AAAE Executive Board

Conference Call


February 15, 2010

Present: Lloyd Bell, (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Chair, Barry Croom (North Carolina State), Steve Fraze (Texas Tech), Tracy Kitchel (University of Kentucky), Greg Miller, (Iowa State), Gary Moore (North Carolina State), Susie Whittington (Ohio State), and Beth Wilson (North Carolina State).

Absent: Tom Dobbs (Clemson), Jason Peake,(University of Georgia), and Anna Ball (University of Missouri)

Bell announced the conference call was being recorded and his secretary, Kathy Bennetch, was also on-line taking notes.

Barry Croom moved to approve the amended minutes from the 11/9/09 meeting, seconded by Beth Wilson. Minutes were accepted by consensus.

Old Business

Bell asked Gary Moore to report on the executive director position.

Gary Moore explained he is getting ready to send out, via Delphi design, a survey to AAAE Fellows asking what jobs, roles, and functions they see an Executive Director playing for the AAAE.He will then compile, list, and rank the results serving as a basis for decision making and developing a position description.It was Moore’s advice before an executive director be appointed the entire membership at an annual meeting be involved in the discussion. The executive committee members concurred.

In regards to recommendation for the 2012 conference site in the southern region, it was announced that Beth Wilson will present a proposal at the Omaha meeting in May.

New Business

Areview of the draft agenda for the 2010 Conference as presented was the first item of new business.

As a review consideration, Bell asked members for their reaction to the Climate Inventory results compiled by Billy McKim (Texas A&M) and Bobby Torres (Missouri). It was mentioned it is difficult to please everyone’s needs, and some individuals may not be informed of recent actions within the organization. It was noted recent programming actions had been taken to respond to the diversity of member interest; examples being the inclusion of the Knapp Seminar and the initiation of Special Interest Group sessions.

Bell noted in development of the 2010 conference agenda, hefollowed the agenda from 2009 as a process guide. He asked members to please suggest any changes or additions for consideration.

Monday, May 24. Susie Whittington encouraged maintaining the 2009 Barrick/Knapp seminar style in order to continue to serve the diverse nature of our membership. If financial support is a barrier for planning the Knapp seminar, it was suggested AAAE provide the support necessary, for which there was board agreement. Mark Kistler, North Carolina State, is the contact person for the Knapp Seminar.

Tuesday, May 25 will begin with a professional development workshop coordinated by Ben Swan (University of Idaho), chair of the Professional Development Committee. AAAE will contract bus transportation from the Doubletree Hotel to/and from The Gallup Riverfront Campus (1/2 mile). A negotiated consideration for Gallup’s complimentary sponsorship of the workshop was total conference attendance.

It was noted by Greg Miller on previous occasions the recognition of the retiring Journal editor was a function of the Editing/Managing Board.

Susie Whittington reported the distinguished lecturer had been contacted, and has agreed to that role during the 2010 conference.

For the Wednesday, May 26 agenda it was noted by Gary Moore there was very little activity or institutional sharing of recruitment materials at last year’s conference. Until this activity is formalized as a committee responsibility it may not be worthy of replication this year. It was affirmed by Tracy Kitchel that 1 ½ hours is a necessary time period for the Research Committee meeting.

Wednesday afternoon will remain as a time period for conferees to “plan their own thing” in Omaha; however, an optional professional development activity will be provided to BoysTown. AAAE will contract bus transportation from the Doubletree Hotel to/and from BoysTown.

AAAE will contract bus transportation from the Doubletree Hotel to the Henry Doorly Zoo for an evening catered dinner “Under the Sharks” in the Scott Aquarium.

After the Research Poster SessionThursday morning, May 27, it was Board consensus the National Research Agenda should be “discussed” during the approximate time period of 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Specifics of this presentation/

discussion will be planned with David Doerfert (Texas Tech) and his NRA Planning Committee.

Efforts will be made by Lloyd Bell to contact Special Interest Groups well in advance of the May conference to determine their meeting intention, and to encourage advance preparations.

Gary Moore advised, in order to conduct the business of the AAA E in one session as planned, it is important for reports not requiring membership voting to be posted on-line rather than being read to the membership. The question was asked,“What type of official action would be necessary to act on the establishment of an executive director position? Would it require a bylaw or a constitutional change?”

Susie Whittington will serve as the M.C. for the awards banquet Thursday evening. She and Lloyd Bell will coordinate the specifics of planning.

It was discussed that the National Awards Packet needed to be updated for inclusion of the Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Research Awards as well as the responsible officer/address for all awards in general. Greg Miller indicated he would send the Distinguished Teaching and Research applications to Jason Peake, and Lloyd Bell will send updated contact information.

Officer assignments for the selection of awards will be: Gary Moore, Fellows Nomination; Beth Wilson, Outstanding Ag Educator; Steve Fraze, Early Career Member; Greg Miller, Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Research; Tom Dobbins, AAAE Special Award; Susie Whittington, Life Membership; Tracy Kitchel, Honorary Membership; and Barry Croom, Kahler Award. Lloyd Bell will issue a call for Memorials. Deadline for submission on all awards will be April 1, 2010.

It was reemphasized the regional winners should automatically be submitted for national consideration. In the case of the western region (late April selection), Steve Fraze will advise applicants to submit their applications for national AAAE consideration at the same time as their regional submissions.

Under other new business, Barry Croom raised the issue of establishing an AAAE membership user identification password system, and moved we establish a AAAE membership user identification and password system. The motion was seconded by Susie Whittington. Discussion both for and against the motion followed.Tracy Kitchel indicated the Journal Editing Managing Board has started discussion on this issue also. They may have it already in place. It was suggested that Jason Peake and Grady Roberts need to be consulted. Susie moved to refer the motion to a committee chaired by Barry. Seconded by Barry. Motion to refer approved.

Bell reported on receiving correspondence from the Coalition for a Sustainable Workforce (CSAW). First contact was from Mario Gallo, interim head of Agronomy, University of Florida followed by contact from Emilio Oyarzabal, a Monsanto representative. The Coalition is seeking organizations and/or professional societies to “sign on” in a show of support for their initiative to secure federal funding in supportof curriculum developmentat both the middle school and high school level explaining the interdisciplinary sciences underpinning agriculture, and to provide scholarship activity at the university level for both undergraduates and graduate level students. The intent of the activity is to attract more science students toward finding a career in the agricultural sciences. The Coalition is not asking for monetary obligation at this point in their correspondence only a show of support. A brief discussion suggested this request should more appropriately be directed toward The Council for Agricultural Education. Bell will take the request to The Council.

The next Executive Board meeting will be on Monday, May 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the Omaha Doubletree Hotel.

Meeting adjourned.