IHE Technical Framework: Year 3

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

DEC Connectathon Test Cases

January, 2007 Connectathon

Device Enterprise Communication

Patient Care Devices Domain


v. 1.5

December 29, 2006

Copyright © 2006: ACCE/ACC/HIMSS/RSNA



Copyright © 2006: ACCE/ACC/HIMSS/RSNA

DEC Connectathon Test Cases January, 2007 v.1.5


1 Introduction 2

2 Tests 2

2.1 ITI-8 2

2.2 Consistent Time 3

2.3 DOR/DOC Communication 3

2.4 Multiple Simultaneous Patients 4

2.5 Validated Data 4

2.6 Loss Of Data Link 5

2.7 Multiple Simultaneous Device Observation Reporters 6

Appendix A: Patient Identification 7

Appendix B: Messages With Parameters 10

Appendix C: Scheduling Sequence 11

1  Introduction

This document describes the IHE Connectathon tests for the DEC PCD-01 Profile. This data will eventually be loaded into the IHE-Europe web tool.

Related documents:

IHE/MWB PCD Device Enterprise Communication (DEC) Device Observation Reporter (DOR) Tests; Pre-Connectathon Tests

IHE/MWB PCD Device Enterprise Communication (DEC) Device Observation Consumer (DOC) Tests; Pre-Connectathon Tests

A schedule for these tests is provided in Appendix C, Scheduling Sequence.

2  Tests

2.1  ITI-8

2.1.1 Description

The purpose of the ITI-8 test is for each participant to load patient identification information (from an ADT^A04 message). Both Device Observation Reporters (DORs) and Device Observation Consumers (DOCs) require a minimal set of patient identification data for each patient.

ADT messages will not be available at the Connectathon. PCD participants will use the patient ID information provided in Appendix A.

2.1.2 Actors

DOR (all)

DOC (all)

2.1.3 Steps

Trans 0: DORs and DOCs load the patient identification files into a spreadsheet or database for use in later tests where a DOR is paired with a DOC.

2.1.4 Evaluation

PCD Connectathon Manager or Monitor will accept the word of the operator that data are loaded. If data are not loaded, no subsequent tests will work.

2.2  Consistent Time

2.2.1 Description

The purpose of the CT test is for each participating system to use the same CT server.

Instructions for this test are issued by the Connectathon Project Manager, Steve Moore.

2.3  DOR/DOC Communication

2.3.1 Description

The DOR/DOC Communication test demonstrates the ability of a DOR to send physiologic data to a DOC.

For evaluation, the Project Manager will compare the message sent by the DOR to that received by the DOC. Each will document, through screen shots or printed output.

Because the type of display (graph, table, etc.) is not constrained these are at the discretion of the actors, with the requirement that the DOC’s documentation is clinically useful.

2.3.2 Actors

DOR (all except the Vital Signs Monitor system)

DOC (all)

2.3.3 Steps

Trans 60101: DOR sends a series of messages (Appendix B) to the DOC to include the physiological parameters shown in Appendix B.

This test corresponds to Pre-Connectathon Test Cases 60001 through 60003.

2.3.4 Evaluation

Connectathon Manager or Monitor should observe a transmission, obtain documentation and compare the sent and received messages. Note: the DOR may send more physiological parameters than the DOC displays. The DOC must display at least three physiological parameters from each of the messages sent.

2.4  Multiple Simultaneous Patients

2.4.1 Description

This test is to confirm that a DOC can receive messages for multiple patients sent by a single DOR nearly simultaneously. DORs able to transmit parameters for multiple patients send to a single DOC.

2.4.2 Actors

DOR (all)

DOC (all)

2.4.3 Steps

Trans 60102: This test is to confirm that a DOC can receive messages for multiple patients when sent nearly simultaneously from each DOR. Each DOC should test with all DORs able to send data for multiple patients. At least two sets of transmissions of multiple patients should be communicated (except for the VSM, where only one transmission per patient is communicated). All DORs should participate.

This test corresponds to Multiple Simultaneous Patients Pre-Connectathon Test Cases 60004 and 60005.

2.4.4 Evaluation

For evaluation, the Project Manager or Monitor will need to observe the coordination and obtain documentation from each participant. Because documentation is not constrained, this test will not specify the format. Note: the DOR may send more physiological parameters than the DOC displays. The DOC must display at least three physiological parameters from each of the messages sent.

2.5  Validated Data

2.5.1 Description

The Validated Data test confirms (a) that DORs capable of sending both validated and unvalidated data are able to send both, and (b) that DOCs are able to receive both. DORs that transmit only one, either validated or unvalidated, will indicate that this test is not applicable.

Because consumer actors are not constrained to identify the message as validated or unvalidated, documentation of this characteristic (validated/unvalidated) is not required.

2.5.2 Actors

DOR (only those who meet the criteria perform this test)

DOC (all)

2.5.3 Steps

Trans 60103: A DOR capable of sending both validated or unvalidated data will arrange to send the data in the manner not sent in earlier test(s). DORs that transmit both will use at least the parameters shown in Appendix B.

Each DOC will document receipt and display/documentation of the transactions sent in this test.

2.5.4 Evaluation

Connectathon Manager or Monitor will obtain documentation and compare the sent and received messages. A DOR that is capable of sending only one of these will document this fact. Note: the DOR may send more physiological parameters than the DOC displays. The DOC must display several physiological parameters from each of the messages sent (at least three parameters).

