Media release

From the Minister for Community Services

Friday, 20 June, 2008


Victorians can now help the Brumby Government ensure some of the state’s most vulnerable people get the care they need and deserve.

Community Services Minister Lisa Neville today invited responses to 20 key questions on issues and regulations affecting more than 6000 people in 185 registered Supported Residential Services across Victoria.

Ms Neville said the feedback would shape a review of these privately owned and run facilities, which accommodate frail elderly and people with disabilities needing assistance with daily living.

“The SRS industry itself has undergone significant change including the entry of larger, corporate proprietors, greater complexity in the care needs of people seeking residency, changes in service models in some SRS and rising costs to business,” Ms Neville said.

“Concerns have been raised regarding the current arrangements for protecting residents of SRS facilities. As a result we will assess whether we need to adapt our approach to regulation.”

Ms Neville said the Review of the Regulation of Supported Residential Services in Victoria discussion paper provided background information, outlines key policy and administrative issues and seeks input and advice from the public about current arrangements.

“Current regulation aims to protect the safety and wellbeing of residents by establishing minimum standards for accommodation and care in supported residential services,” she said.

“In addition, this Government is investing in sector training and development initiatives to support SRS, particularly pension-level services.

“A $40.4 million, five-year state initiative is well underway to support the viability of pension-level SRS, which accommodate around 2000 people in almost 70 of Victoria’s 185 registered facilities.

“I encourage anyone with an interest in this area, including SRS proprietors and workers, as well as residents and their families to make a submission to the review to help us ensure the highest quality standard of care is available to vulnerable Victorians.”

Public consultation forums will be held in Preston, Dandenong, East Geelong, Box Hill, Bendigo, Ballarat, Sale and Wangaratta between 10 July and 1 August.

Details are on the Department of Human Services’ SRS website at: or can be obtained by phoning 1800 079 537 or emailing: .

The deadline for written responses is Friday, 1 August.

Media contact: Ben Ruse 9651 5799 or 0437 195 284