Welcome to microbiology class! The following is a breakdown of the subjects that we will be studying over the course of the semester. The successful completion of the course will get you one credit in science. Please keep this sheet as a guide to help you prepare for class and as a record of my classroom procedures.

Content that will be covered:

January -History of microbiology, microscopes, cells.

February - Viruses,bacteria.

March - Finish bacteria, food safety, Fungi.

April- Human fauna and flora, Protists, disease project

May- Forensic science.

What you need daily for materials for this class: writing utensil, notebook for lecture/class discussion notes, lab journal, your planner, and a calculator.

You can expect several formative and summative assessments, as well as inquiry based laboratory investigations/activities. Many of your formative assessments will not be graded, but I will collect several of them to check for your understanding. Grading scale is as follows in percentage:

94.5-100 = A

89.5-94.4 = A-

86.5-89.4 = B+

82.5-86.4 = B

79.5-82.4 = B-

76.5-79.4 = C+

72.5-76.4 = C

69.5-72.4 = C-

66.5-69.4 = D+

62.5-66.4 = D

59.5-62.4 = D-

There are opportunities for unit summative assessment retakes, which will be oral response or essay in format. These must be requested no longer than 2 weeks after the test was given, before or after school only.

Electronics policy: I will be trying to incorporate the use of iPods, iPads, and smartphones/cell phones into my classroom. They will be accepted for educational use only. Texting, playing games, or other communication use that is not directed by myself will result in your device being taken away, and consequences will be based on the policy set by the high school. Please use proper electronics etiquette! Refer to your student handbook to review.

Classroom rules: 1. Be respectful 2. Come to class prepared, enthusiastic and ready to learn. 3. ALWAYS think Safety!

Studying: I expect you to study; reflect, reread, rewrite, make flashcards, make a list of questions to ask in class….. everyday outside of class AT LEAST 20 minutes. You are in control of your learning. Also, completing assigned tasks on or before the due date is critical to your success. If you miss class, I will use the policies set forth in your student handbook. Bathroom passes are not typically allowed, unless it’s an emergency. You need to be in class to reach your full potential!! Please take care of these things prior to coming to class.

Extra Credit Opportunity:

I understand the above mentioned protocols, and will do my best to follow them.


Signature of Student

I have read and understand the expectations set for my child in Biology class.


Signature of Parent/Guardian