Welcome! We are glad you are here to worship with us.
February 28, 2010 – Second Sunday of Lent
TODAY’S Liturgical Ministers:
8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Presider Bp. Peter Hickman Bp. Peter Hickman
Deacon Tony Bomkamp Jay Thompson
Servers Melanie Winscher Jane Pritchett Matthew Hickman Dylan Moan Sara Hickman
Ushers Mary Stacey Don Killam
Jason Adams
Proclaimers Mary Ann Ekbring Merry Battaglia
Marylou Madriaga Tony Battaglia
Eucharistic Meghan Domer Jeanne Blum
Ministers Red Blum
Next Week's Liturgical Ministers:
8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Presider Bp. Peter Hickman Bp. Peter Hickman
Concelebrant Fr. Toting Tronco
Deacon Jay Thompson Tony Bomkamp
Servers Melanie Winscher Liz Wessel Matthew Hickman Grace Florendo
Angelica Tronco
Ushers Mike and Gay Smith Jim Tuma
Jason Adams
Proclaimers Lou Clancy Fr. George Florendo Wendy Rollins Emmie Florendo
Eucharistic Thom Rollins Jennie Guida
Ministers Doris Hand
Both Wine and Grape Juice for Communion
At Saint Matthew Church we believe that all who are drawn to the Table of the Lord should be welcomed and fed abundantly. For this reason, we will consecrate both wine and grape juice at our liturgies. You are welcome to receive in the species that makes you most comfortable while remembering that receiving the Body of Christ in any portion is reception in full. You may receive the consecrated wine by either intinction (dipping the host) or by drinking from the chalice. You may receive the consecrated grape juice only by intinction. Please do not drink from the cup of grape juice.
Prayer Requests
Please remember in your prayers:
Kandy Pouget as she is recovering from a stroke. Cards for Kandy may be sent to her in care of the church.
Eleanor Zatyko as she is recovering from shoulder surgery. Cards for Eleanor may be sent to 13891 Judy Anne Lane, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Bob Ciampa as he is recovering from hernia and gallbladder surgery. Cards for Bob may be sent to 432 E. Everett Place, Orange, CA 92867.
Today’s Readings
Gen 15:5–12, 17–18;Phil 3:17–4:1 or 3:20–4:1; Lk 9:28–36
“And Peter said, ‘Master, how good it is that we are here. We will make three tents...’”
It is so easy to assume that by praying alone
we will arrive at the pinnacle
of the spiritual life.
But it is exactly then that Jesus
is calling us to leave our little mountaintops
to care for the world as He cared for the world.
Church Attendance
“Let us be concerned with one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are prone to do. Let us encourage one another.” ~Hebrews 10:24-25
Our church attendance on February 21:
8:00 a.m. – 25 adults/2 children
10:30 a.m. – 75 adults/12 children
Holy Week
Passion (Palm) Sunday, March 28
· 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. – Mass
(Regular Sunday Schedule)
Come hear the narrative of Christ’s Passion according to Saint Luke.
Monday of Holy Week, March 29
· 7:00 p.m. – Chrism Mass
Bishop Peter will bless the holy oils that are used throughout the year in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, ordination, and the anointing of the sick.
The Triduum
Holy Thursday, April 1
· 7:00 p.m. – Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bilingual)
Good Friday, April 2
· 12 Noon – Stations and Veneration of the Cross
· 1:00 p.m. – Reading of the Passion According to Saint John
· 7:00 p.m. – Ecumenical Good Friday Service at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday, April 4
· 5:00 a.m. – Easter Sunrise Vigil (bilingual)
· 10:30 a.m. – Easter
2010 Parish Council
Tonya Adams (714) 334-4430
Ron Amendola (714) 669-5143
Victoria Anderson (714) 879-8273
Tony Battaglia (714) 836-7970
Jennie Guida (714) 639-7692
Claudia Kilby (951) 496-3035
Steve Smith (714) 973-4939
Liz Wessel (714) 538-0170
Woody Wessel (714) 538-0170
The next Parish Council meeting will be Wednesday, March 24, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is open to any member of the community who would like to attend. The Parish Council reviews all financial activity of our parish at each Parish Council meeting. Please see Kathryn or a member of the Parish Council to review the minutes and/or financial reports.
