Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2014 in The Main Hall, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.


Chairman: Michael Edwards

Councillors: Dr. Michael Blyth John Harrison Richard Perry

Ian Dobson Gary Davies

Officers: Laurie Wiebe

Members of Public:

District Councillors: none

Police: None

Other Representatives: Don Benson (Heybridge Residents Association)

In the Chair: Michael Edwards

14/220 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Prof. Schnurr, Stephen Jennings, Hayley Trowbridge, Mark Burmby, Keith Lawson, and District Councillors Bryan Harker, Alan Cheshire, and Miriam Lewis.

RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.

14/221 Chairman’s Announcements

The Chairman reported that he attended the public information event on 17th October 2014 regarding the future of health provision in the Maldon District. Cllr. Dr. Blyth also attended the event and it was noted that Cllr. Bob Boyce (MDC) had announced that the District Council had land and monies for a new hospital. However, the Clinical Commission Group investment was unknown.

The Chairman also noted that District Councillor Alan Cheshire will not be standing as Conservative candidate representing Heybridge West for the May 2015 elections. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Cheshire for his hard work in representing Heybridge over the years.

The Chairman also congratulated Cllr. Ian Dobson for being selected to stand as a future Conservative Councillor for Heybridge West.

14/222 Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th September 2014 were received.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 2nd October 2014 were received.

The minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on 2nd October 2014 were received.

The minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 22nd October 2014 were received.

It was RESOLVED that the:-

i)  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th September 2014 be approved and confirmed.

14/223 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests


14/224 Public Participation Session

There were no comments.

14/225 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report

There were no reports received.

14/226 Planning

(a)  Planning applications

RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-

i) Application No: FUL/MAL/14/00864

Proposal: Removal of causeway and spit to form one fishing lake, with fishing pegs, pavilion for toilets and showers, car parking and associated landscaping.

Location: Land East of Heybridge Swifts Football Club, Scraley Road, Heybridge


Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/00919

Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory, replace with rear garden room and first floor bedroom.

Location: 18 The Colliers, Heybridge


Application No: LBC/MAL/14/00867

Proposal: New pool garden room within the curtilage of The Old Rectory.

Location: The Old Rectory, Langford Road, Heybridge


Application No: FUL/MAL/14/00327

Proposal: Change of use to residential domestic

Location: 14-16 The Street, Heybridge


(b)  LDP Update

Members received copies of the letter from the Planning Inspectorate regarding the examination hearing session which will begin on 20th January 2015 for a three week duration.

14/227 Report from the Clerk

A report was received by Members.

The Clerk reported on the SLCC National Conference.

It was noted that Cllr. Lawrence Cooper from Purleigh Parish Council

has been appointed to sit on the Maldon Standards Committee.

Members considered:-

a)  Forming a Complaints Committee;

b)  Having in-house Councillor training session by EALC. Members discussed the possibility of extending an invitation to neighbouring smaller parishes to attend the training session. The cost of the course varied from £350 to £450 depending on the day and the number of councillors;

c)  Ratifying the expense of £95 to replace the outside water tap on Plantation Hall;

d)  Supplying and installing a second dog bin at Daisy Meadow Car Park for £220 + VAT;

e)  Investigating installation of new lights in the ceiling of the Main Hall. Cllr. Davies asked if there were any legal requirements for lighting in village halls and that a lighting engineering firm should be contacted.

It was RESOLVED that:-

i)  A complaints committee be formed;

ii)  In-house training session be approved and that smaller neighbouring Parish Councils be invited to join;

iii)  The supply and installation of a second dog bin at Daisy Meadow Car Park for £220 + VAT be approved;

iv)  Installation of new lights in the ceiling of the Main Hall be investigated.

14/228 Consultations and Policies

Members considered adopting the:-

a)  Parish Council’s Publicity Policy;

b)  Amended Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure;

c)  Amended Parish Council’s Grievance Procedure;

d)  Amended Parish Council’s Disciplinary Procedure;

Members considered to agree the request from EALC to comply with Data Protection on publicity.

The amended Standing Orders stand as adopted.

It was RESOLVED that:

i)  The Parish Council’s Publicity Policy be adopted;

ii)  The amended Standing Orders stand as adopted;

iii)  The Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure be adopted;

iv)  The Parish Council’s Grievance Procedure be adopted;

v)  The Parish Council’s Disciplinary Procedure be adopted.

