented.

·  Run Entry/Withdrawal (Dem009) report (on a regular basis) to follow up on students who withdraw from school and fail to enroll in another school (W02 and W26 codes).

·  Monitor WO2 and W26 to ensure enrollment at a new school.

·  Exhaust all school based resources before contacting School Social Worker to conduct address verifications.



·  Implement school attendance policies and procedures to ensure compliance with state statute and district policies. (Substitute teacher procedures for attendance will need to be included).

·  Appoint an Attendance Manager.

·  Designate school staff to participate in the Attendance Intervention Assistance Team.

·  Ensure that all appropriate staff members are instructed in the proper recording of attendance.

·  Ensure that accurate daily attendance is taken by all teachers.

·  Make sure that attendance codes are reported correctly.

·  Record message for ConnectEd calls with directions for parent to call the school.

·  Utilize ConnectEd for notification of nonattendance.


Attendance Manager

·  Develop a system to ensure teachers are notified of all communication from parents for purposes of attendance documentation.

·  Update Genesis records for ConnectEd messages for after hours calling.

·  Run weekly Genesis reports (ATD 019) of excused/unexcused absences and tardies.

·  Notify teachers of students exhibiting patterns of nonattendance.

·  Send attendance letters to parents at prescribed times. Document letters were sent.

·  Collect attendance documentation from teachers.

·  Refer to School Social Worker.

·  Continue to monitor and document student attendance and tardies.


Elementary Teacher

·  Record daily attendance utilizing Elegrade at the start of class. Students must be present for more than 50% of the day to be counted present. Elegrade Attendance Codes are as follows:

P - Present A - Excused Absence U - Unexcused Absence

S - Suspensions T – Tardy

·  Contact the parent when an explanation/excuse is not received for a student’s absence.

·  Document all parent contacts regarding attendance matters to include: letters in the agenda; telephone calls; and conferences.

·  Refer excessive absences to the school’s attendance manager for further intervention.

·  Allow students to make up work in accord with the Code of Student Conduct.


Secondary Teacher

·  Record daily attendance utilizing Pinnacle at the start of each class period. Pinnacle Attendance Codes are as follows:

A - Excused absence AU - Unexcused absence

S - Out of school suspension I - In school suspension

T - Excused tardy TU - Unexcused tardy

·  Consult with the School Attendance Manager regarding the reason for a student’s absence.

·  Document all parent contacts regarding attendance matters to include: letters in the agenda, telephone calls, and conferences.

·  Refer excessive absences to the school’s Attendance Manager for further intervention.

·  Allow students to make up work in accord with the Code of Student Conduct.


School Social Worker

·  Consult with school personnel on a regularly scheduled basis.

·  Make home visits or telephone calls to the family.

·  Assist the family in locating community resources.

·  Consult with appropriate school/community agency personnel.

·  Schedule the Attendance Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) meeting.

·  Monitor and follow up on interventions developed during Attendance IAT meeting.

·  Notify agency case manager if attendance issues are unresolved while the student is under the supervision of another agency.

·  Facilitate court procedures for truancy as appropriate.

Attendance Intervention Assistance Team Process

·  Consists of a multi-disciplinary team appointed by the Principal and comprised of key school personnel. This team may include but is not limited to the teacher(s), school social worker, guidance counselor, attendance manager, parent(s), school health nurse, school psychologist, and other school or community personnel.

·  Reviews academic, behavioral, medical and other relevant data.

·  Determines reasons for non attendance and tardiness.

·  Utilizes the problem solving process to address reasons for non attendance or tardiness.

·  Develops interventions based on identified needs and designates team members responsible for implementation.

·  Completes the Attendance Intervention Assistance Team record.

·  Monitors intervention implementation and remediation.

·  Evaluates effectiveness of interventions.

·  Links to community agencies or resources as appropriate.

