EMEWS is the newsletter of the East Midlands Orienteering Association. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the East Midlands Orienteering Association, nor of the Committee.

East Midlands Orienteering Association Officials 2014/2015

Chairman / John Hurley
Vice Chairman / Amanda Roberts
Financial Secretary / Mark Webster
Development Co-ordinator / Chris Phillips

Other Committee Roles

DVO Rep / Mike Gardner, 3 Gatcombe Close, Oakwood, Derby, DE21 2PZ 01332 665671
LEI Rep / Bob Haskins
LOG Rep / Amanda Roberts
NOC Rep / Pauline Olivant, 89 Southcliffe Road, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 1E5. 0115 9872083

Other Committee Roles

Minutes Secretary / Mike Gardner /
Fixtures Secretary / Paul Beresford / Ursula Williamson /
Coaching Coordinator / Hilary Palmer /
Junior Squad / Steve Kimberley / Dai Bedwell
Mapping / David Olivant /
EMEWS Editor / Mike Gardner /
Webmaster / John Cooke /
EMOA League / Ursula Williamson
Urban League / Paul Murgatroyd /
National Forest / Roy Denney
BO Directors for EMOA / John Woodall / Judith Holt


/ John Woodall

East Midlands website:

Copy Date for next issue: 29th June 2015 for next EMEWS. Contributions are always welcome but especially by e-mail ().

Cover – A cover as usual from Ernie.


Contents – EMEWS 254

Report on East Midlands Meeting – 23rd March 20154

East Midlands Junior Squad – Dai Bedwell6

National Forest Report – Roy Denney6

BOF Franchising Proposal7

East Midlands League 20159

East Midlands Urban League 201511



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Report on East Midlands Meeting – 23rd March 2015

Fixtures Secretary – Ursula Williamson has kindly agreed to take on the post of EMOA Fixtures Secretary. She is working with Paul to take on the role.

Junior Squad – See report below.

Coaching Development–Hilary Palmer reported that the Level 2 Coaching Course successfully took place.A few of the students needed to do their final assessments. Hilary also reported that the Annual Coaching Conference had been very useful and provided some good ideas for future coaching activities.

Treasurer’s Report – The overall membership of EMOA has decreased by about 10% this year which reduces the income to EMOA. This is often made up over the year as new members join.

The phenomenon of “Sports Tourism” where people try a sport for a while and then move on was explained. These people were less likely to take up a particular sport for life, but they would be prepared to pay more but tended not to want to volunteer to help. NOC and LEI had both tried to link events with the Park Run Initiative but runners were not interested in long term club membership.

How can we improve membership retention? Any ideas then please share them with your club reps or send them through to EMEWS.

Regional Volunteer Day–A proposed date of 31st October has been identified for the event. Chris Phillips is to approach Groby College about using it that day. He will also create a flyer for the event to drum up attendance. We could even invite attendees from other regions. 2 Half Day Coaching Courses could be made available to other regions as could a First Aid Course.

Social Media: Chris Phillips offered an evening help session for clubs setting up and developing

Facebook/Twitter campaigns. LEI had found for a small outlay that they were generating 2500 hits per event. It required a committed individual with an interest in social media as it was a continuous process to be effective.

Clubs had also asked for sessions at either Regional Volunteer Day or other times on Child Protection and also on Insurance and Under 16 guidance.

English Orienteering Council Meeting – John Hurley to attend on behalf of EMOA. One thing to be discussed will be the future of the England team at Interland. A proposal has been put forward to split the England team in two at future events (England has won the competition each time it has taken place).

EMOA Night League – Some clubs now run their own night leagues and felt there was no need for an additional regional night league. This is still to be decided.

Future Events:

(i)26 April 2015 – Cromford (DVO) Yvette Baker Trophy Round in 2015 – Gold times and rules were now on the BOF website. Club captains to inform organisers if sending a team.

(ii)5 July 2015 – Nottingham University (NOC) - Yvette Baker Trophy Final 2015– All underway.

(iii)29 November 2015 - East Midlands Champs 2015 – Birchens Edge (DVO)

(iv)27 February 2016 - British Night Champs 2016 - Cademan Woods (LEI) –The event centre is organised and the maps are being updated.

(v)28 February 2016 - Midlands Champs 2016 - Sherwood Forest (NOC)– Organiser and planner have been approved.

