File Upload
The File Upload application allows the person who maintains the conference SVdP web page to manage the pages in the conference directory.
When you click on the File_Upload link the first time, you should see a login display.
Enter your name and password and click on the Submit button.
You should then see the following display as an example.
To upload a file click on the Browse button, and navigate to the file you want to upload. Then click on the Upload File button. The file will be transferred from your PC to the conference directory. If the
file is web.htm, then the conference home page should reflect the contents of the new file.
When the file has been uploaded, the path to the file is displayed. This is helpful to make sure any
links to the pages you have are correct.
The information normally stored on the conference web page include the resource book, process definitions, aids for clients, or anything that helps the conference or the clients.
Conference Web Page
The following diagram shows how your Conference’s Web Page contains pointers to your Parish’s web page, your SVdP database, and other documents or web sites your Conference may wish to include on its Web Page. Your SVdP database has a button which directs the browser back to your Conference’s Web Page. A single mouse click will take the user back and forth between your Conference’s Web Page and your SVdP database.
The documents your Conference chooses to include on its web page would normally include documents concerning your conference’s processes, forms, or resource lists. The web page can also contain pointers to other websites that can be a resource or contain any other information of value, such as known jobs that are available.
The File Upload function is used to transfer files from a PC to your conference file directory. The name of the file for your conference web page is web.htm. To modify your Conference Web Page only requires changing the web.htm file and uploading it. The web.htm file can be edited with a text editor or a word processor. You can simply open the web.htm file for editing by right clicking on web.htm and then click “Open with” and then chose which word processing program you wish to use (i.e. Word, Word Perfect, Note Pad, etc.).