Elementary Attendance Contract (on school letterhead)

Student’s Name: ID#:

This contract is to inform parents/guardians of student attendance policies at (school) . As the parent/guardian, I acknowledge my awareness of the following student attendance requirements:

1.  Florida Statute 1003.26 requires regular school attendance of children between the ages of 6 and 16.

2.  Florida Statute 1003.24 makes parents and legal guardians responsible, and criminally liable, for ensuring that their children attend school.

3.  It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school of the student’s absences.

4.  Polk County Schools can require a doctor’s note to excuse absences if a child has exhibited a pattern of nonattendance.

5.  Referral to a School Social Worker for assistance may be made if a child presents a pattern of nonattendance.

6.  Parents may be required to attend school meetings to discuss patterns of nonattendance.

Parent’s Signature School Official Signature

Printed Name Printed Name

Date Date

Contrato de Asistencia Escolar Primaria (on school letterhead)

Nombre del estudiante: ID#:

Este contrato es para informarle a padres/guardianes de las polizas de asistencia escolar estudiantil en la escuela . Como padre/guardian, yo afirmo que estoy consciente de los siguientes requisitos de asistencia escolar estudiantil:

1.  La Ley de Florida 1003.26 requiere asistencia regular a la escuela para ninos entre las edades de 6 a 16.

2.  La Ley de Florida 1003.24 hace padres y guardianes legalmente responsable de que sus hijos asistan a la escuela.

3.  Es la responsabilidad de los padres de notificar la escuela de las ausencias del estudiante

4.  Las escuelas del Condado de Polk pueden requirir notas del doctor para escusar ausencias si un nino/a ha demonstrado un patron de ausencias.

5.  La escuela puede referir su hijo/a a un Trabajador Social Escolar para ayuda si su hijo/a demuestra un patron de ausencias.

6.  La presencia de los padres se podra requirir a reuniones en la escuela para discutir el patron de ausencias.

Firma de Padre/Guardian Firma de Oficial Escolar

Nombre en Letra de Molde Nombre en Letra de Molde

Fecha Fecha

Middle/High Attendance Contract
(on school letterhead)

Student’s Name: ID#:

The following contract is to inform all parties of the student attendance policies at (school) . All parties acknowledge awareness of the following student attendance requirements:

1.  By law I am required to attend school until I reach the age of 16, and to the age of 18 if my parents do not sign a waiver for me to drop out.

2.  Students between the ages of 16 – 18 years must comply with compulsory attendance requirements unless the Declaration of Intent to Terminate School Enrollment Form has been completed.

3.  Terminating school enrollment prior to graduation has been shown to negatively impact career opportunities and earnings.

4.  Students (under the age of 18) will have driving privileges revoked or suspended for nonattendance.

5.  Florida law requires high school students be present in class to receive credit. A passing grade alone does not meet this requirement.

6.  Florida Statute 1003.24 makes parents and legal guardians responsible, and criminally liable, for ensuring their children attend school.

7.  Polk County Schools can require a doctor’s note to excuse absences if my child has exhibited a pattern of nonattendance.

8.  Referral to the School Social Worker for assistance may be made when there is a pattern of nonattendance.

9.  Parents may be required to attend school meetings to discuss patterns of nonattendance.

Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature School Signature

Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name

Date: Date: Date:

Contrato de Asistencia Escolar Secundaria

(on school letterhead)

Nombre del estudiante: ID#:

El siguiente contrato es para informarle a todos involucrados de las polizas de asistencia estudiantil en la escuela . Todos involucrados afirman que estan consiente de los siguientes requisitos de asistencia estudiantil:

1.  Por ley, yo estoy requirido de asistir a la escuela hasta que cumpla 16 anos de edad y hasta la edad de 18, si mis padres/guardianes no firman un permiso para poder dejar la escuela.

2.  Estudiantes entre las edades de 16 y 18 anos deberan seguir los requisitos de asistencia compulsatoria a menos que se complete la Declaracion de Intento a Terminar el Ingreso Escolar----.

