Parents Coffee Morning Agenda – Friday 23rd October 2015 ( 9.00am)

Number Present:12+

Staff Present:Mrs Frankish and Ms Janjua

Welcome to the parents / Introduction from Mrs Frankish and core values of
Breakfast club begins at 8.00am. Children are expected to arrive before 8.20am, so they can enjoy breakfast and start the day in a calm relaxed manner. / (JF)Why we have a Breakfast club and what we do. What time it is run why children are not to be late. The children need to be in school by 9.00. The focus next term will be a Writing focus and will start at 9.00am.
Times for Reception 'stay and play' are Fridays at 2pm / (JF)Time and day mentioned and the core values behind Stay and Play including support for Parents on how to work with their children.
Basic Computing sessions will begin in Spring 1-Please see website for dates / (JF)When it will be starting and what outcome we want for parents in a changing world.
School sweatshirts£7.00/cardigans £9.00 are available to order on a Friday from the Nurture room from 8.15am-8.45am / (JF)All children to have the correct uniform and to have the BH logo on sweatshirts and cardigans. We are part of a TEAM. Parents reminded about when and where to order including times.
School will reopen at 8.00am on Monday 2ndNovember / (JF) Children not to be lateand what time Breakfast Club starts.
Also parent asked what happens at a Breakfast Club and whether the children play on computers-JF mentioned what the children do at Breakfast club.
Fireworks display will be held on Thursday 5th November at 6pm. Hot chocolate and biscuit will be available on the night-50p (Please try to bring the correct change). / (JF) Gave key date for fireworks and mentioned about Hot Chocolate and Biscuit. Also mentioned staff staying late and children can be picked up early-Not Compulsory
We will be running some 'Cook and eat well' sessions from March-Please see website for further details / (JF) Spoke about the Nurture group and what they cooked in the diner. Spoke about the reasons for children to eat healthy well balanced food-Start date mentioned
Reminder to parents about the parent view OFSTED questionnaire / (JF) spoke about the reason why this Parent View is important to fill in. Parent partnership. JF mentioned AJ is available to help parents to fill in form.
We are looking into opening a school bank if there is interest-Please see website for further details / (JF)Details of how this Bank will be run and with whom (HSBC). Children will be in charge.
Date of next Coffee morning-Friday 18th December 2015
  • Some parents have shown an interest in extra tuition-Paid for by the parents?
  • Breakfast Club- Parent questioned about the quantity of food and how it is served.
  • Downloading Videos – Parent questioned about how to download videos for personal reasons
  • Traffic Outside School- Drivers speeding/parking/lollipop lady/man/Stoney Stanton Gate
  • Holidays – Are parents allowed 10 days off? A parent winning a case. Shortening summer holidays?
  • About snow on public pathways leading to school entrance-
  • Mrs S mentioned if children can take initiative of Newsletter
  • School Councillors Mrs S raised a point as to why the children can not be selected every term?
  • Parents to make a contribution toward school (50p) per week
  • Diwali- Could child come in late?
  • Children being sick/ Home visit
  • Fireworks Coffee and Biscuit
  • Mrs S spoke about One Body One Life
  • AJ spoke about when school starts after half term and a polite reminder for all PE kits to be brought in on the first Monday back.
  • AJ went through OSTED Parent View form
/ Next Coffee morning shared.
JF to speak to RRK about this.
JF explained how food is served and what is served.
JF spoke about the school Blog and how that can be shared with relatives but not to download. Spoke about protection and other peoples children.
Directed parent towards local councillor and to speak to them about concern. Lollipop lady/man to go due to cutbacks.
JF said spoke about holiday authorisations and how they are authorised at BH-Government recommendations not school level.
Parent to contact local Councillor
JF spoke about this being a document where she had a direct link to parents and any concerns
JF went through the process of how the children are selected and maybe we could look into have different councillors for every two terms but this take up time changing everything and impact upon the work started by previous councillors and ownership over changes etc.
JF said at BH she does not want to take a weekly contribution of 50p from each parent for the wellbeing of their children. JF encouraged about school fete
JF spoke about fairness to all faiths and their celebrations.
JF spoke about the reasons behind Home visits to help parents who don’t speak English and do not know where to seek medical advice.
AJ mentioned about how to pre order coffee and biscuit.
Mrs S spoke to AJ about this community course and left a card for BH to get in touch with Sue Douglas to organise her to come into school and speak about One Body One Life. Card given to RRK