Members Brian Auld (BA), Fiona Bell (FB), Morris Bradley (MB), Goff Cantley (GC),
Jens Eilers (JE), Steve Gregory (SG), Irene Harris (IH). Shona Johnstone,
Stanley McWhirter, Jill Powlett Brown (JPB), Jennifer Scarce (JS), Arne Strid (AS)
Members co-opted under item 3 Betty Barber (BB), Willie Black (WB)
Police Scotland PC Paul Gunderson (PG)
Residents and others Rona Robertson (RR), Deborah Murphy (DM), Hilary Davies (HD),
Phillida Sawbridge
Ian Murray MP, Cllr Mark McInnes, Aline Haggart
1. Opening remarks
As Acting Chair, AS welcomed all present to the first meeting of the newly constituted Community Council following the triennial elections. He congratulated all members, old and new, on their election or nomination. He led a round of introductions of CC members and members of the public present.
2. Police Report
PG conveyed the apologies of our 2 Ward Officers, PC Stuart Fraser, who was about to get married, and PC Sacha Ponniah, who is recovering from an injury received playing rugby. On behalf of all present, AS congratulated Stuart and wished Sacha a speedy recovery.
PG gave the following crime statistics for our area in the previous month, compared to the same month last year:
· there were 172 calls to the police (27% reduction) which resulted in 29 crimes being recorded (42% reduction). 8 had been solved to date.
· 5 cases of house-breaking (same as last year). 2 cases had been solved and a single individual charged with both and a number of other similar offences
· 12 cases of other thefts (20% reduction), 1 solved
· 7 assaults (22% reduction); 1 person charged. The assaults include domestic incidents and incidents at the REH
· 3 cases of anti-social behaviour (50% reduction)
PG reported that the police are still targetting the groups of youths whose anti-social behaviour had originally been centred on Morningside Park but whose activities are now spreading as far as the city centre. He warned that the onset of darker evenings would be likely to lead to an increase in house-breaking and that residents should take precautions. In particular, do not leave car-keys in sight, keep them on your person if possible, and secure tools that might be used to break-in.
He noted that 2 issues raised at the previous meeting had been followed up:
· the apparently abandoned car in Corrennie Drive is legal
· the possibility of parking restrictions in Braid Road to reduce the danger to cyclists had been raised by the police with the City Council – a reply was still awaited.
3. Election of Office Bearers for 2016/17
Members present agreed that RR, a resident and regular attendee at MCC meetings, should conduct the election of Chair. On her call for nominations, SG proposed Arne Strid and JPB seconded. There being no other nominations, RR declared Arne Strid elected unopposed and he resumed the chair of the meeting. He stated that he would only serve as Chair for a maximum of 3 more years and therefore it was important that the office of Vice-chair should be maintained not only to support the Chair but also to identify a potential successor in this demanding role. He called for nominations of other Office Bearers with the following results:
Office / Nominee(s) / Proposer / SeconderVice-chair / Brian Auld / AS / JS
Secretary / Steve Gregory / JPB / IH
Planning Officer / Goff Cantley / JPB / AS
Treasurer / None
IT Officer / None
Brian Auld, Steve Gregory and Goff Cantley were declared elected unopposed for the offices of Vice-chair, Secretary and Planning Officer respectively.
There being no volunteers from among the membership for Treasurer or IT Officer, AS stated that, as there were only 11 elected members out of a maximum for MCC of 14, 3 vacancies existed that could be filled by co-option if there were volunteers from outside the membership who agreed to be co-opted to take on the posts of Treasurer and IT Officer. SG noted that the former Treasurer, Betty Barber, had wished to stand as an elected member but her nomination had been invalid due to her proposer living just outside the MCC boundary. He further noted that the post of IT Officer had become an extremely important one under the guiding hand of Jo Young and that another IT expert, Willie Black (Jo’s partner) had wanted to join MCC but his nomination form had arrived a day late. With this in mind SG proposed the following motions:
1. that Betty Barber be co-opted as a member of Morningside CC.
2. that Willie Black be co-opted as a member of Morningside CC
Motion 1 was seconded by GC and carried by unanimous vote of the 11 members present for this item. Motion 2 was seconded by AS and likewise carried by unanimous vote.
Betty Barber was elected unopposed as Treasurer (proposer AS, seconder JE) and Willie Black likewise elected unopposed as IT Officer (proposer SG, seconder MB).
4. Appointment of special representatives
After brief descriptions of the responsibilities involved, members agreed to appoint, or re-appoint the following:
Licensing Representative / Jill Powlett-BrownMCC representative to the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils / Arne Strid principal, Jens Eilers deputy
MCC member of the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (SCNP) Board / Steve Gregory principal, Fiona Bell deputy
MCC member of SCNP Children & Young People Action Group / Steve Gregory
MCC member of SCNP Community Safety Action Group / Brian Auld
MCC member of SCNP Active Living Action Group / Steve Gregory
MCC representatives to the Joint CCs/REH Liaison Group / Goff Cantley, Aline Haggart (to be confirmed), Fiona Bell
MCC representative to Morningside Traders’ Association / Arne Strid
5. Representation by South Morningside Parent Council (SMPC)
AS introduced DM to the meeting as a member of SMPC and as a potential nominated member of MCC, representing SMPC. DM stated that she and her husband had been jointly elected in that role at the SMPC AGM but nothing further had happened. SG explained that acceptance of members nominated by Local Interest Groups is in the hands of the CC Liaison Office of the City Council. He undertook to look into the situation.
Action SG
6. Adoption of the Constitution and Standing Orders
Copies of the model Constitution and Standing Orders had been sent to all members in advance. Members present formally adopted the Constitution, which was duly signed by the Chair and 2 other members.
