Curriculum Skill: Develop Ball Handling Skills
GLD Level: Moderate
Curricular Area:P.E.
Curricular Strand:Games / Attained / Extended
Acquiring / Becoming Fluent / Maintenance / Generalisation / Application / Adaptation
Have opportunities to touch and handle a variety of equipment of different shapes, weights and textures:
- reach to touch, show interest in handling each object, react to their weight, feel them against different parts of the body, squeeze/rub/shake a table-tennis ball/tennis ball/baseball/basketball/ beach ball/beanbag while changing it from hand to hand
Show curiosity about the movement of different balls:
- independently explore each ball, choose one and push it away, push different types of balls and watch them roll (basketball, beach ball, bowling ball, table-tennis ball
Explore further ways to move the above objects:
- slide on a table-top from side to side and back and forth, with a flat palm move the hand in a circular motion on top of a tennis ball/football/beach ball
Develop the skill of grasping and releasing an object with appropriate physical guidance and verbal reinforcement:
- curve the hand around a small ball, quoit or beanbag, close the fingers, and open fingers to release
Initiate grasping and releasing activities:
- pick up beanbags from a table and place them in a hoop on the floor, pick up a tennis ball and place it in a container
Experiment further with the various pieces of equipment:
- find ways to move a ball, squeeze beanbags, roll the quoit or throw it like a discus
Have opportunities to participate in sending activities:
- with appropriate verbal cues and physical assistance, roll a large ball to a partner, track a ball as it moves, anticipate the movement of the ball being moved, wait with open arms to receive the return pass (on the table, on the floor)
With decreasing assistance, release a ball/beanbag at a target:
- pick upa ball/beanbag, with appropriate guidance move his/her arm to perform an under-arm throw in both sitting and standing positions
With support, cup a ball in the hand and complete an over-arm throw:
- take a ball and attempt to throw it at a target
With decreasing assistance, position his/her arms and hands correctly to receive a ball:
- open the arms and hands to catch it
Independently follow verbal and visual demonstrations of an under- arm throw using a beanbag, quoit or ball:
- close the fingers around the object, swing his/her arm down by the side and out, finish out in front
Have an opportunity to practice an over-arm throwing action:
- with appropriate assistance andphysical support move the arm up and behind shoulder in line with head, finish with the arm out front
Make a good attempt to catch a thrown ball while sitting or standing
Try to catch balls of different sizes
Develop and practise further ball- handling skills
- rolling a small ball at a target
- chest passing from a stationary position using a large ball
- catching a ball by cradling(scooping)
- bounce-passing from a stationary position using a large or small ball
- throwing under-arm and over- arm at a large target
- throwing over-arm to a partner using a small ball
- receiving (catching) a pass at various heights
Independently catch a thrown ball while sitting or standing
Further develop and extend ball- handling skills:
- throwing and catching a large round or oval ball or a small ball while moving
- throwing at or into a small target (a basket or a net)
- bowling at a target such as a bat, skittles or a goal
- gathering a large oval overround ball or a small ball off the ground while moving
- passing a ball to a partner while stationary or moving
- using a chest pass, overhead pass, bounce pass where appropriate
- moving to receive a ball
Develop the skill of controlling and hitting a ball with a unihoc stick
Actively participate in a sending activity with another person and in a group:
- wait in line to take a turn, pass the ball to a partner, cheer on team-mates
The Curriculum Access Tool for Students with General Learning Disability (CAT-GLD) is a framework developed by the Special Education Support Service based on the Guidelines for Teachers of Students with General Learning Disabilities produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.