Travel Funds: Application Form and Guidance Notes

Research Theme: Environmental Sustainability and Resilience

Guidance notes

Please read these guidance notes and complete the application form and case for support (p3-4).

Background documentation

·  Read the Research Theme website.

·  Read more about the ‘Environmental Sustainability and Resilience’ research theme.


This opportunity is primarily directed at University of York early career researchers (ECR). The ECR definition for this scheme is: PhD students and postdoctoral researchers (first post doc position).

The fund aims to help ECRs:

·  Attend conferences (both national and international).


·  Travel to support the formation of new partnerships (both national and international).

Applications will be accepted where clear justification is given that travel will support a broader agenda e.g. a fellowship application.

Travel and conference attendance must be scheduled to take place before 31 July 2016.

All funds must be SPENT by 31 July 2016. Advance payment for travel/accommodation/fees incurred after this date is not an eligible expense.

Selection Criteria
Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

·  How your attendance at this conference or partnership building activity fits with York’s Environmental Sustainability and Resilience research theme.

·  How you and the University of York will benefit from your attendance at the conference or research visit.

·  Value for money.

Case for Support – 500 words maximum
Taking into account the above criteria, please outline the following:

·  Why you wish to attend your chosen conference or partnership meeting and the benefits that this will bring to you, your research and the University of York.

·  Information on your anticipated activity at the conference (e.g. poster presentation, talk) or Research Meeting (e.g. planning funding proposals).

·  Information on the conference itself (e.g. number of attendees, relevance to your research, unique opportunity for networking) or on your research visit (e.g. who you are meeting, where and why).

If applicable please also outline any other sources of funding you have secured (it is expected that written confirmation of departmental resources is in place before applications are submitted). Alternatively please outline why funds are not available from another source.

Please use language that an intelligent non-expert might be expected to understand.

Submission, deadlines and decisions
Applications should be sent electronically to with the subject line ‘Environmental Sustainability and Resilience Travel Funds Application’ by the deadline stated below:

·  1st round*: 5pm, Wednesday 1 June 2016 (decision communicated week beginning Monday 6 June 2016)

*Depending on interest this scheme may be repeated in 2016/17

For all queries email the team at

Application form

Attendee name
Email address
Conference name / Partner name
Conference website /
Partner name
Funds requested

Note that funds must be SPENT by 31 July 2016. Advance payment for travel/accomm/fees incurred after this date is not an eligible expense.

Item / Notes / Funding requested
Registration fees
Funding from other sources*
Total requested from Research Theme Fund

* The Panel anticipate on occasion there may be partial funding from other sources but recognise this is not always possible. See case for support guidance notes on p.1.

Case for support

Your case for support should be no longer than 500 words.