(vi)8 October 2016 – British School Score Champs 2016 - Bagworth (LEI)

(vii)18 March 2018 - Midland Champs – LEI have an area they wish to use. Organiser to be Ursula Williamson, Planner Steve Edgar.

Future Possible Events

i)Peter Palmer Relays 2016 – It was decided to decline at this stage as it had not been possible to find event officials but there was nothing stopping us taking it on later if it was felt we could run it.

ii)Junior Inter-Regional Champs 2018 – EMOA are scheduled to host this. Still looking at possible venues.

iii)British Sprints / Middles 2019 – LEI looking at Leicester University for the Sprints but it would need to be mapped. Ground not suitable for Middles. DVO might be able to do the Middles

iv)Midland Champs 2020 – DVO could take this on if LOG preferred to take on 2022 at Burghley once the suitability of the area had been assessed. Ideally a 21(E) course of 17/19km was required

v)British / British Relays 2021– 2020 is in Wales hosted by one of the Southern regions, 2022 is also in Wales. 2021 needs to be in another region to avoid clogging up Welsh areas, EMOA hosting in an SYO area may be a possibility. Chris Phillips and Ursula Williamson to look at ideas.

Other Fixtures Items

i) Yvette Baker Trophy Round in 2016 LEI put forward their event on 10 April 2016 at Beacon Hill.

ii) East Midlands Championships 2016 Provisionally at LEI event on 27 November 2016, depending on the area.

iii) Compass Sport Cup Round 2017 Date set as 12 March 2017. Clubs to look at Level B Events.

National Forest – See separate report in EMEWS.

Sprint / Score Champs – It was suggested that we could alternate annually the EMOA Sprint and Score Champs.

BOF Franchising Major Events Proposal – BOF have circulated a paper outlining how future major events might be franchised and requested feedback from the Regions (see below). The committee discussed the proposals and agreed that any financial risk to EMOA would have to be proportionate to the region’s reserves.

Future Meetings - All meetings to be held at the Pace Room, St Mary’s Church, Clifton Village, Nottinghamshire at 7.30 p.m. The next committee meeting is Monday 29th June. As always members are welcome to attend. The AGM is scheduled for the same location on 21st September. Book this in your diaries now.


East Midlands Junior Squad

We have held several successful events in the last month or two, including a technical training day at Outwoods, Loughborough, a training run followed by a fascinating lecture on sports nutrition at Loughborough University and a weekend’s technical training in the Lake District. Squad members have featured in the recent BOF tour to Scotland (February half-term) and several squad members will be competing at the World Schools Championships in Turkey next month.

We have circulated a draft programme for the rest of 2015, seeking further involvement from coaches and parents (especially as minibus drivers and coaches). So far only a small number of volunteers have come forward.

The squad is planning and organising the event at Bramcote in December. We have one or two positions filled in the team but we need a lot more yet! At this stage the controller still needs to be appointed. NOC should be available to provide extra helpers if needed.

We have obtained quotes for another EMJOS O-top order from ‘noname’ in Finland. The weakness of the Euro is helping to keep the price low for the time being and we have a number of squad members who want to buy larger O-tops, so I propose placing an order soon.

Both DVO and NOC have nominated contacts for the Junior Squad and it was suggested that LEI might like to nominate a squad liaison person as well (LOG may also wish to do so, particularly if they have more juniors in the future). The contacts can then assist the Junior Squad with assistance to secure help, access to areas, etc.

At the EMOA meeting it was proposed that Hilary Palmer obtain details of proposed EMJOS activities from Dai Bedwell so they can be circulated to the regional coaches and potential joint coaching activities planned.

Dai Bedwell


National Forest Report

We met today and were introduced to John Everitt the new Chairman who seemed very positive. He stressed the new emphasis on supporting and encouraging access to and use of the Forest especially for sporting purposes which can only be encouraging.

Two issues have arisen which may well mean maps need updating. Around Rosliston works have been done to reduce the swamp like conditions regularly seen and many ditches have been created. Also around Hicks lodge two permissive cycle cum bridleways are being created. One providing an access to Moira via the old Newfields Colliery site and one a circular horse route around the Shellbrook area.

In addition a planning application for housing in Moira near the Village Hall includes providing access from that direction into the new hanging Hill area. That application has not yet been determined.

As part of the new push to encourage usage they are also to provide a new portal on their website where clubs will be able to lodge details of all events and activities within the Forest.

