National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Outstanding HSE Project


This prestigious award seeks to recognize and inspire small and medium-sized entities who are committed to HSE excellence! The award is intended to encourage the implementation of formal HSE management systems by recognizing an outstanding project completed or significantly completed in 2018 that has resulted in significant and sustainable improvement in the organization’s occupational safety and health or environmental performance or management program. Projects must relate to occupational health, safety and environmental activities in the workplace, facility or immediate vicinity of the facility and must achieve specific positive HSE impacts beyond legal compliance requirements.

NOTE: The main objective of this Awards Scheme is the promotion of the development and implementation of robust occupational health and safety and environmental management systems by the applicant companies and to recognize related achievements. Projects and other activities designed primarily for engaging persons and groups external to the applicant companies may not meet the criteria for applying.


Business Profile

Briefly describe the type of business, principal products and/or services, size of workforce, including number of employees, contractors, and temporary workersand other relevant information. The business profile should include evidence that the organization operates as a financially viable organization.

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National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Section 1: Project Overview

Which of the following main areas is the project in?

☐Occupational Safety & Health

☐Environmental Protection or Preservation

☐Combination of above – (please state thespecific categories hereunder)

Click here to specify categories.

Provide a brief description of the project.

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National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Section 2: Results

Please provide information on the following:

2018 YTD / 2017 / 2016 / 2015
  1. Lost Time Accidents

  1. No. of lost time accidents (LTA) i.e. accidents with human injury which resulted in days away from work (not counting the day of the accident) as certified by a registered Medical Doctor.
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of persons injured (for all the LTAs in the respective year).
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of days lost (for all the LTAs in the respective year).
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of cases of work-related ill-health or disease.
No. of persons so affected. / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of OSH Agency citations
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of Administrative Orders under the Environmental Management Act Chapter 35:05
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. No. of Notice of Violations under the Environmental Management Act Chapter 35:05
/ 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 /
  1. Has the company received any accolades for OSH or Environmental performance?
Please indicate type/nature/name of Awards etc.Click here to enter text. / No / No / No / No /

National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Section 3: Project Details

3.1Aims and Objectives of the Project

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3.2Brief Project Description (from Conceptualization of Project Idea to Implementation)

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3.3Implementation Time Frame

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3.4Project Team (state names and job titles of key persons involved in the project, including the Project Leader/Manager)

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3.5Level of People Involved / Engagement

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3.6How does this project impact on the HSE performance of your company or relevant entity?

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3.7What performance indicators are used to assess the success of your project?

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National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

3.8How can the project or the benefits from this project be sustained for years to come?

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3.9What resources did this project utilize: financial, personnel, time?

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3.10How does this project contribute to a Management Systems approach to OSH/E Management?

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3.11Why in your view is this project outstanding from an OSH/E perspective?

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National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Outstanding HSE Project

1. Application Organization/Company

Title of Submittal

Name of Organization

Industry / Sector:


☐Services to the Energy Sector☐Services to the Non-Energy Sector

Which of the following main areas is the project in?

☐Occupational Safety & Health

☐Environmental protection or preservation

☐Combination of above:Click here to specify categories.

Business Size (according to the number of persons employed):

☐Small [0 - 49]☐Medium [50 – 249]☐Large [250 and greater]

2. Contact Details

Please provide the contact information for the person who should receive all correspondence:


Job Title / Designation




National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

Outstanding HSE Project


National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018

As an executive-level official of the organization named above, I verify that:

  • I have reviewed, and our organization meets, the eligibility requirements of the National Excellence in HSE Awards 2018
  • I have reviewed the information submitted for consideration for the Award and to the best of my knowledge neither any untrue statement nor omission of material fact has been made in our Submittal Package
  • As required in the review and Award processes, we agree to meet the requirements of the Awards including, availability for on-site assessment, transfer copyright, and promoting the sharing of our submittal through the National Excellence in HSE Awards Scheme and related activities.

Signature of Executive-Level Official

Printed Name

Job Title / Designation

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