Advance Placement World History

Ch. 23 1800-1890 economic Transformation

1. The "crisis of legitimacy" that undermined colonial authority in Latin America was caused by:

a. / revolutionary ideas.
b. / the collapse of the imperial economy.
c. / Napoleon's invasion of Spain and Portugal.
d. / a peasant uprising that overthrew the Viceroyalty.
e. / the example of the American War for Independence against Britain.

2. The Junta Central was a political body established

a. / to organize the overthrow of colonial powers.
b. / in Mexico to maintain European domination.
c. / to coordinate many diverse revolutionary groups.
d. / to rule during the French occupation of Spain.
e. / to organize armed revolution in the United States.

3. The overthrow of the Venezuelan, Mexican, and Bolivian colonial governments was initially led by

a. / the uneducated peasantry.
b. / landowning creoles.
c. / local church leaders.
d. / slaves.
e. / the merchant class.

4. Who objected to the Junta Central in Spanish America?

a. / Loyalists to the king
b. / Loyalists to the nation of Spain
c. / Poor farmers
d. / Officials in the Catholic Church
e. / Indigenous workers

5. Simón Bolívar created Gran Colombia, which unified

a. / the peoples of all Spanish-speaking America.
b. / the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking territories.
c. / Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador into one nation.
d. / Central and South America into one coalition.
e. / Haiti, Antigua, and Brazil into one nation.

6. After awaiting the return of the Spanish king, Ferdinand IV, to the throne, loyalists were disappointed when he

a. / condemned the revolts in the colonies and reinstated the viceroy system.
b. / rewarded nobility from Spain with more land grants in Latin America.
c. / agreed to accept a constitution that was seen as "too liberal."
d. / agreed to stop supporting Catholic missions in Latin America.
e. / enforced lapsed taxes against the colonists.

7. The independence of Argentina was accomplished by:

a. / confederated armies of peasants and loyalists.
b. / mobilized English soldiers from the Napoleonic wars
c. / militarized merchants and ranchers.
d. / creoles from Uruguay
e. / gauchos and caudillos

8. Jose de San Martin's most effective troops were

a. / Spanish ex-patriots.
b. / former American convicts.
c. / former American cowboys.
d. / former Portuguese soldiers.
e. / former slaves.

9. In 1810, Spain's richest and most populous American colony was

a. / Venezuela.
b. / Brazil.
c. / Peru.
d. / Mexico.
e. / Bolivia.

10. When Napoleon Bonaparte deposed Spain's King Ferdinand IV, the colonial administrator in Mexico was overthrown because

a. / local radicals perceived him as being part of a tainted political system.
b. / local conservatives feared he would support the localist faction of American-born elites.
c. / there was tremendous disagreement on the form the junta should take.
d. / the viceroy declared himself dictator by authority of Napoleon.
e. / there was a slave revolt supported by Hidalgo.

11. The Mexican revolutionaries José María Morelos and Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla were

a. / lawyers.
b. / priests.
c. / military officers.
d. / labor union organizers.
e. / physicians.

12. Which of the following was NOT a significant precondition for revolution in Mexico?

a. / displacement of indigenous communities from their agricultural lands.
b. / rising unemployment in urban areas.
c. / crop failures and epidemics.
d. / collapse of the mercantilist system
e. / increased food prices with decreased productivity.

13. Morales, Hidalgo, and Iturbide were all radicals in the independence movements. All of them were

a. / elected to serve as officials in the new republic.
b. / outlaws who had to run to Bolivia to avoid arrest.
c. / supported by loyalist factions of local elites.
d. / executed.
e. / commended by Ferdinand IV.

14. Emperor Pedro I of Brazil published an article in which he called slavery

a. / our "peculiar institution."
b. / a "gift from God."
c. / the "soft underbelly of Latin America."
d. / the economic basis of the Brazilian nation.
e. / a "cancer eating away at Brazil."

15. Independence in Brazil first occurred when

a. / Bolivar overthrew the reign of King John VI after his return to Portugal.
b. / Emperor Pedro I declared Brazil a constitutional monarchy.
c. / juntas turned Brazil into a constitutional republic.
d. / the armies of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata freed the slaves, breaking the economic stronghold of Portugal.
e. / Francisco Garibaldi was elected as the president of Brazil in 1831.

