
Mayor: Councillor J Foxwell

Deputy Mayor: Councillor C Meathrel

Councillors: L Foxwell, R Harris, K Jones, J Morris, R Peart, B Thorne, G Wickham

Reverend M Smith

Ellen Grindley, Mid Devon Advertiser

Mr Gary Stringer, Sibelco

Mr Jon Benton, Contracts Manager, Dawnus

Mr Mike Edwards, Project Manager, Dawnus

6 members of Public

Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin

Police Report

There was no police report.

Presentation from Gary Stringer, Sibelco re: realignment of B3193

Mr Stringer introduced the contractors who will be leading the work on the realignment of the B3193 – Mr Jon Benton, Contracts Manager, Dawnus and Mr Mike Edwards, Project Manager, Dawnus.

Mr Edwards led the presentation and gave a brief breakdown on the formation and workings of the Company carrying out the work on the realignment of the B3193. The council were informed that:

The offices for Dawnus will be situated at The Old Saw Mills

No machines will start work prior to 7.30 a.m. and will stop working no later than 6.00 pm

Deliveries will be routed along the main routes to reduce traffic through the town

Noise monitoring and dust monitoring will be in place - Cllr Thorne said that it was important for the dust to be monitored and stopped before it became a problem to nearby residents

Mr Edwards said that contact details for complaints by residents etc., would be available on noticeboards and are provided on the Sibelco Newsletters. Mike Edwards, Site project Manager can be contacted directly on 07887 870939.

Cllr Foxwell thanked Mr Stringer, Mr Edwards and Mr Benton for attending the meeting and keeping the council up-to-date with progress on the realignment of the new road.

Public Participation

Mr Dennis and Mr Hart of Broadway Avenue attended the Full Council meeting to ask for the Council’s support in obtaining “Give Way” road markings at the junction of Badgers Close with Broadway Avenue. They said that cars come straight out of Badgers Close and there have been several near accidents at this location.

Discussion took place and Mr Dennis and Mr Hart were informed that DCC had been asked to give consideration to the “Give Way” markings being placed at this junction a year ago and the council had been informed that generally “Give Way” markings are not provided on minor estate roads where the traffic speeds and flows are low and visibility is good. Following discussion it was agreed that the Town Council would write to DCC again requesting these road markings. After minute: Cllr Foxwell visited the junction of Badgers Close with Broadway Avenue and took photos showing the poor visibility to be submitted with the Council’s letter to DCC.

County Councillor T Dempster’s Report

Apologies had been received from Cllr Dempster who was on annual leave.

District Councillor’s Reports

Councillor Mike Walters

The future structure of the senior management and staffing in TDC is continuing a pace. Interviews for the seven Business Mangers took place on the 9th/10th May. Three posts were filled. There will be further interviews at the end of June and advertisements have been placed in the public domain.

A case for the possible joint venture company being set up to accommodate the further provision of TDC’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is to be made available to the Executive Committee in September. This will involve collaboration will Plymouth City Council and two or three Districts including ourselves. Also the Capital Programme is to be amended to make provision for investment in the replacement of the Council’s desktop PC’s with a Thin Client solution. The 274 computers are in need of replacement and they would be replaced by terminals which will save several thousands of pounds. An updating of the systems used to Windows 7 or 8 is also a necessity. Savings have already been realized in the centralizing of printing facilities within the Council.

The negotiations for the UTC development have been completed and the project has now been given the go ahead. Final determination of the site is imminent, problems over vacating premises will still have to be resolved, if Bradley Lane is to be the chosen site. Jetty Marsh has no tenancy difficulties, so decisions have to be made with some urgency. The projected date for the UTC to be operational remains as April 2015.

The French Market makes its return to Kingsteignton on the 16th June and will be located in the Halfords car park from 9 am until 4.00 pm. The Town Clerk is in possession of a poster and “fliers”. It is suggested that the posters be placed in the Council notice boards and the Library. Any other locations suggested will be welcome. The local newspapers have been informed and news of the market will be published accordingly.

The pedestrian crossing adjacent to the Newton Road roundabout has now been completed. It is just a matter of making the lights operational.

I have been notified that I shall be attending TDC Planning Committees as a voting member.

I have no news for the residents in Honeywell and Kings Court about the production of a bus shelter at the bus stop, on the Newton Abbot-bound side of Greenhill Way, opposite the entrance to Kings Court.

Cllr Anne Lonsdale

On 14 May the Teignbridge District Council Annual Council Meeting took place.

The Chairman and Vice Chairman were sworn in. Councillor Ros Prowse from Dawlish Chair and Councillor Joan Lambert Vice Chair.

