Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Branch

Client Contract and Occupancy Agreement

This agreement is between Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Branch (further known as the service provider)


further known as the client.

Rented Premises

The service provider agrees to rent to the client and the client agrees to rent from the service provider the premises known as further known as the unit.

The service provider provides low cost rental accommodation to assist people with mental illness. Occupancy in this CMHA housing unit will not be terminated except under the specific provisions of the Residential Tenancy Act which protects all renters in the Province of Ontario (RTA).

Rental Subsidy

(Your rent is based on your income. To maintain the subsidy you must advise the service provider of any change in your income.)

The service provider’s properties are subsidized by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The rent for this unit will be based on your income. On an annual basis or if the client’s income changes, the client will be required to submit current income information in order to continue receiving subsidized rent. The client must notify the service provider immediately of any change in income.

Over Housing

(When the rental unit is provided to a family and the number of people in the family changes the service provider may move the client to a smaller or sometimes larger unit if one is available.)

This unit is provided to the client and their occupants based on their accommodation requirements. Should the client’s circumstances change during their occupancy, the client understands that they will be re-housed into a unit with the appropriate requirements for their circumstances, if and when available.

Support Services

(The purpose of the Supported Housing Program is to provide housing while the client receives support services from CMHA Huron Perth or other mental health programs.)

The unit is rented to the client for the purposes of the Supported Housing Program which provides support services to the client. The service provider has designated (Case

Manager) as their agent for the purposes of providing support services in accordance with this agreement.

Support Agreement

(The client agrees to meet at least once a month with the Case Manager and attend regular medical appointments. The client must allow the Case Manager to visit the unit on a monthly basis to complete a safety check. Failure to keep regular appointments may result in the loss of the rental subsidy or termination of this agreement.)

The client agrees to meet at least monthly with their Case Manager, attend regular appointments, permit monthly safety inspection of the unit and attend other appointments with doctors or other support services. Failure to keep regular appointments or to permit the Case Manager into the unit may result in the loss of the rental subsidy and may entitle the service provider to terminate this agreement in accordance with the RTA.

Termination of this Agreement

(This is a one year agreement which continues on a month to month basis after one year. It does not need to be signed again at the end of the first year.)

The agreement commences on

and terminates on

After the first year the agreement continues on a month to month basis.


(One parking space is provided for your vehicle if it is insured, road worthy and has a valid license plate.)

One parking space is provided for this unit. A vehicle in the parking space must be insured, road worthy, and have valid license plates. No commercial vehicles or trailers are permitted and may be removed at your expense.

Who may Occupy the Premises

(Only the client and approved family members may occupy the unit. Guests are only permitted for 5 consecutive days. You must advise the service provider of any other person resides in your unit. This will affect the rent that you pay for the unit.)

This unit is rented only to the client and their approved family members. The client cannot assign or sublet the rental unit. The client must advise the service provider if anyone else regularly resides in the unit with the client. Other occupants will affect the rent the client is to pay. A person living with the client for more than five consecutive days will be considered to be sharing the unit with the client and the client’s rent may be increased. You must notify and discuss with the service provider any special circumstances for having someone stay as a guest beyond 5 consecutive days.

The following people are listed as occupants of the unit:

Permitted Use

The client agrees to use the unit as a residential dwelling and for no other purpose.

Condition of the Premises and Repair Work

(The unit is provided in a clean and livable condition. Any defects should be reported to the service provider or superintendent.)

The client acknowledges that the unit is clean, free of visible defects and fit for habitation and use.

The client shall notify the service provider of any defects in the condition of the unit. In the event of a breakdown of the electrical or mechanical systems the service provider shall not be liable for damages or personal discomfort. The client should advise the service provider or superintendent of any situation such as water pipes, heating, gas lines or other fixtures. The service provider will correct problems with reasonable diligence.

Care of the Premises

(The client may not alter or decorate the unit without permission of the service provider. The client is responsible for damage caused by the client, other occupants or guests.)

The client shall keep the unit in a reasonable state of cleanliness and shall be liable for the costs of repair or damage caused by the wilful or negligent conduct of the client, occupants or guests.

