Using Measurement Data for Library Planning and Assessment Committee

“Got Data, Now What? Analyzing Focus Groups and Usability Study Results”

ALA, Chicago, June 26, 2005

Focus Groups as Assessment Tools

Marie L. Radford, Ph.D.

Modified Focus Group Outline

Supplies: Large table & chairs, a quiet room, flip chart (or Avery Write On Cling Sheets), several markers, scissors, colored dots if desired, masking tape, index cards, pencils, handouts for participants, recording equipment & audio tapes for moderator if taping session, notepad & pencils for assistant, refreshments and/or small token gifts. Copies of a statement for reaction to distribute or no more than 4 or 5 questions to pose to the group

Time estimate: 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

Number of participants: 8-12 (may have to invite double the number).

1.  Introduction.

A. Introduce yourself and describe your expertise in this area. Ask participants to introduce themselves briefly.

B. Briefly describe your assessment project.

C. Describe how focus groups fit in to your project (e.g., part of strategic planning/preparation for survey/workshops).

D. Thank them for their time.

2.  Describe the Ground Rules (Write these on a flip chart before session starts).

A. This is an open, safe and secure forum.

B. All suggestions are acceptable.

C. Be patient with fellow group members.

D. Be an active listener and participant.

E. Ask questions!

3.  Idea Generation.

A. Distribute statement for reaction (e.g., see Example Mission Statement, below) and ask participants to read it over carefully, or pose 1st question.

B. Ask each participant to write 5 ideas on index cards in reaction or in answer to the question.

C. Describe process of idea generation.

1. We will go around the table, 1 person at a time will present an idea, 1 idea per person.

2. Individuals can pass.

3. Participants are encouraged to share new ideas even if they were not on original note cards.

4. We will continue until all ideas have been shared.

5. We will then prioritize ideas.

D. Give participants 5-7 minutes to write ideas down.

E. Ask for a volunteer to start.

F. Write all ideas on flip charts and tape each page to the wall.

G. Continue until all ideas are exhausted.

4.  Clarification and Consolidation of Ideas.

A. Ask: Do any of these need clarification? Does everyone understand all of these?

B. Write clarifications on flip charts paper.

C. Group ideas. Ask: Do any of these ideas need to be grouped?

D. Cut flip chart paper and tape like ideas together.

5.  Voting Process to Prioritize.

A. Ask participants to reread statement.

B. Ask each to choose the 5 best suggestions for fulfilling the statement.

C. Have each go to the flip chart, put a check mark on 5 (5 different, only 5) top priorities. Or, you can use colored dots. Give each participant 5 dots to place on top priorities.

6.  Tabulation.

A. Record voting on new flip chart.

B. Identify top vote getters.

C. Ask about consensus if appropriate.

7.  Repeat Steps 3-6. Until all questions have been posed.

8.  Wrap-up and summary.

A. Remind them how information gathered will be used ( e.g., for strategic planning, will be considered when developing a survey/workshops).

B. Collect index cards.

C. Thank them again for their time.


M.L. Radford Memorial Library

“Achieving Excellence in Reference Service”

Modified Focus Group Reference Mission Statement

According to the Radford Memorial Library Mission Statement, “Excellence in Reference Service is an integral part of the library’s mission. RML reference service users can expect: to receive high quality reference assistance both in person and remotely; to be appropriately acknowledged; to be treated respectfully and equitably; to receive timely service, to be treated in a professional manner; to have open access to up-to-date print and electronic resources, and (as desired) to be instructed in their use.”

The RML has experienced a drop in the use of traditional reference services and is rolling out a new chat reference service. From your perspective, what ideas do you suggest to help Radford Memorial Library market its traditional and electronic services to its users?