The Constitution was reviewed. It was discussed that perhaps the number of members of the Planning Committee should be downsized. Each ward member on their planning application could give a short presentation but not vote. It was finally decided to put this subject to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and for it to be brought back to Full Council.

From the Executive Committee minutes, it has been proposed that the facility of shadow members should no longer operate. I had visited Green Spaces and the Ranger Service which was of great value to my understanding of one of services provided by Teignbridge District Council.

From the News Editor three industrial sites have been approved, Dainton at Ipplepen, Broadmeadow and Exminster. With Ware Barton in mind do we need an extra development of industrial units?

On the 8 May I attended the overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting. Members were given an update of Self build homes by Mr Don Lang Director of the Land Society who are researching the need of affordable self-build homes with the Community Land Trust and together will set up a legal package.

At Broadhempston there are to be 6 self-build homes. The S106 agreements to be decided and building will start this summer. Building will be completed in one year with inspection each month.

The cost is to be £5000 cash and £600 per month allowing ownership/shareholding of 75% of the house. There is to be affordability in perpetuity and for local people only. There will be a charter drawn up against 2nd home buyers.

There will be opportunities for members to attend visitor days at the training centre at South Devon College.



Apologies were received from Cllrs Austen, Howard and Walters, who were on annual leave; Cllr Lonsdale who was not well; Cllr Moss who had a hospital appointment and Cllr Lambert

65/13Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr Peart read and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Undertaking to Observe the Code of Conduct. Cllr Peart will become a member of the Community Hall/The Fountain Committee and the Recreation/Footpath Committee.

Cllr Foxwell welcomed Cllr Peart to Kingsteignton Town Council.

66/13 Mayor’s Report

During the month I have attending the following events:

Cycling and Walking Festival, Old Forde House - This event was organised by Teignbridge District Council and Sustrans and was opened by the outgoing Mayor of Newton Abbot and the Chairman of TDC. It was a successful event and was attended by cyclists and visitors during the day.

Street Market, Kingsteignton – This is a local event held annually and was held at St Michael’s Primary School. Stallholders sold a variety of items from sweets to tomatoes and activities from guess the number of sweets to decorating a cup cake. The weather held off and everyone had a great day

Christian Aid Walk, Racecourse - This event was organised by Christian Aid and was opened by myself and the Mayor of Newton Abbot. There was a fair turn out on a cold, windy and wet day, but needs more walkers for next year to help it grow back to its former size.

Thinking Forum – Old Rydon Inn – This was an informal meeting called by myself for councillors to discuss the following year and create a road map of ideas that will lead the council through 2013 and into 2014. It enabled me to share my aims and ideas with councillors and ask for help in achieving them. I wish to involve every councillor in the decision making process so that we can make the process as open and honest as possible. Councillors were asked “If you could look through a visitors eyes for the first time what would you see that needs changing?” The following answers came out of the meeting:

  • Visual gateway, a welcoming sign that acts as a positive visual gate to tell people that they are in Kingsteignton. It was suggested that raised flowerbeds at the prominent points of entry to Kingsteignton with a welcoming sign should be created.
  • Kingsteignton is the heart of Teignbridge but what is the heart of Kingsteignton? It was agreed that the heart of Kingsteignton was the Conservation Area, St Michael’s Church, Penns Mount, The Fountain and the yellow brick used for buildings. It was agreed that these should be findable and sign posted and should be built into the walking trail
  • How can we help Kingsteignton’s businesses to be noticed and benefit from each other’s knowledge and collective size? The answer would be to create a Business Hub by contacting all businesses and inviting them to a meeting at a venue in the town to discuss what they needed
  • How do we get the young people of Kingsteignton involved in their community? The answer would be to create a Youth Council – Kingsteignton Town Youth Council. It was suggested that 13-17 year olds who reside in Kingsteignton should be invited to join the youth council. This could be achieved by inviting Teign School Students, Girl Guides and Scouts in the town to apply for the council. Nine students could be selected through interviews and organise a meeting time. At the meeting they could create a list of aims and achievements for the coming year.
  • How do we build a community with the residents of Kingsteignton? As councillors it is important that people have access to us when they have issues or need advice and/or support. Most councillors achieve this by being part of the community and joining in groups or functions. I plan to follow this lead and meet as many people as possible through groups, clubs and community events. I will visit any club or group that wants to meet me at their meeting place, and will be in the Council Offices only on the last Wednesday of the month to meet residents and discuss issues on a one to one basis.
  • How do we meet as many people as possible? Make information available in as many different ways as possible. Keep the website updated with interesting and relevant information; make sure that the newsletter is delivered to everyone’s home address and add other methods such as Facebook, Blogs and a noticeboard
  • How do we build a community with the residents of KIngsteignton? Provide opportunities to mix with residents at social gatherings run by the council. The Town Council could organise events that will raise the awareness of Kingsteignton as a town and help create social opportunities.