Members agreed to retain the former schedule of ordinary meetings, namely “on the third Wednesday of each Month save July (in which month there shall be no meeting) and December (in which month the meeting may be fixed at an earlier date by vote of members at a preceding meeting).” This wording was inserted in the Standing Orders, which were then formally adopted.
7. Matters raised by residents
7.1. Taxi access to Waverley Station HD drew attention to the severe difficulties imposed on infirm and disabled residents by the ban on taxis going into Waverley. In her experience many taxi drivers are also extremely unhappy about having to virtually abandon disabled passengers at the head of the access road. The passenger assistance service at Waverley is unreliable and although “Handicabs” are allowed in with disabled passengers, the service is limited and has to be booked well in advance. The campaign to restore full taxi access has been re-invigorated by a petition organised by Miles Briggs MSP. In discussion it was agreed that this issue affects many Morningside residents. It was further noted that Network Rail acknowledges that it is no longer tenable to justify the ban on security grounds. HD distributed leaflets with details of the petition.
7.2. Stair lighting It was noted that the City Council’s decision to discontinue maintenance of lighting in common stairs is still an issue. Discussion revealed that there is still some confusion – for example although some believe that it is obligatory to get a qualified electrician to change light bulbs, it is actually only advisory for safety reasons that may well not apply in some situations.
7.3. Friends of Morningside Cemetery RR reported that a public meeting for interested parties will be held on 15 November, 6.30 – 7.30 pm in the Charles Smith Room at Morningside Library. RR is happy to take up cases where relatives have lost headstones – there is no doubt that headstones are still disappearing. WB undertook to assist with IT problems arising from the serious illness of one of the principal organisers.
Action WB
7.4. Proposal for a “Talking Book” on Morningside SG reported contact from a resident involved with the RNIB who wants to raise the idea of a Talking Book on Morningside. A number of those present expressed interest and it was agreed that this would be put on the agenda for the next meeting when the resident making the proposal could attend.
7.5. Speeding in Morningside FB noted that this is a concern for many residents and drew the meeting’s attention to a discussion evening organised by Daniel Johnson MSP for Friday 28 October, 5.30 pm at Morningside Parish Church. Although this had been instigated by particular concerns about speeding in Braid Road, it would cover the whole Morningside area.
8. Office Bearers’ Report (OBR) and matters arising
The Report, which had been distributed in advance, was adopted and is appended to these minutes.
8.1. City Council Services – “Play your Part” (OBR item 2.3) AS drew attention to this important consultation and handed out leaflets provided by the City Council.
8.2. Planning – 32 Midmar Drive: 16/04049/FUL (OBR item 3.2) GC reported that following a large number objections, this application had been withdrawn. A neighbouring resident had thanked MCC for our support.
8.3. Planning – proposed move by Edinburgh Rugby to Myreside GC reported that the expected application had been made since preparation of the OBR (reference 16/04715/FUL). Noting that views for and against had been well aired at previous meetings, and that the application is for a trial period, he suggested that MCC should make no comment until the end of the trial. This was agreed.
8.4. Planning – extension of Braid Hills Golf Centre GC reported receipt of a proposal of application notice. It was agreed that as the site is outside our boundary, no action would be taken.
8.5. Planning – proposed extension to Morningside Parish Church GC reminded members that this proposal had been extensively discussed at the meeting in June (minutes 15 June item 3). Good arguments for and against the proposal had been made and, at that time the application had been withdrawn for revision. For these reasons, MCC had declined to either support the proposal or object to it. However, GC had found that papers for the Planning Committee contained a quotation that MCC regarded the proposal as “a great boost for the community”. It was agreed that GC should investigate and correct the misapprehension that MCC had given an endorsement.
Action GC
8.6. Website and Facebook activity (OBR item 4) On behalf of MCC, AS congratulated Jo Young, the previous IT Officer, for her outstanding contribution to maintaining and enhancing MCC’s internet presence. He felt sure that WB would continue this good work.
8.7. Licensing – amplified music in licensed premises (OBR item 5.1) In response to a question from BA, SG stated his understanding that an “audible nuisance” would be established by Licensing Standards Officers according to the Statutory Nuisance provisions attached to environmental legislation. BA pointed out that this would be difficult in view of the extremely limited resources available.
8.8. Licensing – report on Alcohol Focus event (OBR item 5.2) AS thanked JPB for her comprehensive and helpful report.
9. Minutes of the Meeting of 21 September 2016
The draft minutes had been sent out in advance and were approved without amendment.
10. Matters arising from the minutes
10.1. Theft of pedal cycles (minutes 21 September item 1) AS reported instances of cycles chained to bannisters in stairs being stolen by breaking the bannister struts, which are quite brittle and expensive to replace. DM reported a similar incident where a dangerous hole had been left in an upper-floor bannister. In discussion of the general prevalence of cycle thefts from stairs, it was pointed out that cycles should not be kept on stairs where they could cause dangerous obstructions and might invalidate fire insurance. Police advice is to keep them inside flats. Attaching them to ground anchors could help in some circumstances but would require the agreement of all owners to install them on communal property. MB suggested that one solution might be to replace car-parking spaces with secure on-street cycle stores as has been done in some parts of the City. SG noted that this might not be popular with other residents of areas with high pressure on parking and should not be recommended by MCC without determining residents’ views. MB proposed that MCC should consider surveying local attitudes to on-street cycle stores.
11. Correspondence and other business
There being none, AS closed the meeting at 9.20
10. Date of next meeting
Wednesday 16 November