Whilst no further information was provided I understand that Swadlincote is shortly to stage a month long festival of activities on foot and Clubs may wish to contact them to see if we can display material or have some of our events included in that promotion.

Roy Denney (EMOA Rep National Forest)


British Orienteering Franchising Proposal for Major Events

The British Orienteering Board are currently starting to review the vision for orienteering in the UK and the way in which the vision is brought into being – our Strategic Plan.A part of this review will need to consider our major events and in particular those that British Orienteering is responsible for.Whilst our British Orienteering major events, the JK and BOCs, are almost always a success from a participant’s perspective you may or may not be aware that there have been a series of issues relating to the delivery of these events during the last 10 years. Several times we have been close to disaster, including cancellation of one or more days of the events within a few days of the event. With the benefit of this experience now is a good time to review the way in which these events are delivered.

Therefore BOF are just exploring the possibility of a franchising model. Would regions and clubs be interested in this?

The ‘Franchise’ Model, in overview, would be:

a) A club or region purchase up front from British Orienteering the ‘right’ to deliver one of the major events in a year – these figures are indicative only:

- JK £16,000

- BOC Sprint£3,000

- BOC Middle£3,000

- BOC Long & Relay£4,000

b) The club or region then have the freedom to deliver it as they see fit to meet the needs of the participants – apart from the ‘British Orienteering’ branding of the event there would be little or no support from British Orienteering.

c) The club or region would need to meet the insurance requirements set by British Orienteering and our insurers OR put in place separate insurance at a cost to the participants.

d) The club or region would ‘bank roll’ the event i.e. provide the cash flow and take the financial risks.

e) The ‘profit’ above the purchase price would be kept by the staging association or club.

If in any year we were unable to find an association or club to stage the event British Orienteering will need to reserve the right to find another delivery partner or deliver the event ourselves. This is necessary as the income generated for British Orienteering is required in order to run the organisation. In total the £26,000 of income generated from the major events is 10% of our total self-generated income (that is if government funding is ignored).


Editor’s Comments –I can see the benefit to British Orienteering of this sort of proposal, as they should be able to guarantee income, but looking at this from a region’s perspective, the amount required to guarantee the JK income is more than the reserves of our region. I could not see how EMOA could ever get involved in a future JK under this proposal as any failure of the event would wipe out the region’s reserves (imagine bad weather meaning loss of area day before the event when all expenses have been incurred – National Trust deciding event could not be held due to high winds anyone!).

Also, one other thing that bothers me, is the last paragraph. British Orienteering would be able to find another delivery partner for the event. So we could have an outside party coming in and running the event. Where would this put things like the controller? Could we now have an event run for profit, but having a controller who only could claim expenses? Or are we saying we should now pay controllers for controlling these events? If so, do we now have competitive controlling where the controller putting in the lowest bid would win the right to control the event? And if we now allow controllers to be paid for controlling British and JK events, do we have controllers expecting to be paid for regional championship events?

We do have problems getting regions to put on events, but maybe part of the problem is we seem to be constantly trying to increase the quality and quantity of events which means smaller regions can no longer take the JK on, for instance. We expect high quality terrain for the JK which at once restricts the regions where the events can be held, Should we instead be looking at pairing regions together to run the events. That way regions like EMOA could be paired with NWOA or Wales and provide the manpower, while we use quality areas.

These are my views not those of EMOA.


East Midlands League 2015

The East Midlands League for 2015is now underway. As usual it is the top 8 scores have counted. The following events have taken place and the codes are used in the tables.

1 - Outwoods (LEI)2 - Crich Chase (DVO)3 - Bagworth (LEI)

4 - Harlow (NOC)5 - Ratby (LEI) 6 – Kedleston (DVO)

The following are the planned events for the rest of the year:

26th Apr – Cromford (DVO)27th Sep – Abney Moor (DVO)4th Oct – TBC (LOG)

11th Oct – Shirebrook (NOC)1st Nov – Burbage (LEI)8th Nov – Thoresby N (NOC)

13th Dec – Longstone (DVO)20th Dec – Bramcote (NOC)27th Dec – TBC (LEI)

Here is the League status top 10s for those who have more than one thousand points:

White – Male

Forename / Surname / Club / Age / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / Best 8
Rory / Squire / NOC / 10 / 1000 / 868 / 1868 / 1
Alex / Darwin / LEI / 10 / 834 / 1000 / 1834 / 2

White –Female