What are the next steps for the Town Council?

  • To build raised flower beds to welcome people into Kingsteignton
  • Develop walking and cycling maps for Kingsteignton incorporating all the landmarks and themes
  • Work towards a business hub for Kingsteignton
  • Create a Youth Council to look at youth issues
  • Create a Communication Team to support Mrs Simmons on the website and help create a Facebook Page, Blog and Twitter Feed
  • I will book meetings to visit with interested organisations and groups
  • Organise a series of events for the Autumn including Sing-a-long nights and discussion evenings with the police and relevant personnel

Cllr Wickham asked if he could inform the meeting that our District Councillor, Cllr Joan Lambert was Vice Chairman of Teignbridge District Council for the coming year and asked if a letter of congratulations on this appointment could be sent to her. Agreed.


The Mayor presented the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 1 May 2013. The minutes were adopted.

69/13Clerks Annual Report

Councillors were passed a copy of the Annual Report 2012/2013 and copies of these will be available to view on the Council website or paper copies available from the Council Offices which are open from 9.30am to 12.30 pm Monday to Friday.

70/13Committee Reports

Community Hall/The Fountain Committee: Cllr Morris presented the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May, 2013.

Cllr Harris said that he was concerned at the Budget that had been agreed for this committee under item 38/13 and had asked for this to be discussed at this Full Council Meeting.

Cllr Morris proposed that the minutes be adopted excluding item no: 38/13, seconded by Cllr Meathrel and agreed.

Recreation/Footpaths Committee: Cllr Jones presented the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May, 2013. Cllr Jones proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Foxwell and agreed.

Finance Committee: Cllr Harris presented the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May, 2013. Cllr Harris proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Morris and agreed.

Works, Services & Planning Committee: Cllr Foxwell presented the minutes of the meetings held on 1 & 15 May, 2013. Cllr Foxwell proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Thorne and agreed.

71/13Representative Reports

Teignbridge Archaeological Society : Cllr Meathrel presented a report that had been presented to the membership of the Teignbridge Archaeological Society at their AGM held on 20 May, 2013.

“Renaissance and the last years work April 2012 to April, 2013

Real progress has been made on marketing the name of the society with mixed results, suggesting that there is a limitation on the present structure and name.

The society now has a Facebook account and a new email address. It has also attempted to setup a website at using 4UHosting. This has not proved a success due to the inadequacies of your chairman.

A Twitter account was established soon after the February meeting.

Further discussions regarding linking the society with other groups etc in the area: Your Chairman has increased the Societies contact within all circles and is now working alongside the following organisations.

  • A380 Kingskerswell By-Pass Project
  • Ball Clay Heritage
  • British Museum
  • Council of British Archaeology
  • Current Archaeology/World Archaeology magazines/publisher
  • Devon Archaeological Society
  • Devon County Council, archaeology section, including the H.ER dept. (developed a working relationship with the staff – Bill Horner, Steve Reed and Cressida Whitton)
  • Devon Records Office, plus the Westcountry Studies Library
  • Exeter RAMM – finds Liaison Officer, Dannielle Wootton
  • Kingsteignton Town Council
  • Stover Canal Trust and Society
  • Teign Bridge Metal Detector Group
  • Teignbridge District Council
  • University of Exeter (Archaeology Dept. and Library)
  • Young Archaeologist’s Club (YAC – Cressida Whitton), linked to CBA and DSA

Teignbridge Archaeological Society – previously known as the Kingsteignton Archaeological Society) : Cllr Meathrel presented the report on the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 20 May 2013 at the Mary Hall Suite, Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton.

  • Adoption of previous minutes
  • Election of Chairman and the appointment of Cllr Graham Wickham to the Executive Committee
  • Chairman’s Rep[ort
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Discussion and revision of the change of name to Teignbridge Archaeological Society
  • Changes to the constitution and voting on agreed changes
  • Discussion on the future of the society and its marketing
  • Events and speakers discussed plus the societies links with other local and like-minded archaeological organisations
  • Archaeological digs and updates – re: A380, plus display material from the South Devon Link road Project; Ipplepen update and the Finds Liaison Officers summer dig programme

Parish Tree Wardens Report – International Tree Foundation: Cllr Meatherel reported that he had attended the International Tree Foundation Annual Supporters meeting on Saturday 1 June, 2013 at the Eden Project’s Foundation Centre, St Austell, Cornwall with Cllr Austen.