AP Biology

Unit 10: Evolution

Homework and Take-Home Test

due Monday, April 11, 2011

Homework Assignment:

Use your animal phylum notes to construct a phylogenetic tree with nine branches (in any branching pattern) showing the most plausible evolutionary relationships between the nine phyla we studied in class.

In addition to the branching pattern, write the key traits near the branch points of the tree. For example:


milk wings

eggs with hard shells

You may do this on the back of your “hypothesis” tree, or on a separate sheet of paper.

Then, answer these two questions:

  1. Explain the thinking behind your tree, including at least 3 major choices you had to make in arranging the branches, and why you made those choices.
  2. Explain how your new tree is different, and better, than your “hypothesis” tree.

Take-Home Test

You should prepare for this test by studying from the review sheet.

Then, set aside 1 hour to take the test.

You should not consult any other person when taking the test.

Ideally, you should complete as much of the test as you can without consulting your notes or the textbook; then, you may go back to questions you’re unsure of and consult those resources.

Unlike most tests, there is no open response question. BUT you will need to EXPLAIN each multiple choice answer with a brief note.

Test start time: ______Test end time (1 hour later): ______

I affirm that I did not work with, help, or receive help from any other student when completing this test:

(sign below)

NAME: Date: ______

AP Biology – Dickson

Test 10: Evolution

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer in capital letters.EXPLAIN EACH ANSWER with a short note below each question.

______1.In evolutionary terms, which of the following organisms is the most successful?

(A)The one that lives the longest

(B)The one that grows the most rapidly

(C)The one that leaves the greatest number of offspring that survive to reproduce

(D)The one that has the best characteristics for the current environment

(E)The one that has the biggest territory


______2.The functional similarity between the mandibles (hinged jaws) of insects and those of mammals is an example of



(C)divergent evolution

(D)adaptive radiation

(E)punctuated equilibrium


______3.The bones of a human arm are homologous to structures in all of the following EXCEPT

(A)whale flipper

(B)bat wing

(C)butterfly wing

(D)bird wing

(E)frog forelimb


______4.When there are barriers to successful interbreeding between individuals of two different species that live in the same area, the two species are said to be

(A)reproductively isolated.

(B)structurally differentiated.



(E)geographically isolated.


______5.Which of the following conditions would cause the most signification disruption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in a population?

(A)random mating between all members of the population

(B)isolation from other populations

(C)a selective advantage of one allele over another

(D)a very low mutation rate

(E)a very large population size


______6.In certain Native American groups, albinism due to a homozygous recessive condition in the biochemical pathway for melanin is sometimes seen. If the frequency of the recessive allele for this condition is 0.06, which of the following is closest to the frequency of the dominant allele in the population?






Explain/show work:

______7.The different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands are believed to have arisen as a result of natural selection acting on populations of finches that had experienced

(A)convergent evolution

(B)gene flow

(C)the bottleneck effect

(D)geographic isolation

(E)hybrid sterility


______8.Which of the following statements best expresses the concept of punctuated equilibrium?

(A)Small variations gradually accumulate in evolving lineages over millions of years.

(B)Random mating ensures that the proportions of genotypes in a population remain unchanged from generation to generation.

(C)Stability is achieved when selection favors the heterozygotes, while both types of homozygote are at a relative disadvantage.

(D)Evolutionary changes consist of rapid bursts of speciation alternating with long periods in which species remain essentially unchanged.

(E)Under competition for identical resources, one of the two competing species will be eliminated or excluded.


______9.In a small group of people living in a remote area, there is a high incidence of “blue skin,” a condition that results from a variation in the structure of hemoglobin. All of the “blue-skinned” residents can trace their ancestry to one couple, who were among the original settlers of this region. The unusually high frequency of “blue skin” in the area is an example of


(B)genetic drift

(C)natural selection

(D)sexual selection

(E)heterozygote advantage


______10.Toads in a particular population vary in size. A scientist observes that in this population, large males mate with females significantly more often than small males do. All of the following are plausible hypotheses to explain this observation EXCEPT:

(A)Females prefer to mate with large males over small males.

(B)Large males are successful in competing for mates more often than small males are.

(C)Small females are more likely to mate with small males and large females are more likely to mate with large males.

(D)Large males occupy more breeding territory than small males do.

(E)The calls produced by large males are more attractive to females than the calls made by small males.


______11.Which of the following statements best summarizes Darwinian evolution?

(A)It is synonymous with the process of gene flow.

(B)It represents the results of selection for characteristics acquired during an individual’s lifetime.

(C)It is the differential survival and reproduction of certain phenotypes.

(D)It is the descent of humans from present-day great apes.

(E)It is directed toward a specific, pre-determined goal.


______12.Biologists may use phylogenetic trees in order to

(A)demonstrate that genetic drift is the prevailing force in evolution

(B)determine the precise date when two similar populations of a species evolved into two separate species

(C)determine which groups of organisms may be most closely related

(D)demonstrate that all photosynthetic organisms are members of the Kingdom Plantae

(E)demonstrate which taxa (groups of organisms) contain the most highly evolved species


______13.Rates of adaptive radiation typically are at their highest in which of the following situations?

(A)When Earth is exposed to increased electromagnetic waves caused by Sun flares

(B)In very large, randomly mating populations

(C)When new niches become available

(D)When many species are competing for the same limited resource

(E)When food is abundant


______14.In which of the following pairs are the organisms most closely related taxonomically?

(A)Mushroom…oak tree



(D)Sea star…clam



______15.An animal with anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral surfaces on its body must exhibit

(A)protostomic development

(B)coelomate development


(D)radial symmetry

(E)bilaterial symmetry

Hint: Anterior = front, posterior = rear, dorsal = back, ventral = belly.


For the next sets of questions you do NOT need to explain your answers.

You may use each answer choice once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 16-19

(A)Allopatric speciation

(B)Sympatric speciation

(C)Hybrid sterility

(D)Genetic drift


______16.Provides the ultimate source of genetic variation

______17.Prevents two gene pools from merging even when individuals from separate populations interbreed.

______18.The formation of a new species that is geographically separated from its parent species.

______19.Change in allele frequencies in a population over time as a result of chance rather than differences in fitness.

Questions 20-25 refer to the following animal phyla:







______20.Exhibit bilateral symmetry, deuterostome development, and a dorsal hollow nerve cord.

______21.Display an endoskeleton derived from mesoderm, a ventral hearth, and pharyngeal slits at some point during development.

______22.Contain an internal calcareous skeleton and a water-vascular system.

______23.Protosomes with a closed circulatory system and many body segments.

______24.Exhibit both a polyp and a medusa form during their life cycle.

______25.Display a chitinous exoskeleton and jointed appendages.

Short Answer


  1. In certain populations in sub-Saharan Africa, sickle-cell anemia (a recessive genetic disorder) affects approximately 1 out of every 100 people.

a)Calculate the frequency of the recessive sickle cell allele in the population.

b)Calculate the frequency of the dominant allele in the population.

c)In a village of 2,000 people, how many individuals would you expect to be carriers (heterozygotes) for sickle-cell anemia?