IrFUW report for the QWGA/AGM January 2016

It has been an exceptional busy year for IrFUW under the Presidency of Dr Marion Gibson who has energised the Federation.

1.Council Meetings

Two Council Meetings were held in 2015.Both meetings address the outworking of the Federation with detailed reports and discussion of the issues pertaining to the smooth running of IrFUW. It is the decision making body.

The fourth Council Meeting took place on 07 March 2015 in Conference Room,Trinity College Dublin, with 23 members present

The fifth Council Meeting took place on18 October 2015 in Buswell’s Hotel,Dublin with 25 members present.


2.1 Developments in communication have led to the production of the e-Newsletter,a lively,colourful and informative bulletin created and distributed online using Mail Chimp. Five editions will appear annually, in February,April,June, September and November.Each Associaton is responsible for the distribution to members not on email. Each Association is also invited by Martina Mulrine,Editor, to contribute reports ,articles of interest, photographs,invites to events/ functions. QWGA President Janet Leckey and Secretary Jennifer Mussen contribute on a regular basis to the newsletter.

2.2 Website

The IrFUW website was launched in November 2014 and provides another important channel of communication.All details on accessibility are available through QWGAssociation.The special password protected area,reserved for members only,contains reports of meetings,papers,photographs and details of Conferences.QWGA President Janet Leckey and Secretary Jennifer Mussen contribute on a regular basis to the Webmaster,Heather Elliott.

2.3 Webinars

They are a relatively new way of conveying information, discussing major topics and sharing views in a forum of members connected by email. They last approximately one hour and facilitate questions and answers. Invites are issued through IFUW/IrFUW

C.I.R. Mary O’Donoghue

Recent Webinars included:International Women’s Day on 19 November 2015


3.1 Buswell’s Hotel,16 October 2015 was the setting for a workshop: “ Who do you think you are ” delivered by Dr Marion Gibson,IrFUW President. Setting the context of the deliberations the President addressed the past,current demands and future challenges facing IrFUW. Discussion groups followed the powerpoint presentation and the President collated the outcomes forwarding them to each Association for their action.


The Annual Conference,hosted by Dublin University of Women Graduates took place on 16-18 October 2015 in the The Gas Building,School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity Collage, Dublin.

Conference theme “ Women inspiring Women across the Generations”

  1. International Federation Day

International Day. The Centre for Global Health,Dublin 23 May 2015 was the setting for a workshop on “Our Troubled World” delivered by Miranda Jemphrey (QWGA) and Christel Moor (BFWG) Thirty eight delegates representing the University Associations and Linked members were challenged by Miranda’s Presentation,titled “Considering Change”in which she focussed on the issue of female genital cutting with its associated medical,social and psychological consequences.Miranda also explored how cultural change can be brought about in the Supyire people of Southern Mali (Case Study)

Christel Moor in her role as International Convenor, spoke about the QWI Hegg Hoffet Fund which assists Graduate Women who have been displaced as a result of war,political unrest or other emergency situations.

Both talks were followed by a question and answer session before a lunch in a nearby Hotel. This very successful Seminar,marking the International Day,has become an annual event.

6.The Public Speaking Final was held in the Edmund Burke Theatre,Trinity College Dublin, with a large audience composed of competitors,their families,invited guests and graduate members.Three trophies were presented.

•The Poppy Corbett Trophy was presented to the winning team St Leo’s College ,Carlow .

•The Ann Budd Memorial Salver was presented to Friends School,Lisburn as the runner up team.This lovely inscribed salver was funded by the IrFUW recognising the tremendous role of Ann Budd in developing Public Speaking at IrFUW level .

•The Joyce Craig Cup was presented to the best speaker in the competition,a pupil from Salerno Secondary College, Galway.

7. Events...2015

•A Memorial Mass for deceased Graduates,was celebrated in the Honan Chapel,Cork University on 06 November 2015. Lunch and a meeting of former members of the UCC Association followed in the River Lee Hotel. IrFUW President Marion Gibson,President Margaret Watchorn UCDWGA,President Ann O’Reilly GWQA attended.

Social occasions throughout the year 2015 included:

•Annual Dinner in the Great Hall at Queen’s University in June, UCGWA Lunch, UCD dinner in the Royal Yacht Club,Dun Laoghaire DUGWA Annual Lunch and October Conference Dinner at The Royal St George Yacht Club ,Dun Laoghaire in October 2015.

Eileen Cooley

IrFUW Secretary 2013-2016.