16. The two areas in Latin America that retained monarchy (initially) were

a. / Mexico and Bolivia.
b. / Peru and Chile.
c. / Uruguay and Paraguay.
d. / Mexico and Brazil.
e. / Brazil and Argentina.

17 A significant difference in colonial political experiences is that the British colonies had

a. / experience with elections, political parties and factions.
b. / a constitution written by committee.
c. / peaceful coexistence with indigenous populations.
d. / a more advanced economic trade system than Spain.
e. / none of these.

18. One of the more significant problems facing Latin American independence movements was:

a. / racial divisions.
b. / how to incorporate the Catholic church.
c. / indigenous emphasis of matrilinear powers.
d. / making the transition to a capitalist economy.
e. / secularizing education and government.

19. Which of the following was not among the similarities shared by Venezuelan leader José Antonio Páez and American Andrew Jackson?

a. / They both rejected slavery as a socioeconomic system.
b. / They both had uneducated and poor beginnings.
c. / They both challenged constitutional limits to their power.
d. / They both were personalist leaders.
e. / They were both successful military leaders.

20. The Confederation of 1867

a. / recognized that Britain had lost Canada in the War of 1812 with the United States, and they were forced to withdraw.
b. / was an Irish nationalist group that staged an invasion of Canada in that year.
c. / caused a split in political loyalty and a civil war between British and French Canadians.
d. / was a political accord that was reached between Canadians and Pontiac Indians over use of the Great Lakes (on the Canadian side).
e. / created the Dominion of Canada with a central government in Ottawa.

21. The United States election of 1824 was controversial because:

a. / One of the four candidates for president had been incapacitated by a stroke but ran anyway.
b. / expansionist policies to the west dominated the political agenda.
c. / the popular vote was superseded by the electoral college.
d. / the provision for overturning slavery was narrowly defeated.
e. / the faction known as "war hawks" did not support their own candidate.

22. The unity of the United States was threatened by rivalries over issues such as

a. / narrow- or standard-gauge railroad tracks.
b. / the right to bear arms.
c. / women's suffrage.
d. / the mandatory draft laws.
e. / slavery.

23. US western expansion relied upon:

a. / popular support of the idea of Manifest Destiny.
b. / railroads.
c. / aggressive diplomacy
d. / warfare against the Mexican and Amerindian populations.
e. / all of these.

24. In the nineteenth century, Mexico lost all but which of the following?

a. / Texas to the United States
b. / Arizona to the United States
c. / New Mexico to the United States
d. / California to the United States
e. / Florida to the United States

25. To settle Texas in northeastern Mexico, the Mexican government

a. / built a railroad to access the area.
b. / gave the land free to all its citizens.
c. / first moved out all Spanish people.
d. / invited Americans to come live there.
e. / abolished the tax on land for all residents.

26. In the 1820's, Argentina and Brazil fought each other for control of which state?

a. / Peru
b. / Uruguay
c. / Paraguay
d. / Tierra del Fuego
e. / the Archipelago Islands

27. A French army was driven out of Mexico by

a. / Benito Juarez.
b. / Simón Bolívar.
c. / Tupac Amaru II.
d. / Emperor Maximilian.
e. / Aldo Suarez.

28. After the American Revolution, Amerindians

a. / were no longer exploited.
b. / lost the territories previously promised by treaties with Britain
c. / peacefully coexisted with settlers moving westward.
d. / depended on the American government honoring their commitments of support from the Revolutionary War.
e. / were deported from the continent.

29. The Shawnee leader who created a large organized alliance of Amerindians of the Ohio River Valley and Great Britain was

a. / Pontiac.
b. / Crazy Horse.
c. / Tecumseh.
d. / Wetamoo.
e. / LeDuc Tho.

30. The Trail of Tears was the

a. / massacre of the Powhatan tribes along the Appalachian Trail.
b. / route of the slave trade from the Carolinas to Mississippi and Alabama.
c. / southern name for the route of General Sherman in his destructive siege and burning of Charleston.
d. / exile to Texas of settlers who left to establish the Republic.
e. / forced resettlement of Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw peoples.

