JUNE 2008
Question Nr. / Easy / Medium / Difficult1.1 / 1
1.2 / 1
1.3 / 2
1.4 / 2
1.5 / 2
1.6 / 1
1.7 / 1
1.8 / 2
1.9 / 2
1.10 / 1
1.11 / 2
1.12 / 1
1.13 / 1
1.14 / 1
1.15 / 1
1.16 / 1
1.17 / 1
1.18 / 1
1.19 / 2
1.20 / 1
1.21 / 2
1.22 / 1
3.1.1 / 1
3.1.2 / 2
3.1.3 / 2
3.1.4 / 1
3.1.5 / 1
1.1New York(1)
1.2When I helped her(1)
1.3OWN WORDS (not obscenities) They used bad language. They littered in the street. (2)
1.5Usually you are afraid of people bigger than you. You would not give a stranger bigger than you orders.(2)
1.7(Open Ended) She could not believe an old lady would order her around.(1)
1.8True. Novel experience(2)
1.9(Urban crank) An eccentric person living in the city.(2)
1.10A radio or mini hi-fi.(1)
1.11He would pick up the paper that was dropped and return it to the person by pretending to be helpful.(2)
1.12University of Michigan.(1)
1.13If two people act in such a way that both benefit.(1)
1.14You act selfishly and are punished in the end because of it.(1)
1.15A car without a roof.(1)
1.16Drive away fast.(1)
1.17I do to you what you do to me.(1)
1.18robot/ traffic light(1)
1.19False. They played a computer round robin.(2)
1.20How civility can flourish.(1)
1.21(own words) The ill behaving people get away with their actions and society suffers more.(2)
1Take small steps every day to make the planet more liveable.
2If we are the source of the problem we are also the beginning of the solution.
3Conservation can be accomplished by simple, cost-effective measures.
4Check how much energy you consume at home with heaters and lack of insulation.
5Make sure your refrigerator and freezer are at economical degrees.
6Wash in warm water and rinse in cold water, save water.
7Conserve energy by turning lights off when they are not used.
8Install 60 watt instead of 100 watt bulbs.
9Don’t leave water running when brushing teeth.
10Install low-flow shower heads.
11Put small plastic bottle in toilet tank to save water.
12Fix all leaky taps.
13Don’t dump hazardous garbage with your normal garbage.
14Recycle and make new products from old ones.
15Don’t drive too much and keep your car tuned up.
16Keep tyres properly inflated.
17Car pooling also saves petrol.
18Don’t use or waste plastic.
19Inspire friends and family to save the environment.
3.1.1A necklace(1)
3.1.2She has a camera and wants to take photos of the apology.(2)
3.1.3It is a symbol of submissiveness and complete forgiveness.(2)
3.1.5bowl, basin,(1)
3.1.6The Bible(1)
3.1.8surprise, shock, blank1)
3.2.1The husband (1)
3.2.2test whether coffee is stored freshly (1)
3.2.3the husband is in control and may hit the wife. (2)
3.2.4The woman only does housework and is submitted to the husband (2)
3.2.5In a marriage the husband is in control and the wife has to do everything to satisfy the husband (2)
3.2.3Violence against woman is against human rights. You may not hit your wife. Domestic violence is unacceptable. (2)
It would teach children to hit their spouses (1)
4.1.1beings (1)
4.1.2world’s (1)
4.1.4bodies (1)
4.1.5invented (1)
4.1.6sweets (1)
4.2are not (1)
4.3crazy - sane (1) antonym
4.4.1paradoxes (1)
4.4.2booths (1)
4.5.1synonym teacher = educator (1)
4.5.2synonym mat = carpet (1)
4.6Are more than half the world’s books and tree quarters of international postal items in English? (2)
4.7Nonetheless, let’s face it:/; English is a crazy language. (2)
4.8He said: “In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?” (2)
4.9.1by (1)
4.9.2from (1)