Park Lane Elementary
School Community Council Agenda
November 6, 2014
In attendance: Amy Bryant (chair), Kacey Olson (vice chair), Heather Adams, Jen Coccimiglio, Kelly Tauteoli
Welcome: Amy Bryant
Business Items:
1. The SCC Roster, agendas and minutes are posted on the school website. How can we inform families that do not have Internet access at home.
a. Post copy of the minutes and agenda on the main doors and note that additional copies are available in the office.
b. Kacey mentioned that it could be helpful to educate the school community on what the SCC is and what it does for the school. PTA email and Newsletters could assist in that effort. A flyer sent home with this information.
c. Jen Coccimiglio volunteered to put together something and send it home.
2. Progress on New Cell Tower
a. Kelly Tauteoli met with Verizon over the summer and plans are near completion.
b. Construction is tentatively planned for late fall.
3. New School Logo
a. Kelly Tauteoli has been pursuing efforts to change the current Park Lane logo.
b. It is preferred that it be a school community process.
c. Preferences were discussed as to how we want the logo to look. It was unanimous that a classic, simple logo is preferred.
d. Samples will be sought from the district graphic artist and will be discussed at the next meeting.
e. The school community, including students, will then be allowed to vote on the finalists.
4. Cell Tower Budget
a. Below are the numbers we will receive this year and how this money has been allocated. It is anticipated that these totals will go up with the new Verizon contract.
i. This year’s allocation: $ 8492
ii. Teacher Summer Professional Development $ 2620
iii. PBIS Incentives and Rewards $ 1300 (Positive Behavior Supports, formerly the 200 Club, this year it will be handled on grade level)
iv. Field Trips $ 4572
5. 2013-14 CSIP and Land Trust – Financial Report and Achievement Results
a. The Land Trust plan for last year allocated the majority of funds towards Reading Intervention Specialists.
b. We examined reading benchmark percentages with Cluster students and without.
c. Without Cluster student scores, Park Lane’s percentages are significantly higher. The cluster students are on individualized education plans and are making educational progress on their personal academic goals. It was discussed that to have a complete picture of Park Lane’s achievement data and academic needs it is helpful to break down the data.
d. We discussed math scores and how they are lower in upper grades.
i. We talked about how mastery of math facts is essential in helping kids understand these more complex math concepts.
ii. Reflex math is new and can help with that. We will discuss Reflex math more in the spring when we draw up our new Land Trust plan.
6. 2014-15 CSIP, Current Achievement Data, and Land Trust Funds
a. Allocation: $27,492
b. Angie Drake, STEM Lab – 28 Hours
c. Nancy Nordhagen, Reading Intervention – 17 Hours
d. Maurice Mede, Computer Lab – Supporting Math, Writing, STEM, and Technology 15 -17 Hours
7. Upcoming Meetings:
a. February 18 – Consider a first draft of CSIP and talk about Land Trust money for next year
b. March 26 – Final Approval of CSIP and Land Trust Plan
Meeting adjourned 8:23 p.m.