Rotary Club of Newark

Club Council Minutes of meeting on

25 April 2013 at 41 Hawton Road by kind invitation of Linda and Peter.

Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman. The Chair will sign as record the amended (if there are amendments) minutes with this note removed.

1&2 / Present:Peter Heard, Bob Crowe, Alan Haines, Tony Roberts, David Tranter, Ivor Walker, Tony Roberts, David Pattinson, Malcolm Humphries
Apologies: Keith Elliott, David Shannon / N/A
3 / Previous minutes. Approvedand signed as a true and accurate record. / N/A
4 / Matters arising.
There were no matters arising. / N/A
5 / Correspondence
A letter had been received from Max Cope accepting, on behalf of his father, Roland, continued honorary membership.
. / N/A
6 / Treasurers report
The report had been circulated and was accepted. It was noted that there was a surplus projected on the charity funds, partly as a result of minimal expenditure on individual requests for funding.
Talking books for children had been selected and a suitable dedication would be included.
Gift aid on street, etc, collections could now be claimed on up to £5000. It was agreed that gift aid would be claimed on the collection made for the Stroke Association at KYBP. / N/A
7 / Committee matters
Membership and Services
  • In future all apologies would be accepted by DP-N only.
  • A new 9 meeting meal rota had been agreed with the Deincourt Hotel.
  • The aide memoire for the membership sub-committee to use at information meetings with prospective members was being updated.
  • In future the mentor for newly inducted members would be their proposer as far as possible, and the new member would be allocated to the same committee as the mentor.
  • There was some discussion concerning the validity and suitability of the 'standing orders' on the club's website. It was agreed that the President, the IPP and the Secretary meet to re-draft the club's standing orders for formal approval by the club's members.
/ N/A
  • Club's had been asked to commit to a joint District based sand dam project. It was agreed that this commitment could not be given until after the club's members had been given the opportunity to discuss the project at the Club Assembly.
  • The revised programme and the hosting arrangements for the visit of Singen Rotariansas presented by DT were approved.
/ DT
  • The KS2 choir festival would be held at the Everyday Champions Centre which would cost £600 to hire, plus £200 for the technical/sound system support. It had been agreed with the co-sponsor, the Newark Music Club, that the number of prizes and awards be limited to save expenditure. Nevertheless the final cost to Newark RC would be £515.
/ TR
  • There was no formal report. However a summary of the results of KYBP was given. £90 had been collected in donations to the Stroke Association.
/ N/A
Fund Raising
  • The Murder/Mystery evening had been successful although the supper provided was very poor.
  • It was agreed that given the lack of sponsors for races and runners the ferret racing evening be cancelled.
  • The skittles evening would take place at Chatterton's on 28 June when a fish & chip supper would be provided.
  • The Collingham garden lunch and the hog roast were both being finalised.
  • The possibility of holding a race night was under consideration.
  • The stall at the Christmas lights switch on (24 November) would be selling Gluhwein and hot chocolate.
  • It was understood that the Castle club were also considering organising a Santa run.
  • It had been hoped to hold one fund raising event each month but it was felt that there was unlikely to be enough support for this frequency of events.

Cleo Maheson Fund
  • AH explained some changes that had been made in investments. It was noted that the return on the investments had again been very satisfactory this year and AH was thanked for his continued excellent work.
  • There was no report.
/ DS did this
Satellite Group
  • A chocolate bingo evening in support of Sue's Place was being held and a further bag pack at M&S was being planned.
  • There was continued concern about the small numbers attending, but the group would continue to receive support of the main club.
8 / Other Standard Items
  • It was noted that the club did not have an 'Equality and Diversity Officer'. However, it was agreed that there was no ned for such an appointment.

9 / AOB
  • It was noted that 13 members of the club might qualify for a long service award, although there was some doubt as to whether one member's service had been continuous. This would be investigated. PH would obtain the certificates and DP-N would provide those induction dates which were available. Names would be used as they appeared in the District Directory. It was agreed that presentation folders be purchased for the certificates.
/ PH
10 / Next Meeting
  • 30 May at 41 Hawton Road

11 / Our thanks to Linda for her hospitality.