
OGRTF 08/16/05 Meeting Notes


Stephen C. Knapp Constellation QSE 410-468-3606

Rick Keetch RRI QSE 713-497-2526

Jack Thormahlen LCRA QSE 512-473-3200 X-2635

Lance Cunningham TXU Energy QSE 214-875-9164

Mark Henry ERCOT 512-225-7021

Ron Wheeler Dynegy QSE 713-507-6501

Stacey Woodard Austin Energy QSE 512-322-6192

Leo Villanueva ERCOT 512-248-3135

Sean Hausman PSEG GEN 432-559-8066

Wayne Kemper CenterPoint Energy TO 731-207-2192

Jeff Gilbertson ERCOT 512-248-6462

John Dumas ERCOT 512-248-3195

Dennis Kunkel AEP TO 361-289-4003

NOTE: Action items are shown in bold.

1.  OGRTF Chair reviewed the Anti-Trust admonition.

2.  Review notes from July 19th meeting.

3.  Reviewed Jeff Gilbertson’s comments on OGRR 154 from the special June 21st meeting, Jeff will revise posted meeting notes.

4.  Meeting minutes approved.

5.  New/Unfinished Business

a.  OGRR 172 Special Protection System Obligations posted on 07/28/05 from TXU – ED. After considerable discussion, the group contacted Lee Westbrook, author of the OGRR, via conference call. Additional discussion on whether or not TO’s were providing transmission line flows to generators and QSE’s. Lee said he would investigate and get back to the group.

There was also discussion for further clarification on the definition of an SPS 1 and an SPS 2 and what NERC says regarding SPS definitions. Should series reactors and reactive devices put in-service automatically be considered an SPS?

After more discussion, Leo Villanueva of ERCOT offered to meet with Lee Westbrook to discuss the concerns of the group and submit comments on the OGRR for posting.

b.  OGRR 169 Reporting of Reserve Capability under Severe Gas Curtailments, discuss what was provided by ROS to PRS for approval of PRR 611. Form will be triggered by periods of anticipated fuel curtailments so ERCOT can assess system conditions and react accordingly.

Considerable discussion was held on the revised ERCOT Form and the Constellation Form. John Dumas of ERCOT will review comments from the group and re-post the OGRR with a form that has the benefits of both forms and fits a series of events from cold weather to hurricanes. The group will review the posting at the next meeting.

c.  OGRR 171 Testing of Quick Start Units in the Balancing Energy Market, considerable discussion regarding the test window for providing this A/S. ERCOT (John Dumas) commented that specific instructions for testing will be given in the ERCOT Guides from PRR 588 and this is analogous with testing for RRS. Austin Energy (Stacey Woodard) commented that this is inconsistent with current Protocol testing language for A/S and needs to conform to the 8 hour window.

After more discussion, the group will send the OGRR to OWG with both sets of language.

6.  Old business – Leo Villanueva reported on the status of PRR 409, it made the ERCOT Project list at item 2.1. The cutoff for projects however is 1.3.

7.  Open discussion – Jeff Gilbertson reports OGRR 173 Administrative Changes for September 2005 will go in effect on September 1, 2005. It affects Guide 2.5.1. He also commented from Guide 1.3, if a Protocol Reference in the Guides is revised and with no other revisions to the Operating Guides, it’s only an administrative change, that can be made by the ERCOT Staff as directed by ROS rather than using the OGRR process.

Mark Henry commented on the recently passed Energy Bill will bring new people to NERC and Compliance. This could initiate a review on how we operate and may add additional reporting and Operating Guide changes.

The next meeting will be held on September 20, 2005 at 10:00 am in Room 161 of the ERCOT MetCenter.

OGRTF Draft Minutes:

Leo Villanueva, Author