April 21, 2012

Present: board members Meda Cobb, Mike Everett, Keith Johnston, Jim Kear, Dick Polen, Cindy Rywak, Russ Simmons and David Smith. Member absent: David Senter. Several POA members also attended.

President Cindy called the meeting to order at 9:07 am.

(Three directors were elected at the March 24 Annual Membership Meeting. Mike Everett, Jim Kear and Cindy Rywak were elected to three-year terms.)

The minutes of the March 24 board meeting were amended and approved.

The following officers were elected for the 2012-2013 term: President Cindy Rywak, Vice-President Russ Simmons, Secretary Keith Johnston and Treasurer Dick Polen.

Roads & Gate committee: Russ Simmons reported that the new gate surveillance equipment has been installed. The videos created by the three cameras can be accessed by internet with a $24.99 fee, which the board approved. Our equipment capacity is 30 days of video.

Chair Jim Kear reported the New Holland T550 tractor has been delivered to us. The backhoe has been sold. Final cost of new equipment less receipts for the sold backhoe and old tractor is $40,000, which is well under the $65,000 budget. Jim expressed appreciation to Bill Hughes for helping in the process.

Hoffman Paving has started digging on deep road repair sites. When the digging is completed, they will do the scheduled paving, followed by tar and gravel treatment on additional roads. Hoffman intends to have this year’s work completed by Memorial Day.

Russ brought up for discussion the opportunity David Bridgers presented to him to have two 20,000 water storage tanks installed inside Leatherwood as water sources for fire fighting. We installed two 12,000 tanks for the same purpose about four years ago. The tanks are free, and the Ferguson Volunteer Fire Dept. will plumb the tanks and fill them with water. Our cost is transportation and burial, which may cost around $5,000. The board approved the project.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Dick Polen presented the POA March income statement, which shows that we’re in good condition compared to our budget so far this year. Collection of 2012 dues is going reasonably well. Our CPA firm will shortly be sending past-due notices. Dick will instruct them to also send a bill for new construction fee to each of the owners of the two houses that have been started this year.

Communication and Activities Committee: Chair David Smith announced the Memorial Day weekend Potluck Dinner to be held at 6pm Saturday May 26. The POA will provide the meat, utensils and paper products, and attendees will be asked to bring a side dish.

Facilities Committee: Chair Cindy Rywak reported the swimming pool has been acid-washed and that improvements should be completed well before Memorial Day.

Resurfacing materials for the tennis courts are on order and the installers will resurface soon. They need five consecutive days of no rain to complete the installation.

John Tye has done more work on Raymond’s Pond, and he has provided materials several times at his own expense. His contributions and expertise are much appreciated.

Trails: Russ reported we are near reaching a trail maintenance agreement with Leatherwood Rentals, which Dick Johnston wants in place before turning trail maintenance over to the POA. We also are asking for control of the trails from Dick in addition to maintenance.

The board agreed to create a Trails committee with Mike Everett and Russ Simmons as co-chairs.

Covenants Committee: Chair Keith Johnston plans to work on a draft updating the POA’s Bylaws and distribute to the board prior to the May board meeting.

The board discussed the letters recently mailed to most POA members that were disguised to appear to have come from our board. The authors of the counterfeit POA letter did not sign or take responsibility for the content of the letter. The subject of the letter is the Leatherwood Rentals resort plan that Phil and Phil presented to POA members who attended the POA Annual Meeting and distributed by email to additional recipients.

President Cindy requested a meeting with Phil Whitson and Phil Rash of Leatherwood Rentals immediately after the board meeting adjourns to discuss the resort plan. The POA has no control over the property outside the entrance gate, but it’s our responsibility to act in the best interest of our association. The board will send to all POA members the information covered in that meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.

Respectfully submitted,

Keith Johnston, Secretary