14/229 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects

(a)  Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Cllr. Edwards

The Chairman noted that the current edition of the Herald was in the process of being distributed throughout the Parish.

(b) Basin Matters–Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr

The Clerk noted that there had been a request from residents to install a light in the entrance to Daisy Meadow Car Park. The Clerk and Cllr. Prof. Schnurr have contacted the Council’s lighting contractor and UK Power Networks for a quotation to supply and install the light. A further report will be made at the next Parish Council meeting.

(c) Projects (including 5 year project plan) and Grants Working Group

No meeting had taken place. A meeting was to be arranged for November 2014.

(e) Doorstep Youth Club – leading Councillor – Cllr. Dobson

i) Cllr. Dobson reported that he had yet to meet with Essex Boys and Girls Club but he would be attending the Club on the 24th October 2014.

ii) Members received a report from the Clerk.

It was noted that there were 45 youths registered to attend the Club. The most popular sports were rugby and dodge ball. The Park Rangers will be holding a boot camp free of charge once a month. The Club were actively looking for volunteers to form a committee and coach. It was noted that the current funding runs out on the 24th October 2014. It was noted that temporary arrangements had been made with MDC and Essex Boys and Girls Club for the club to continue running for a further 4 months. In the meantime bids would be placed for grants.

14/230 Financial Matters

(a)  Accounts for Payment

The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –

L Wiebe / £9.00 / Reimbursement re monthly travel costs / 4201
Beck&Call Caterers / £600.00 / Catering re Christmas Drinks Reception / 4702
Mrs. L Mitchell / £50.00 / Hire refund re 21/9/14 / 2301
J French / £24.00 / Hire refund re 27/8/14 / 2301
A Heath / £50.00 / Hire refund re 28/9/14 / 2301
J Cokien / £250.00 / Hire refund re 18/10/14 / 2301
J’s Hospice / £500.00 / Donation / 3301
Blackwater Printing / £510.00 / Heybridge Herald printing / 1202
Central Blinds Ltd. / £864.00 / Supply and fit 3 blinds and 2 tracks / 2401
EALC / £5.00 / Buffet lunch AGM September 2014 / 4301
Ellisons Client Account / £900.00 / Professional fees re purchase of land adjoining P Hall / 3701
1st Choice Drainage / £125.00 / Drainage repairs at Daisy Meadow Car Park / 3401
K Locke / £296.91 / Grounds maintenance for month September 2014 / 3001
Office Is Ltd / £513.18 / Stationery/Equipment for P Hall / 4501/4601
Maldon District Council / £1548.24 / Park ranger services for quarter July – Sept 2014 / 1210
M&G Fire Protection (Essex) Ltd / £72.00 / Service of Fire Alarm at Plantation Hall / 2401
C Rae / £95.00 / Repairs outside tap at Plantation Hall / 2401
Reece Productions Ltd. / £53.40 / Audio Hire / 4301
Brady Corporation Ltd / £21.54 / No Smoking Signs / 2501
Stephensons of Essex Ltd. / £598.00 / Bus Services re month September 2014 / 1375
EALC / £10.00 / Networking Lunch on 4 November 2014 / 4301
C Rae / £274.00 / Supply and fit 8.5kW shower in changing room / 2401
Essex & Suffolk Water / £70.15 / Monthly payment re water supply at P Hall / 2201
Maldon District Council / £565.00 / Rates re Daisy Meadow Car Park Oct 2014 / 3201
Maldon District Council / £382.00 / Rates re P Hall Oct 2014 / 2201
Southern Electric / £112.01 / Monthly payment re Street Lightning / 3601
Green Recycling Ltd / £53.08 / Waste collection month September 2014 / 2201
Southern Electric / £128.21 / Quarterly Gas account at P Hall / 2201
Southern Electric / £509.07 / Quarterly Electric account at P Hall / 2201

RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.

(b)  Statement of Accounts

Members received an updated statement of accounts.

(c)  Bank Reconciliation

Members received the monthly bank reconciliation for September 2014.

(d)  Donation Requests

Members considered the donation requests received from:-

a)  Darby and Joan Club for £600 towards hiring of the Hall;

b)  Heybridge Parents Drop In for £279 towards hiring the Meeting Room;

c)  Heybridge Primary School for a donation towards dismantling a large condemned play structure and making the area safe. Cllr. Dobson expressed his opinion that the academy trust should pay for the structure.