31. The Plains Indians successfully resisted U.S. expansion in part because they

a. / had become skilled users of horses and firearms.
b. / had resistance to diseases, which the settlers did not have.
c. / used a legal system to their advantage.
d. / were far superior warriors.
e. / had adopted the techniques of nonviolent resistance.

32. Systematic resistance by Native Americans to U.S. government relocation is symbolized most by which event?

a. / Battle at the Alamo
b. / Battle of Little Bighorn
c. / Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
d. / Battle of Poltava
e. / Harper's Ferry Raid

33. One advantage that Amerindians in Argentina and Chile had in checking settlers' southern expansion was an unlimited food supply from

a. / guinea pigs.
b. / herds of wild cattle.
c. / buffalo.
d. / the goats and sheep of the pampas.
e. / all of these.

34. The Mapuche tribes were ultimately defeated in their attempt to resist the Chilean military campaigns because

a. / they practiced indigenous religion instead of converting to Catholicism.
b. / they practiced human sacrifice, alienating potential supporters.
c. / they were suspected of providing assistance in slave revolts, bringing down the wrath of both the government and the landowners.
d. / they could not withstand the superior modern weaponry imported from industrialized nations.
e. / they were on marginal lands that could not support the tribe, and the Chilean government starved them out.

35. The Caste War was

a. / a rebellion by the creoles and mestizos in Mexico against the caudillos.
b. / an independence movement by the Choctaw confederation.
c. / an alliance of the Plains tribes to resist western expansion.
d. / a popular uprising of Maya to take over the Yucatán
e. / a mutiny against British Raj in India in 1857.

36. People who wanted slavery to be outlawed were called

a. / deconstructionists.
b. / populists.
c. / luddites.
d. / libertarians.
e. / abolitionists.

37. An argument to end slavery was that it was

a. / cheaper to turn African-Americans into dependent sharecroppers.
b. / immoral and violated universal human rights.
c. / leading to the overpopulation of African Americans.
d. / slowing down technological development.
e. / all of these.

38. One of the more vocal protestors of slavery came from which political faction?

a. / emancipated slaves such as Frederick Douglass.
b. / the Whig Party of Abraham Lincoln.
c. / The Seneca Falls convention of 1849
d. / Southern Baptists.
e. / Socialist critics like Charles Fourier.

39. Despite emancipation of slaves in the United States, African Americans lived under harsh conditions, including

a. / a mandatory seven-day workweek.
b. / deportation to Liberia.
c. / laws that prohibited African Americans from practicing Christianity.
d. / "Jim Crow" laws that segregated public transportation, jobs, and schools.
e. / all of these.

40. The Paraguayan War helped to end slavery in Brazil because large numbers of slaves

a. / joined the Brazilian army in exchange for freedom.
b. / were liberated by foreign armies.
c. / temporarily controlled the Brazilian government.
d. / petitioned the pope to mediate for them.
e. / fled the country.

41. Caribbean settlers were not enthusiastic about independence from European imperial governments because they

a. / worried that disaster relief would not be provided.
b. / feared slave revolts.
c. / feared that trade would diminish.
d. / felt vulnerable to economic takeover by the United States.
e. / feared the rise of Caribbean tourism.

42. After the profitability of sugar plantations declined, the British

a. / focused on rum production.
b. / burned their crops to create an artificial shortage.
c. / planted opium instead.
d. / pushed for the end of slavery.
e. / None of these

43. Slavery lasted longest on the Caribbean islands of

a. / St. Lucia and Martinique.
b. / Haiti and Dominica.
c. / St. Barts and St. Croix.
d. / Turks and Caicos.
e. / Cuba and Puerto Rico.

44. France's support for slavery decreased after

a. / the Haitian Revolution.
b. / the writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
c. / Napoleon conscripted slaves to fight his wars against Britain, promising freedom in exchange for military service.
d. / sale of the Louisiana Territory reduced its need for plantation labor.
e. / the French economy focused more on wine production and handicrafts than industrialized manufacture.

45. Most of the immigrants from Asia after 1850 went to