The client shall not make any alterations to, or decorate the unit, without the prior written consent of the service provider. Upon termination of the agreement, alterations or decorating must be returned to the original condition. Reasonable wear and tear is expected.

Right to Entry

(The client is normally provided 24 hours written notice to enter the unit unless there is an emergency situation.)

The client agrees that the service provider and their agents shall be permitted to enter the unit with 24 hours written notice pursuant to the RTA. Notwithstanding the above, the service provider and their agents shall be entitled to enter the unit in the event of an emergency without notice and the consent of the client.


(The client will not allow any risk of fire in the unit.)

The client shall not do, permit, or bring or keep anything in the unit which will in any way create a risk of fire or increase the rate of the fire insurance on the building or contents. The client may not hoard combustible materials, grow marijuana or have a fire pit in or about the premises.

Monthly Safety Report

(A monthly fire and safety report is completed by the case manager with the client in the unit. The client should report safety concerns immediately.)

Each month the case manager will meet the client in their unit to complete a report which notes any fire and safety issues in the unit. This protects the client and other occupants. The client should also report any fire or safety concerns immediately to the service provider.


(The client is responsible for any harm or damage caused by a pet.)

The client hereby accepts liability for any and all claims and actions initiated by any other person for an injury to any person or damage to any property in or about the unit as a result of the client or his

occupants bringing any animal into or about the unit. The client shall abide by the bylaws regarding animals in the jurisdiction where the unit is located.


(Noise or interference with other residents or neighbours may result in eviction.)

The client shall not cause or suffer any noise or interference which is disturbing to the comfort and reasonable enjoyment of any other client, occupant or neighbour where the unit is located. The client may not store personal belongings within the unit or in common areas that cause health and safety concerns or interfere with the rights of other residents and reasonable enjoyment of common areas. The client understands that a breach may result in an eviction notice.

Tenant Insurance

(The client must provide proof of tenant insurance with this signed occupancy agreement and proof of renewal on an annual basis.)

The client is required to obtain tenant’s insurance and provide proof of insurance with this signed occupancy agreement. The insurance protects the client’s possessions in the event of fire or loss and protects the client from any damages caused by their negligence. The client must provide a copy of their rental insurance upon each renewal.


(Garbage will be placed outside on collection days or placed in garbage facilities provided.)

Garbage shall not be stored outside the unit unless in facilities designed by the service provider or superintendent.


(Only the service provider can change entry locks.)

The client shall not alter or add to the locking system on any door giving direct entry to the unit.


(Client agrees to comply with all rules and regulations.)

The client agrees to comply with each of the rules and regulations herein and, upon notice, any additions or amendments hereto.


(The client may not sublet the unit to anyone else.)

The client shall not be permitted to assign or sublet the unit under any circumstances.


(If the client does not pay the rent and leaves the unit the service provider can take back the unit.)

If the occupancy fee is unpaid after the due date and if it appears to the service provider that the client has vacated or abandoned the unit, the service provider may enter the unit and take back possession pursuant to the RTA.

Termination of Agreement

(60 days’ notice is required to terminate this agreement.)

60 days’ written notice to the service provider is required if you decide to leave the unit prior to the term specified in this agreement.


(The client is responsible for any damages or loss to the service provider for any claims which result from the client’s actions or omission.)

The client agrees to indemnify the service provider or their agents from and against all claims, actions, damages or liability and expenses in connection with the loss of life, personal injury and damage to property arising from any occurrence in the unit. The use thereof by the client or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the client or by anyone permitted to be in the unit or the building by the client.


(The entire agreement remains in force.)

If any provision of this agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall be valid and enforceable.

Entire Agreement

(The client has read the agreement. Only what is in the written agreement applies. There are no verbal agreements.)

The client acknowledges that, prior to signing this agreement the client has read this agreement and consents to the terms, covenants and provisions herein. There shall not be any verbal agreements, representations, warranties, undertakings or agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof not contained herein. The agreement may not be amended or modified in any respect except by written instrument.

Proof of insurance _____

Client signature Date

Service Provider signature Date

Case Manager signature Date

I hereby acknowledge receipt of a fully executed copy of this agreement.

Client signature Date