3.  Terminando la escuela antes de graduacion se ha demonstrado a impactar negativamente mis opciones de carerras e ingreso.

4.  Estudiantes (menor de la edad de 18) tendran sus privilegios de conducir suspendidos por las ausencias.

5.  La ley de Florida require estudiantes de escuela secundaria a estar presente en clase para recibir credito. Solamente una calificacion satifactoria no va a cunplir con el requerimiento.

6.  La Ley de Florida 1003.24 hace padres y guardianes legalmente responsables de asegurar que sus hijos/as asistan a la escuela.

7.  Las escuelas del Condado de Polk pueden requirir una nota del doctor para escusar ausencias si mi hijo/a ha demostrado un patron de ausencias.

8.  La escuela puede referir su hijo/a un Trabajador Social Escolar para ayuda si su hijo/a demuestra un patron de ausencias

9.  La presencia de los padres puede ser requirida a reuniones en la escuela para discutir patrones de ausencias que pueden estar comenzando.

Firma del Estudiante Firma del Padre/Guardian Firma de la Escuela

Nombre en Letra de Molde Nombre en Letra de Molde Nombre en Letra de Molde

Fecha: Fecha: Fecha:

Sample Attendance Letter #1 Requiring Doctor’s Note

School Letterhead


To the Parents/Guardian of :

Florida Statute 1003.26 requires regular school attendance of children between the ages of 6 and 16. The Polk County School District takes pride in offering quality education to all students, and believes that regular school attendance is a very important part of educational success.

Our records indicate that your child has been absent days during this school year. For all future absences to be marked excused, you must provide a doctor’s note.

Parents and school staff can work together in many ways to improve attendance and academic achievement. If you feel you have received this information in error or wish to speak with someone regarding this matter, please contact the school.

Thank you for your assistance.



Sample Spanish Attendance Letter #1 Requiring Doctor’s Note (School Letterhead)


A los Padres/Guardianes de:

La Ley de Florida 1003.26 requiere asistencia regular a la escuela de ninos/as entre la edad de 6 a 16. El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Polk tiene orgullo en ofrecer educacion de calidad a todos sus estudiantes y cree que asistencia regular a la escuela es una parte bien importante del exito educacional.

Nuestros expedients indican que su hijo/ja has estado ausente dias durante este ano escolar. Para poder escusar cualquier futura ausencia, usted debera proveer una nota o escusa del doctor.

Padres y facultad escolar pueden trabajar juntos en varias maneras para mejorar asistencia escolar y progreso academico. Si usted cree que ha recibido esta informacion en error o desea hablar con alguien sobre este caso, favor de comunicarse con la escuela.

Gracias por su asistencia



Sample Attendance Letter #2 for Five Unexcused Absences (School Letterhead)


To the Parents/Guardians of :

Florida Law requires all children to attend school regularly. Legal actions may be taken against the parent and/or the student for nonattendance. The Polk County School District takes pride in offering quality education to all students, and believes that regular school attendance is a very important part of educational success.

I am sure that you are concerned about your child’s future, and understand the important role that regular school attendance will play. Each time your child is absent from class, they miss important instruction and assignments. School records indicate that your child has been absent days of school this school year. of the days are unexcused. Attempts have been made by school personnel to assist you in addressing your child’s attendance issues. If your child’s attendance problems continue, a School Social Worker will be assigned to provide further assistance.

Parents and school staff can work together in many ways to improve attendance and achievement. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like to speak with someone regarding this matter.



Spanish Attendance Letter #2 for Five Unexcused Absences (School Letterhead)


A los Padres/Guardianes de :

La Ley de Florida requiere que todos los ninos/as asistan a la escuela regularmente. Accion legal puede ser tomada en contra del padre y/o el estudiante por no asistir a la escuela. El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Polk tiene orgullo en ofrecer educacion de calidad a todos estudiantes, y cree que asistencia regular a la escuela es una parte bien importante del exito educacional.