Expression of Interest Form
SubjectWhich Subject Area are you interested in teaching?
Your degree will need to be in your chosen subject area or contain a minimum of 50% in a related subject. / Enter your subject below:
Training Route
See our website at for further information on the SCITT and School Direct routes into teacher training.
For the SCITT route the following subjects are available: English, Maths, Science, MFL, ICT, PE, D&T.
Which Initial Teacher Training route are you interested in? Click here to indicate your preferenceI am interested in the SCITT routeI am interested in the School Direct routeI am interested in either route
Personal Details
Date / D.O.B.
Tel No / Mobile No:
E-Mail Address
Do you hold a UK or EU Passport? / Click here to selectYesNo
If you hold a non-UK or EU Passport - Do you have indefinite leave to remain in the UK? / Click here to selectYesNo
Have you been resident in the UK for the past 3 years? / Click here to selectYesNo
Where did you find out about the Colchester Teacher Training Consortium?
UK Qualifications
GCSE English Grade
Please note entry requirement: Grade C or above / GCSE Maths Grade
Please note entry requirement Grade C or above
A Levels or Higher Education
Specify subjects and grades.
E.g. Mathematics (B).
Degree Subject
Awarding University
Date Awarded
Note: If not yet completed please enter year degree due to be completed and expected class. / Class
Non-UK Qualifications
Please note: We will require copies of NARIC statements of comparability for both your GCSE and Degree qualifications.
GCSE or equivalent qualifications held
A Levels or Higher Education
Degree Subject
Awarding Institution
Date Awarded
Note: If not yet completed please enter year degree due to be completed and expected class. / Class
Do you hold a NARIC Statement of comparability?
Note: Statements of comparability can be obtained from / Click here to selectYesNo
Provide details of any previous experience of working with young people within a secondary school:
Provide details of any other relevant experience of working with young people:
Have you previously enrolled/completed a course leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)? / Click here to selectYesNo
If yes please provide details including dates and course provider:
Other Details
If applicable, enter below any relevant additional information in support of your expression of interest.
Data Protection Act 1998
I hereby give my consent for personal information (including recruitment monitoring data) provided as part of this application to be held on computer or other relevant filing systems and to be shared with other accredited organisations or agencies in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Returning Your Form
Please email your completed form as an attachment to Carole Cansdale:
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