Minutes – HLC Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday October 18, 2016, 9:00 a.m.
Chair Klavins called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Attendees: D. Barraclough, D. Drake, C. Riedl-Farrey, C. Curras, L. Bayless, S. Drefcinski, A. Parkins, B. Barnet,J. Romesburg
Absent: C. Mendis,T. Krueger, J. Wilson, C. McCabe, L. Hollingsworth,K. Wein,J. McDermott,E. Throop
- General announcements for campus visit(Klavins)
- First Site Review Team member arrives Saturday, others will arrive Sunday. All are staying at Country Inn/Suites. Admissions, Residence Life, Distance Learning are donating items for the welcome gift bags to have for the review team.
- Additional information for syllabi for all non-standard courses and excessive credit courses from Federal Compliance Reviewer was submitted. This appears to be a standard request in the process. The reviewer will relay any concerns to the review team. 3rd Party Comments have not been made available yet.
- The review team has requested additional program reports, additional examples of assessment and use of assessment results, along with a list of instructors with their degrees, major field of study and courses taught. We will provide an example from each of the colleges from the past 3 years.
- Question on Open Forum for academic staff vs. faculty – we're interpreting "faculty" to include Academic Instructional Staff and “Classified” Staff as University/academic non-instructional. We cannot really predict what will be asked in these forums. Committee members should encourage individuals who would be advocates to attend.
- Concern raised that there is no representation for Student Affairs/Student Experience/Co-Curricular in some areas.
- Teams need to make sure they have representation needed at the meetings; Team 5 to add Julie Rennert and Victoria; Team 2 to have Scott White, if he cannot attend, have an alternate faculty member attend; Finance Meeting to add Sara Voigts.
- Past Mission Statement still showing up on web pages, Alison will follow up.
- Post-Visit Expectations and Planning
- Team will be spending Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning on the preliminary report. We should have a draft within 2-3-weeks to fact check and respond, and then it will go to various review panels up to the Institutional Actions Council. Expected timeline of up to 4-5 months for final report.
- Next review will require another assurance argument, with no campus visit unless serious problems are identified, in 4 years.
- Process Evaluation and Improvement
- Tadra Mack with the Project Management Center of Excellence will be meeting with groups and individuals involved with the Review and doing a post process review - what worked, what didn’t, etc., and will come up with recommendations and suggestions for the next time. Please find time to meet with her.
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