Social Justice

Mini-grant Application FY18

Your Chapter name: ______

Please read the mini-grant instructionsin order to properly complete this application. The Social Justice mini-grant award amount is $1,000.

Step 1 – Briefly describe why you are applying for the Social Justice mini-grant

  1. How have you seen people of color and/or the LGBTQ community affected by the tobacco industry in your community?
  1. What impact do you think this mini-grant will have on your community? (100 words minimum)

Step 2 – Briefly describe your Chapter in the space below

Number of active youth currently in Chapter: Click here to enter text.

Number of youth to be engaged in project: Click here to enter text.

Sponsoring organization/school name:
Mailing address:
Email: / To whom should the grant check be written?
Organization name:
Contact name:
Mailing address:
Adult Advisor contact name:
Mailing address:
Email: / Youth Leader #1 contact name:
Youth Leader #2 contact name:
Email: / Youth Leader #3 contact name:

Previous grantee? ☐No ☐Yes (year: Click here to enter text.)

Step 3 – Answer the questions below

Name of adult advisor writing report:

Name of youth writer:

GRANT WORK AND CAPACITY (To be written by the adult advisor and youth)

How will you make sure to meet the deliverables of posting online, keeping in touch with The 84 staff, using all funds and finishing the final report by June 15, 2018, and presenting to stakeholders? Looking at the instructions for the two project choices below, select a project and please explainhow your Chapter will accomplish what is expected (4-6 sentences per description).

Project instructions (choose ONE) / Describe how your Chapter will accomplish this project (choose ONE)
Target Populations: LGBTQ Focus (for high schools with a GSA ONLY)
  • Create a relationship with your school’s GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance or Gender-Sexuality Alliance)
  • Schedule a training with an 84 staff member
  • Invite the GSA to LGBTQ training conducted by The 84 staff to learn about how Big Tobacco targets the LGBTQ community
  • The two groups will then take what they learned and conduct a tobacco prevention activity in their school. This can be one of the activities listed on The 84 website, a community conversation event, presentations to other schools or community groups, or a social media campaign. The goal of the activity is to spread the knowledge learned in the training (84 staff can assist in the creation of activity and must approve of the final activity choice).

Racial Justice Project
  • Schedule a training with The 84 staff. This training will be on the ways in which the tobacco industry targets people of color. This will provide some background information and knowledge for the grant project.
  • During the training, the Chapter will be shown a 15-minute video for the #BlackLivesBlackLungs project which highlights some of the impacts that the tobacco industry has on the black community.
  • After the training, the Chapter will then work to organize a community conversation about these issues. This event will include a showing of the #BlackLivesBlackLungs video followed by a discussion period led by the Chapter.
  • The Chapter will receive technical assistance and guidance through the process of planning the community conversation. In addition, the Chapter will also receive questions and an agenda for the event to help prepare them to lead the discussion portion.

Step 4 – Explain how you will use the grant money

Provide a brief description of how you will spend the money in each section below. This is a projection, and if you make changes, you will need to receive prior approval from The 84’s Project Manager and note those changes in your final report.All funding must be used by June 15, 2018.We may ask you for adjustments.

Item / Total
Stipends (Compensating the youth and adults involved in this project for the work they do related to this project. This is a very typical way to spend the funding.Given our focus on Youth Development and support, it is strongly recommended that at least 50% of the grant funds be allocated directly to youth.)
Description: Click here to enter text. / For Youth / $
For Adults / $
Program Support(Purchasing cheap tobacco products for surveys, travel, office supplies, copying, printing, postage, training items, refreshments, etc.)
Please do not include t-shirts, buttons, or other promotional materials. Instead, if you need such supplies, please reach out to The 84 staff.
Description:Click here to enter text. / $
Administrative (Up to 10% of the funds can be used for administrative costs such as rent, Executive Director’s time, etc.) / $
Other: Please list.Click here to enter text. / $
Total Expenses
This number should equal the funding amount of $1,000 for this project. / $

Step 5 – Complete the Final Checklist

Please check the boxes below to indicate you understand and agree with the requirement for grant funding.

☐Applicants are currently registered as a Chapter of The 84 (register at

☐Applicants understand that attending the Kick Butts Day on March 21, 2018 (at least 2 youth and 1 adult) is required as well as a grant-specific training with The 84 staff. Chapters are also strongly encouraged to attend the Youth Power Summit on October 28, 2017 in Worcester.

☐Applicants are existing high school-age youth groups (e.g. SADD, student council, sports team, health careers club).

☐Applicant groups are or have a sponsoring organization that is a school, faith-based organization or 501(c)3 community-based agency or is a city-sponsored youth group. The sponsoring organization must assume fiscal responsibility for the funds awarded and is responsible for submitting the required reports.

☐Applicants cannot spend grant funds on lobbying (call for action and/or direct support of state legislation) on behalf of a specific state bill, or for direct attacks on the tobacco companies or their employees.

☐Applicants do not have an affiliation or contractual relationship with any tobacco company, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or parent company. This includes use of youth prevention curricula from tobacco companies.

☐Applicants cannot use the grant funds for cessation programs.

☐Applicants are encouraged to have a youth member sign up as part of The 84 Statewide Leadership Team:

☐Applicants have an adult advisor/sponsor that works with and supports the youth group leading the project and acts as the adult contact for the project.

☐Applicants have a young person who will act as a youth contact.

☐Applicant groups must have at least five high school aged youth in their group at the start of the project who will be working on the grant project.

☐Three youth and one adult advisor from the Chapter must complete the end-of-year feedback survey (in May 2018) in order to be considered for funding for the next fiscal year.

☐Applicant must submit final report by June 15, 2018in order to be considered for funding for the next fiscal year.

☐Applicant must use all funding by June 15, 2018.


CERTIFICATION: We, the undersigned, certify that the statements contained herein are true and complete to the best of our knowledge and, if awarded funding, agree to and accept the terms of Health Resources in Action and The 84 Movement. If awarded funding, we also agree to complete the expected deliverables within the timeframe allotted.


Signature of Sponsoring Organization’s Executive Director/ CEO Date

Checklist for submitting your application

  1. Verify the following overall mini-grant eligibility requirements listed on the mini-grant instructions.
  2. Register as a Chapter of The 84 at
  3. Complete the mini-grant application. Please type all answers.
  4. Email the signed PDF of the application to and then send the original to Natalie Vanatta, HRiA, 95 Berkeley St., 2nd Fl., Boston, MA 02116.