It was RESOLVED that:-

i)  A donation be made to Darby and Joan Club for £600;

ii)  A donation be made to Heybridge Parents Drop In for £279;

iii)  A donation not be made to Heybridge Primary School.

14/231 Highways and Environment Matters

(a)  Report from the Tree Warden

This position is vacant. The Clerk reported that quotations have been sought to carry out various works to the trees on Parish Council property.

Cllr. Dobson left the meeting at 7:59pm.

Cllr. Dobson returned to the meeting at 8:00pm.

(b)  Public Rights of Way Warden

There was no report this month.

(c)  Emergency Parish Co-ordinator

Nothing to report. The Clerk will be attending an emergency planning training day on 24th October 2014.

(d)  Local Highways Panel Schemes

Members received the latest minutes of the Local Highways Panel. Members considered submitting new schemes to the Panel.

Cllr. Harrison reported on ‘SLOW’ by Goings Wharf on the main road by the bridge. Cllr. Harrison informed Members of the planning application history of Goings Wharf. Cllr. Harrison expressed his dissatisfaction that the conditions of planning approval had not been made available.

Cllr. Harrison also reported on the gullies on Goldhanger Road/Colchester Road drainage at the roundabout.

Cllr. Perry noted that there speeding issues along Goldhanger Road by the caravan parks. A general discussion took place regarding vehicle speed indicator signs and vehicle activated signs.

The Chairman asked that all Members submit their proposals to the Clerk.

14/232 Reports from Committees

a)  Planning Committee

i)  The Chairman of the Committee was not present;

ii)  There were no recommendations.

b)  Events Committee

i)  Members received a report from Cllr. Dr. Blyth.

Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that the response to the Christmas Drinks Reception was good and so far more than 60 RSVPs had been received.

Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that Cllr. Perry will be hosting a fundraising dinner on the 9th November 2014.

ii)  Members considered appointing a member onto the Committee. It was noted that Cllr. Keith Lawson had expressed an interest in joining the committee.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Keith Lawson be appointed onto the Committee.

iii)  There were no recommendations.

iv)  Members received an update on Remembrance Sunday Parade. The Chairman noted that there were 12 volunteers for marshals.

The Chairman would appoint jobs to the rest of the volunteers in due course.

Members were asked to confirm their attendance at Remembrance Sunday Service. It was confirmed that Cllrs. Davies, Dobson, Dr. Blyth, and Perry will attend. The Clerk will email those Councillors that were not present.

c)  Budget Committee

The next Budget Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th October 2014 at 10:30am.

14/233 Reports from Outside Committees and Training

a)  (i) Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives Meeting

(Rep Cllr. Prof Schnurr).

Cllr. Prof. Schnurr was not present. The Clerk reported that a meeting had recently taken place and that they had agreed to change the name to Transportation Representatives Meeting.

The Bus Service 288 numbers for September 2014 were 189.

(ii)  Elms Farm Park Friends Group & Oak Tree Meadow

(Rep Cllr. Dobson)

Cllr. Dobson attended the Elms Farm Park Friends Group AGM. UK Power Network were in the process of burying cables in the area. The Group wish to install more bat boxes. There were plans to open up the footpath between Oak Tree Meadow and Beeleigh Falls.

Cllr. Perry discussed the position of Langford Parish Council petition for boundary change.

Cllr. Dobson reported that MDC have undergone an extensive restructuring and Roy Read will no longer be the conservation officer.

(iii)  Health Matters (Rep Cllr. Prof. Schnurr)

Cllr. Prof. Schnurr was not present.

14/234 Training Notifications

Members received training notifications from EALC.

Members considered approving the Clerk attending the EALC/SLCC Networking event on 4th November 2014 for £10.

Members considered approving two places at First Aid at Work at St. John’s Ambulance for £285 + VAT per person.

It was RESOLVED that:-

i)  The clerk will attend the Election Day training on 13th November 2014.

ii)  The clerk will attend the EALC/SLCC Networking event on 4th November 2014;

iii)  First Aid at Work training be approved for £285 + VAT for the Admin Assistant and the Cleaner/Relief Caretaker.

14/235 Future meetings

The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6th November 2014 at 7.00pm.

The next meeting of the Events Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6th November 2014 at 7.30pm.

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 20th November 2014 at 7:00pm.

The meeting closed at 8:39pm.


20 November 2014