Rotary Club of Newark
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council
Held on Monday 20 May 2013 at The Deincourt Hotel.
Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman.
Present: Peter Heard (in the chair), Bob Crowe, Keith Elliott, Alan Haines, Malcolm Humphries, David Pattinson, Tony Roberts, David Tranter, Ivor Walker, Denis Power-Neads
Apologies: David Shannon
Standing Orders
At its previous meeting Council had agreed that the that the President, the IPP and the Secretary meet to re-draft the 'standing orders' presently on the club website for formal approval by the club's members. Subsequently the secretary had withdrawn from participation and the President stated that given the current circumstances he felt he should not be involved. It was therefore agreed that the Membership & Services Committee, or a sub-group of that committee, re-draft the standing orders. The re-draft would be considered by Council and, if approved, be put to a General Meeting (AGM, SGM or EGM) of the club for final approval, as had been advised by RIBI.
The Secretary stated that standing orders presently on the club website had been breached by the organisers of the Charter in that the Mayor had not been invited, whilst the Chairman of Round Table and partner, PP of RIBI John Hockin, and Tim and Anna Sheldon had been invited but should not have been. The President agreed that according to the standing orders on the club website the Mayor should have been invited but that omission could not now be rectified. However, he would reimburse the club for the additional guests he had invited.
Paul Harris Fellowship Awards (David Pattinson withdrew from the meeting at this point.)
The Secretary stated that the procedure set out in the standing orders presently on the club website had been breached in that all members of the club, except the nominees, had not been notified of the result of the selection committee meeting at the correct time. The President agreed that an error had been made. However, Council agreed that this should not invalidate the nominations made this year.
Meeting closed.