Mill Field Primary School
Sports Premium Funding Action Plan 2016/2017
Areas to be developed / Actions / Who will be involved? / Training and Resource implications / Cost & Budget / Monitoring / Success Criteria / TimescaleReinvigoration of internal and external PE equipment, kit supplies and structures.
Areas to be developed / Dated PE hall equipment to be replaced and reinvigorated where needed, allowing children to benefit in curriculum and OSHL activities safely.
Reinvigorate Wake Up Shake Up Routine DVDs
Mill Field Team Kit (including team name/numbers/sponsor?)
Mill Field Team Flag
Actions / Who? / Spectrum Climbing Frame
Gym inspection
Safety mattresses (x2)
Wake Up Shake Up DVDs (x2)
Full (14) team kit
Mill Field Team Flag
Training and resource implications / £3,015.83
£130/Free if sponsored
Cost / PS/NB
Monitoring / Children to engage fully in gymnastic/athletic teaching; developing core strength and balance.
Children can use PE areas safely and in accordance with government guidance.
Children to perform more challenging gymnastic/athletic movements safely.
Successful use by teachers, who are familiar with the format – update needed due to wear.
Mill Field teams competing externally do so with increased pride and achievement.
During external trips/away fixtures/excursions, staff and children have clear meeting/rallying point.
Success Criteria / Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Introduction of new equipment/initiatives, giving children every opportunity to explore their own fitness, athletic ability and new activities.
Introduce focussed play during outdoor break and lunch times.
Maintain existing and introduce new OSHL Sports Clubs.
Utilise local agencies, associations and clubs to provide professional, high quality coaching and services.
CPD / INSET to increase the quality of the teaching of PE
Continue to develop competition; both within and outside school. / Introduce a class set of pedometers in order to raise awareness of daily activity levels.
Purchase printable ‘Digimap’ software to help fulfil OAA curriculum objectives.
In order to increase activity levels during break times as well as improve behaviour, introduce focussed play.
Successful Sports clubs to be offered in addition to exploring alternatives.
To review and evaluate all current service level agreements within school related to sports and if necessary seek relevant replacements:
Leeds Rhinos:
x 2 terms of curriculum teaching (KS1/2), x 1 after-school club, Assembly, Rhinos school visits, heavily discounted tickets to matches.
To upskill and promote sport in line with the school’s ethos. To remove any barriers to effective teaching of PE as identified in the previous year’s staff sport survey.
To continue to enter inter school competitions offered by the local schools games organiser and to develop and set up links which allow Mill Field to compete in other competitions within Yorkshire
Run successful intra school competitions namely Sports day / PS/NB
Play Leaders
PS/NB/RT / Class set of pedometers (x30)
Digimap software package
Employ/upskill break/lunch supervisors
Equipment refreshed as and when needed
Negotiate and renew any service level agreements
Seek out courses / INSET days which appropriately fulfil the needs of teaching staff
Membership to Youth sports trust and active schools leeds
Service level agreements with Leeds Rhinos
Set up links with Roundhay/Carr Manor sports leader programme / £150
Free when run by PE team
Subject to review£2,000
Free as part of memberships; as mentioned above
Free / PS/NB
PS/NB / Children self-evaluate fitness levels in line with government guidance. Audit.
Mill Field grounds mapped; enables children to engage in orienteering activities – linking with geography.
Structured play, using outdoor space well, allows more children to be active safely during break and lunchtimes. Behaviour improves due to focussed activity.
Football (KS2)
Breakdancing (KS2)
Tennis (KS1)
Netball (KS2)
Gaelic Football (KS2)
Karate (KS1/2)
Rugby League (KS1/2)
To be added (subject to time/space availability):
Athletics (KS1)
Gymnastics (KS1)
Cricket (KS2)
Leeds rhinos (2017-18)
MUGA maintenance (2017-18)
Youth Sport Trust membership (2017-18)
Active schools membership (2017-18)
Potential of:
Leeds United (Premier League Rising Stars)
Improved response in next year’s sport survey.
Increased staff confidence in delivering curriculum.
Wider range of sports taught within lessons.
Continued participation within existing competitions and explore further links with community of schools in the cluster. / Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Autumn 1 (will be ongoing)