SHARING SUNDAY: Once a month, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., we take a home-cooked meal along with love and joy to share with the residents of EMMANUEL HOUSE, a transitional residential home in Santa Ana for men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Please contact Liz Wessel, (714) 538-0170, , for additional information. Our next Sharing Sunday is TONIGHT.
PHOENIX FAMILIES: We sponsor abused/neglected children and needy families in the Orange County area by providing canned/dry foods, diapers, and hygiene products (soap, shampoo, etc.) to the Family Support Network. All donated items go directly to help families that are making positive changes in their lives and the lives of their children. We encourage everyone to participate by bringing any number of the above-mentioned donated items to church on Sunday, presented during the giving of our tithes and offerings. For more information, please contact Daniel Whitehurst, (714) 697-6065.
During the season of Lent, we will be collecting peanut butter for our annual count on which kind is the most popular. So bring in your favorite peanut butter: creamy or crunchy. Results will be announced on Palm Sunday, March 28. All peanut butter will go to the Family Support Network.
We are also collecting Easter baskets (and items to go in them) during Lent. They will also be given to the Family Support Network.
POP TABS from canned drinks are collected and given to Children’s Hospital of Orange County who will turn them into $$ and donate the amount to the Orange County Ronald McDonald House.
First Holy Communion Classes
We will be starting a First Holy Communion class on Sunday, April 11. Children will be dismissed during the 10:30 Mass (same time as Sonshine Club). If you would like your child (children) to be in this class, please see or contact Tonya Adams, (714) 334-4430 or . First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday, June 6.
St. Matt’s After Dark
March 13 - Lee Stetson
March 27 - Michael Smith
April 23 - Priscilla Herdman
For ticket information, please see or contact Tony or Kate Bomkamp, (714) 792-3964, .
Opportunity to Serve
Many are the opportunities to be of service to your community of faith. One of the needs of our church is the preparation and care of our sacred space for our worship. Our next church preparation date is Saturday, March 27, when we will decorate the church for Palm Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Please join us.
Saint Matthew Youth Group News
Ø March 21 – Pancake Breakfast after Mass
Ø Ongoing through March 21 – We will be having another See’s Candies’ fundraiser for Easter. Orders will be taken starting today through March 21 with delivery on March 28. The church now has a See’s account number (#43422252). Please be sure to mention this number if you purchase items directly from the store.
Ø Ongoing – recycling soda cans and water bottles
Special Remembrances
Happy February birthday wishes to:
Ron Amendola Colleen Cope Tom Myers
Victoria Anderson John Deane Tessa Wenzel
Tony Bomkamp Ryan Johnson Woody Wessel
Lou Ann Clancy Lili Lunsman
Happy February anniversary wishes to:
Deacon Jerry and Diane Vecchione
(When is your birthday/anniversary? Please let Kathryn know.)
Looking Ahead
March 7 – Building Fund Sunday
March 13 – St. Matt’s After Dark featuring Lee Stetson
March 14 – Cupcake Sale
March 21 – Pancake Breakfast
March 24 – Parish Council Meeting
March 27 – Decorate for Palm Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
March 27 – St. Matt’s After Dark featuring Michael Smith
March 28 – Passion (Palm) Sunday
March 28 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
March 29-April 3 – Holy Week
April 4 – Easter Sunday/Building Fund Sunday
April 23 – St. Matt’s After Dark featuring Priscilla Herdman
April 24 – Ordination of Deacon Jerry Vecchione to the
ministerial priesthood
April 25 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
April 28 – Parish Council Meeting
May 2 – Building Fund Sunday
May 8 – Garden Tea
May 15 – Ordination of Deacon Tony Bomkamp to the
ministerial priesthood
May 23 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
May 26 – Parish Council Meeting
June 6 – Building Fund Sunday
June 6 – First Holy Communion Celebration
June 13 – Community Forum at 9:30 a.m.
June 27 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
July 4 – Building Fund Sunday
July 25 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
August 1 – Building Fund Sunday
August 21 – Craft Fair (NEW DATE)
August 22 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House
October 2 – Service Auction
October 25-29 – ECC Synod, St. Louis, MO
November 13 – Saint Matthew’s 25th anniversary celebration