Minutes of the Corner Canyon High School Community Council Meeting held October 10, 2013, in the Atrium at Corner Canyon High School.
Present: Mary Bailey - Principal, Brian McGill – Asst. Principal/Vice Chair, Cherstyn Stockwell – Chair, Jeff Allen, Roxanne Boshard, Kelly Coreless, Wayne Dittmore, Susan Edwards, Laura Fidler, Amy Hardcastle – Counselor, Heather Lambert, Maggie Long, John Martindale, Lisa McDonald, Kimberly Miller, Jason Moffat, Kathryn Myers, Gregg Savage, Britt Thompson, Jennifer Wilson, Lisa Young.
Staff: Kathy Hilton
Guest Speaker: Detective Jeremy Barnes
Excused: Jenny Updike
Meeting was called to order by Brian McGill at 7:05pm.
I. Minutes – Kathy
Motion: Jason Moffat made the motion to approve the minutes of May 23, 2013. Seconded by Jeff Allen.
Vote: The motion passed 19 – 0
II. Welcome, Introductions
The new members were welcomed and each SCC member introduced themselves.
III. Community Council Overview/Training – Cherstyn
A handout of the changes for SCC by from the 2013 Utah Legislative Session was handed out to each of the Corner Canyon SCC members. The SCC discussed the portion of the handout for School Community Council Elections. Each member was asked to read the rest of the handout. The SCC also watched the video’s, “Earning for Education”, “Touch the Future”, and the Interim Superintendent’s message for SCC.
IV. Principal Update – Mary
Mary welcomed Maggie Long, newly elected parent, and Kelly Corless and Lisa Young newly elected teachers to Corner Canyon SCC. Mary also thanked the SCC for support of the LandTrust Plan and the School Improvement Plan. Mary handed out Title 53A State System of Public Education, Chapter 1a Utah Strategic Planning Act for Educational Excellence, Section 108.5 School Improvement Plan. If anyone has questions please bring them to the meeting in December.
Mary informed the SCC that Graduation would be held in the school’s auditorium. There would be 4-5 tickets per graduate. Program will be under two hours. Mary asked the members what time would be appropriate for the parents and students. Different times were discussed and the SCC decided 3:00pm was an appropriate time.
Parking in neighborhood was discussed. No conclusion was reached. Also a parent asked about speed limit signs which had been removed from in front of the school. Detective Barnes will check on the signs.
The Pep Rally and Homecoming game were both successful. The school received one complaint in regard to the fireworks display.
Football Team is 4-1 in region play.
V. Professional Development & LandTrust
LandTrust budget changes were due September 30, 2013. The school received an increase in LandTrust funding. Mary asked the SCC to consider amending the budget to add, $39,000.00 for a new computer lab, and $3,000.00 for AVID Training. AVID is training for teachers to mentor students in organizational skills, note taking, and test taking.
Motion: Gregg Savage made the motion to accept the changes to the LandTrust budget as presented.
Jeff Allen seconded the motion.
Vote: The motion passed 10 -0
VI. eCigarettes/ePipes – Detective Barnes, Draper PD
Detective Barnes presented a power point on eCigarettes and ePipes. A discussion followed, many questions were asked and answered. (Power Point is attached to the minutes.)
VII. Counselor Corner – Amy H
a. PLAN & PSAT, October 16th
The schedule for Wednesday, October 16, 2013, was handed out to the SCC. Questions were answered.
b. Senior Plans for CCR (College & Career Readiness)
A copy of the “Senior Silver Star” a Senior Newsletter was handed out to the SCC. This will have important information for seniors and will be given to all seniors every other month in their English classes. The counselors will hand the newsletter out and go over important dates and information for the seniors. Also there will be extra copies in the Student Center for students and parents. Also College Day will be October 24, 2013.
VIII. Attendance Policy – Brian
The SCC was asked to read over the Attendance Policy, and bring back any questions or changes they may have.
IX. CCHS Clubs.
Amy Cowin, the Asst. Principal over school clubs, handed out the list of school clubs and the club’s advisor for the school year 2013-2014. The policy of how to create a new club was explained.
X. Sterling Scholar
A copy of a Sterling Scholar Application was handed out to all SCC members. Applications are due to Department Chairs by October 14, 2013.
XI. Marketing Athletic Programs
Questions were asked in regard to marketing sports, wrestling, swimming, etc. The coaches market their team sports.
XII. Fees and Fee Schedule
A fee schedule was handed out. Fees are all voted on by Canyons School District School Board of Education.
XIII. State SCC Training
a. Thursday, November 7th, 3:30 – 8:00 pm, at CCHS
b. $15.00 per person if pre-registered.
The school will pay the registration for the SCC member who would like to attend.
PTSA thanked the members for the community support. They have 1580 members. Monday, October 28, 2013, is Red Ribbon Week. A parent asked about a safe grad night program. Parents gave their opinions and ideas for a grad night celebration. Laura Fidler volunteered to chair the grad night committee.
A parent asked about the next SCC Meeting. Days and times for the future meeting were discussed.
Motion: Kimberly Miller made the motion that the next SCC Meeting would be held on Wednesday,
November 6, 2013, December’s meeting will be held Thursday the 5th and all furture SCC meeting will be held the first Thursday of each month except for January due to winter recess. January’s meeting will be held on January 9, 2014. The motion was seconded by Maggie Long.
Vote: The motion passed 21 – 0
Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm