The Healing Codes 02.12.20091
Thursday Night Q&ATom Costello
Tom Costello:This is The Healing Codes question and answer call. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is February 12, 2009. Everything on this call is being recorded.
I go through a regular routine about supporting our clients, but I will have to say to you that the most important aspect of your healing is you. It’s you. We are providers of tools. We are providers of information and support, but the key to this is you.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not designed to and we’re not in the business of diagnosing or prescribing for physical issues of mental issues or their symptoms. The Healing Codes are geared to deal with spiritual issues, those underlying causes that, over time, will show up physically, but we deal with the spiritual issues. And, my opinions are my opinions. I express a whole bunch of them. If they have value to you, that’s great. If you find that they don’t, just let them go flying by. No sense adding them to your inventory of things that annoy you. Just write them off as not serving you.
What I’d like to know is open the floor to questions or comments or successes or struggles. We’ll get right into that.
Participant: (Cynthia) I have something to share tonight. You gave me a Custom Code last week and I’ve been doing that along with the other Codes. I was doing the Love Code and a picture came into my mind of a little girl. She’d be about four. I could see her in my vision as I’m doing the Love Code. She just stood in front of my vision and put her hands on her hips. She had quite an attitude. I could just watch her. I just kept doing the Code. She looked at me. It’s as if in the picture she wasn’t getting my attention. So she started to have a tantrum and act out in this picture in my mind. She jumped up. I just kept doing the Code. It’s as if I would send her love from my heart, this picture of this child. All of a sudden I could hear this silent voice yelling “I hate The Healing Codes.” I just kept sending love and doing the Code and watching my positions and just observing this picture of this little girl in my mind.
All of a sudden in this silent voice said, “And I hate you.” I just kept sending her love and then she stomped out of my mind. It was the most interesting picture. That’s what I have to share.
Tom Costello: That’s cool.
Participant: It was very cool.
Tom Costello: Did you attach meaning to that?
Participant: The image is of me. It has to pertain to me, because it’s always about me. But it was of this child who didn’t get attention or didn’t like what I was doing. Didn’t like the attitude of love, or misinterpreted what I was doing. That’s sort of the message I got, that she was angry, frustrated, distressed and out of control.
Tom Costello: That’s cool.
Participant: Very cool. It was a very cool experience.
Tom Costello: I’ve heard that situation described this way. That part of us is so distrusting of adults. Now we are one. “You guys pay lip service to love and kindness. You guys can say all kinds of stuff, but my experience as a child says you don’t follow through with it. You’re not tricking me into thinking everything is going to be great.” I’ve heard that experience as well.
Participant: That makes sense to me when I think of my own life experience. It did make sense. In my childhood when I would want to act out and behave in that way I would never, ever have done that. It was an awareness that this picture I saw in my mind felt free to act out.
Tom Costello: Yes. Yes.
Participant: And was very clearly showing me her emotions, not afraid, just clearly expressing herself.
Tom Costello: In a previous marriage my stepson was injured at birth. He was diagnosed retarded or brain injured or a bunch of different things. He used to act out with his mother. The psychologies said, “The reason he acts out with you and nobody else is because he’s safe with you.” That degree of safety that you were willing to display, “I’m going to love you even with the provocation. (I don’t like you. I don’t like The Healing Codes. I don’t like that.) Okay, I’m still going to transmit love.”
Participant: It was so neat that I was doing the Love Code and I could just send out energy. She got more upset as I sent the love. I just kept sending it. It just came like a flash. My adult life when I would be angry I would hold it in. I’d only let the rage out and the anger when I was in a very safe environment. I couldn’t articulate or communicate in an assertive way. I’d let it build up and then I’d let it fly. I was aware enough to not let it fly around anyone that I would not want to see me having a rage.
It was very interesting.
Tom Costello: I’ve used this picture in descriptions before. It’s almost as if I have in my hands a very beautiful, delicate piece of red glass shaped in a heart. It’s kind of 10 inches by 10 inches if I were measuring it. I got this beautiful piece, it’s like a plate. Through mishandling it gets dropped on the floor. I think that’s what happens to our hearts as children. They get mishandled. People don’t appreciate the preciousness, the delicacy, and the sensitivity. We get dropped on the floor and get fragmented, fractured or broken, you can describe it in many ways, in kind of a spirit sense.
As we do this work and other work similar, prayer and other great ways we do this, it’s almost as if one fragment attaches to another and another fragment attaches in the most beautiful way. You may have seen one of the Terminator movies where they keep killing the guy and he gets splattered. His pieces that look like mercury keep coming back together. Our heart pieces keep wanting to come back together. Our heart wants to be whole.
When you describe something like that, Cynthia, I can just imagine this piece of you, this beautiful little girl who felt separated or disconnected or fragmented from the whole, “You’re trying to trick me into believing it’s going to work out.” Then your consistency of love in that scene is almost like it’s sucking the part back in – made whole again.
Participant: That makes sense to me, Tom.
Tom Costello: That’s beautiful.
Participant: I could sense from this child that she was way more sad than she was angry, but her anger was her defense or her shield. She could appear to be scary angry, but really underneath she was just a little girl. She was sad and lonely. Sending the love, sending the Code, and continuing with it just felt the way to go. I just kept sending her love.
Tom Costello: If a problem can’t be solved with love, we’re not on planet Earth. That’s a good strategy, love. Thanks very much for sharing that.
Participant: Thank you very much for the Code.
Tom Costello: Good for you and the little girl. Does someone else have a situation, comment, experience?
Then I’ll tell you about my dream. It’s kind of in the same ballpark as Cynthia’s story. Sometime last night – this wasn’t something I was watching on TV so I’m not sure where this came from. I was involved in a vicious battle scene, fighting bad guys. Murder, mayhem, fighting, slashing, all kinds of gruesome stuff – then all of a sudden I realized I wasn’t fighting bad guys. I was fighting with myself. I was both pieces. Imagine the tenor of a given situation, the vibration of a situation, the ambience or atmosphere of the situation immediately changed from something scary and if it were music it would be a crashing battle scene. It suddenly changed to real peace.
I thought, that’s the point. That’s the point. We fight ourselves and then we look around us for somebody to blame it on. It must be him, them, her. Probably it must be me. Wow. I love that. That’s cool. That’s a nice awareness.
Somebody has a situation, a condition, success story or a non-success story.
Participant: (Lyle, Canada) I want to tell you that I appreciate you very much. I’ve only been on The Healing Codes for a short period of time. I appreciate you and The Healing Codes. I have a lot of issues, but there is one issue that I am working with. About a year and a half ago I felt flat out in my life, right on rock bottom. I started doing a meditation program and I feel that I’m making some progress. Now I’ve started The Healing Codes and there is no end to my old programming that keeps coming up. I understand that it’s not over until it’s over. I need to be patient and keep working with myself. Whenever something comes up I do my best to sit down and go within. I ask for help. Most of the time understanding is given to me.
This old programming is passive-aggressive toward my wife. I’ve been a liar. When you’re passive-aggressive you go underground and you try to cover up but there really is no covering up. Other people see it. I’ve been working with this. I would really like to speed my healing up. You and Cynthia were talking about love. That’s what I’m aiming for is to be more loving, more kind, to have more compassion. My request is if I could receive a Code from you to speed up this journey.
I’m 70 years old. I’ve been married for 41 years. I have a bit of history behind, a lot of history and a lot of dysfunctional ways of being and living and thinking. Also I haven’t really been in touch with my emotions. I would like to have more awareness. When I have a thought I don’t always catch the feeling that goes with it. I feel if I could I would have a better chance of dealing with my issue.
Tom Costello: I would gladly give you a Code, but I’m going to take this opportunity to make a few other points if you don’t mind.
Participant: Sure thing.
Tom Costello: I think maybe I had you draw this last week although I don’t recall. I’ve been using this with clients for the last week. What I’d like to do is draw a horizontal line about 8 inches long. You’re going to put about five dots on that line. I’ll tell you where to put them.
You’ve got the horizontal line. Somewhere near the middle put a dot. About an inch to the left and to the right, but one dot each. Now you’ve got three dots. Another inch or so to the left of the left-most dot put another dot. An inch or so to the right of the right-most dot put a dot. Now you’ve got five dots, one in the center, two to the right and two to the left.
I’m going to have you label those five points. You can do it with arrows or words and arrows or however you want to do it. That center point I’m going to refer to as “Neutral, Normal or Balanced”. They’re all the same thing, just different words to describe the same condition. The one to the left of neutral I’ll call “Compressed”. So I’ve got a balloon in my hands filled with air. I’m squeezing it. I’m squeezing it. I’m squeezing it. That’s compression. There is on loss of energy. There is just an increase in pressure and increase of stress. When I let go of that balloon it is going to change. It is going to expand past normal to the first dot to the right of normal/neutral. I call that “Enlargement”.
You and I are going to the gym, Lyle, and we are going to do bicep curls and strengthen our muscles. We are going to use compression in order to reach enlargement. We know we are going to compress these muscles in order to build strength. If we said to two other people, “Come on, let’s go to the gym all four of us.” These people would say, “You use up all your energy. You get sweaty. You get tired. No, that doesn’t sound like a good deal.” We say, “No, you actually get more energy when you exercise and you work out.” How can you do that? Well, it’s part of the process. You compress and then you enlarge, you expand. And you do it with energy. They say, “We don’t have any familiarity with that.”
In fight or flight situations, if we interpret a situation as a threat we can enlarge. You’ve seen a cat raise its back and go “SSSSSSSTTT!” It’s trying to look bigger so it scares away a threat. Fish do that. Birds do that. Other animals do that. They try to enlarge so they look more threatening and hopefully the treat will go, “Oops, I’m not going to tangle with this critter. I’ll move on.”
To the right on Enlargement is “Enhancement”. It is a qualitative, not just a quantitative thing. It’s not only bigger, but better, a higher vibration, more loving, more enthusiastic, more compassionate, kinder, more generous, laughs more. If we looked at this horizontal line and ask “Where would characteristics of God be?” It would be toward Enhancement and beyond.
We have labeled four of these things and not the fifth one. That one on the far left, not to the end of left, but to the left I call “Minimization”. That balloon, I stick it with a little pin. It starts to lose air. There is a loss of energy with minimization. Air is let our of the balloon, the tire or wind out of the said. It is a loss of energy. It feels bad. Loss of energy is contrary to our survival instinct. Loss of energy, over time feels bad. It’s designed to feel bad so we go, “I’ve got to get out of here.” We would move toward the right.
However, if we don’t overcome minimization, self-minimization primarily, or an environment in which we are minimizing others or we are being minimized we will move to the left in that un-labeled area. I would say that’s where we’re apt to find illness. You continue to the left where we would find death. We’re minimized to the point where the energy left the body.
We have the ability to overcome minimization experiences by converting them, by translating them, by getting a new viewpoint as we do The Healing Codes and shift them into compression. Everybody on this call and everybody we know has had severe minimization experiences of abuse, degradation, hurt, pain, whatever. No doubt we’ve had that. But, as we remove the stress from it and no longer have to fight it or run away from it we can get a third point of view in which we can see the value of that experience. It has, in fact, made us stronger. In every single case we can arrive at that conclusion. We can get a value or a gift out of that pain to our ability to make it up, to imagine, to create it.
As we shift out of that we get to compression – “This made me a better man.” I bet there’s not a person on this call who hasn’t had this experience. For me it was as a teenager where I thought to myself one day walking either to school or away from school. I said, “I wouldn’t wish my life on anybody and I wouldn’t ever volunteer for it, but the fact is I bet this is going to come back and serve me. This is going to be a strengthening thing. I’m going to be really pleased that I had this set of experiences. They’re going to make me a better person.”
Have you had that thought over the course of your life?
Participant: Yes, I believe I have.
Tom Costello: I bet everyone else has had, too. It’s a conversion of, “Man, that was nasty, but I bet there is a pearl in that oyster.” We can then move to that right end.
When you experience minimization, (you’re minimizing someone else) we do it out of feeling minimized. We are staticky. You are in Canada, a cold winter day shuffling across the carpet with shoes on you build up static. Somebody walks in and zzzzt! “What did I do?” They didn’t do anything. It was our static. When we need to minimize someone else – critical, judgmental, harsh, unkind – we are acting from a position of minimization. We’re doing it to them.
Unfortunately I believe and maybe it’s fortunate the subconscious mind hears these minimization things and doesn’t recognize we’re minimizing the other person. Oops! “I’m not talking about me. I’m not talking about us. I’m talking about….” Too late. The subconscious mind gets the vibration of this stuff.
Okay, now say, “Let me look at my scene with my wife.” Your wife says, “…..” You interpret it as a minimization. You have just built up static. If you don’t become aware of what just happened you are staticky. What is almost inevitable is that you “zzzzt!” her or your “zzzzt!” yourself.
Participant: I feel sometimes it’s both.
Tom Costello: Yeah.
Participant: It’s almost like the energy results in doing my wife and doing me in.
Tom Costello: I hear what you’re saying but it’s almost like “I picked up the hammer. I hit myself in the thumb with it. I think the hammer is the problem.” Ah! I think it’s the skill of the operator.
Participant: It’s me. Yep.
Tom Costello: I want to become more aware of how I’m using energy. I don’t want to minimize her. In fact, every one of us on this call is going to be so much better off if, number one, we enhance ourselves. Number two, we help the people around us to enhance themselves.