Minutes of Meeting -Thu 18th Oct 2012, 2pm
J CaseySafety Consultant
M HammondQuarriers
T McCormickChairperson, Access
E McKnightStellar Contact Centres
J B McLaughlinJB McLaughlin Safety Consultants
S McLeanGreenham Ltd
K MacLeodNorth Ayrshire Council
B MaloneSafety Consultant
K Moore, Secretary, Bioforce (UK) Ltd
H ThomsonRetired Consultant
Apologies received:
M AllanNew Brunswick Scientific
J BrownBioforce (UK) Ltd
C ChandlerC&M Training
M ChandlerC&M Training
D DoranEast Ayrshire Council
J GethinsHawthorn Safety Management Ltd
R HassanVolvo Truck & Bus
M McMillanGates Power Transmission
J McLaughlinSpiritAeroSystems
Chairman’sIntroduction and Welcome:
Tom McCormick welcomed all present.
Introduction of New Members/Guests:
No new members or guests present.
Approval of previous minutes
September ’12 minutes approved by Brian Malone and seconded by Jim Casey.
No matters arising.
Secretary’s Update:
Not a lot of news from RoSPA or SGUK. Their secretary Charlotte Henderson is currently on maternity leave.
HWL/Health Risks at Work:
Packs of the “Introducing Health Risks at Work “ DVD have been arranged for us by SCoS Vice Chairman, John Cairns, and these will be distributed at next month’s meeting.
SCoS Awards 2012:
Jim Richmond of South Beach Holdings has submitted an application for the Scottish Chamber’s safety awards. We hope he will be able to attend the next meeting to give us an outline of the application made.
Updates from IOSH:
On Thu 25th October, 1pm at Hampden Park Stadium there will be a presentation on hand arm vibration syndrome, looking at how to measure real life exposure and how to manage costs of compliance effectively. At 2pm there will be a presentation from Eddie Woods of Mindsafety Ltd on behavioural safety which will be looking at useful approaches to improve safety performance in your organisation and the potential benefits.
The 2012 annual Scottish Hazards Conference takes place on Thu 15thNovember, 10am at the STUC in Glasgow. The Scottish Hazards Campaign Group is a network of individuals and organisations involved in workplace health. They campaign for improved worker health & safety in Scotland and joins internationally with others to campaign for improved working conditions throughout the world. The themes of this year’s conference are ‘what will H&S look like in the Scotland of 2014’ and ‘voices from the shop floor’.
Treasurer’s Update:
The group sends Allan Brown our best wishes as he is currently in hospital.
Chairmans/SCoS Update:
Next meeting is due to be held 4th December ‘12. Please contact Tom if you have any issues you would like to raise.
Introduction ofGuest Speaker:
Ian Johannessen of Peoplesafe gave a presentation on ‘Lone Working’. The presentation covered:
- who typical lone workers are,
- the main risks that lone workers face,
- legislation & standards,
- assessing & controlling risks,
- legal duties of employers,
- moral and financial factors,
- key features of a lone worker system such as red alert, safe & well check and locate now,
A copy of the presentation will made available on our website.
Question & Answer Session:
An informative question and answer session followed the talk.
Vote of Thanks:
John B McLaughlin made the vote of thanks and presentation of the thank you gift.
Open Forum (round the table):
Henry Thomson
Transport Scotlandand the Forestry Commission Scotland have been working together to look at the problems of landslides on the Rest & be Thankful. The likelihood of these incidents increasing means measures have to be taken to incorporate forestry into the hillside. Appropriate vegetation would help to reduce the risks of landslips. It would perhaps be beneficial for organisations to look at sources of vegetation around their own sites particularly on slopes, etc.
Any Other Competent Business:
No others matters raised.
Date of Next Meeting:
Date:Thu 15th Nov
Venue:Bioforce (UK) Ltd
Topic:HSE Update
Presenter: Barry Baker, HM Principal Inspector
K. Moore