2.6  Loss Of Data Link

2.6.1 Description

The Loss Of Data Link test confirms (a) that DORs can send data after loss of the data link to the network, and (b) that DOCs are able to receive data after loss of a data link and continue to apply that data to the correct patient.

2.6.2 Actors

DOR (all except Vital Signs Monitor)

DOC (all)

2.6.3 Steps

Trans 60104: A DOR capable of sending multiple messages from the same patient(s) will interrupt the data link long enough to lose one or more transactions but for less time than required to complete a series of transmissions. A DOR will document receipt of messages before interruption and after restoration.

Each DOC will document receipt and display/documentation of the transactions received in this test.

2.6.4 Evaluation

Connectathon Manager or Monitor will obtain documentation and compare the sent and received messages. Note: the DOR may send more physiological parameters than the DOC displays. The DOC must display at least three physiological parameters from each of the messages sent).

2.7  Multiple Simultaneous Device Observation Reporters

2.7.1 Description

This test is to confirm that a DOC can receive messages sent nearly simultaneously from multiple DORs. Two or more DORs coordinate transmissions to a single DOC.

2.7.2 Actors

DOR (all except Vital Signs Monitors)

DOC (all)

2.7.3 Steps

Trans 60105: This test is to confirm that a DOC can receive messages sent simultaneously from multiple DORs. This is to simulate the “real world” where transmissions will be received from multiple sources on a continuing basis.

Two or more DORs coordinate transmissions to a single DOC (see Appendix B for parameters). Each DOC is responsible for testing against two or more DORs over a set of transmissions lasting several minutes. DORs should be prepared to transmit over an extended period of time in order to participate as needed.

2.7.4 Evaluation

For evaluation, the Project Manager or Monitor will need to observe the coordination and obtain documentation from each participant. Because documentation is not constrained, this test will not specify the format. Note: the DOR may send more physiological parameters than the DOC displays. The DOC must display at least three physiological parameters from each of the messages sent.



Copyright © 2006: ACCE/ACC/HIMSS/RSNA

DEC Connectathon Test Cases January, 2007 v.1.5

Appendix A: Patient Identification

All rooms are located in Community Hospital, Healthy Living, GA.

All patients are Inpatients.

All patients are unique to the device, in contrast to the Pre-Connectathon Test Cases.

Patients, patient IDs, locations, test numbers are valid for 2007 Connectathon only.

DOR Systems / Test
Number / Patient ID
(ADT) / First Name / Middle Initial / Last Name / Admin. Sex / DOB / Patient Location / Mother’s Maiden Name / Comment
B Braun DoseTrac / 60101 / BB102 / Anne / B / Russell / F / 1/2/1950 / 3 West ICU, room 301 Bed 1 / Ramirez
B Braun DoseTrac / 60102 / BB105A / Robert / B / Park / M / 3/4/1960 / 3 West ICU, room 302 Bed 1 / Sanchez
B Braun DoseTrac / 60102 / BB105B / Mary / B / Park / F / 5/6/1961 / 3 West ICU, room 303 Bed 1 / Tribble
B Braun DoseTrac / 60104 / BB108 / Frank / B / Wild / M / 7/8/1965 / 3 West ICU, room 304 Bed 1 / Ur
B Braun DoseTrac / 60105* / BB110 use patients from 60102
Draeger Innovian / 60101 / D103 / Anne / D / Brooks / F / 1/1/1961 / Cardio OR 1 / Coburn
Draeger Innovian / 60102 / D105A / Charlene / D / Darwin / M / 1/1/1962 / Cardio OR 2 / Emerine
Draeger Innovian / 60102 / D105B / Edward / D / Frank / M / 1/1/1963 / Cardio OR 3 / Grant
Draeger Innovian / 60104 / D108 / Gerri / D / Harris / F / 1/1/1964 / Cardio OR 4 / Imwald
Draeger Innovian / 60105* / D110 use patients from 60102
GE Aware / 60101 / GE101 / Irwin / G / Jackson / M / unknown / 3 West ICU, room 305 Bed 1 / Abbey
GE Aware / 60102 / GE 105A / Katherine / G / Long / F / unknown / 3 West ICU, room 306 Bed 1 / Church
GE Aware / 60102 / GE 105B / Mary / G / Nichols / F / unknown / 3 West ICU, room 307 Bed 1 / Parson
GE Aware / 60104 / GE 108 / Oscar / G / Paulsen / M / unknown / 3 West ICU, room 308 Bed 1 / Rector
GE Aware / 60105* / GE 110 use patients from 60102
Philips CareVue CIS / 60101 / PC101 / Jack / P / Hill / M / 1/10/70 / 4 West ICU, room 401 Bed 1 / McFee
Philips CareVue CIS / 60102 / PC105A / Jill / P / Hill / F / 2/10/70 / 4 West ICU, room 402 Bed 1 / MacIntosh
Philips CareVue CIS / 60102 / PC105B / Bee / P / Nimble / F / 3/10/70 / 4 West ICU, room 403 Bed 1 / Gregory
Philips CareVue CIS / 60104 / PC108 / Rick / P / Fast / M / 4/10/70 / 4 West ICU, room 404 Bed 1 / Unknown
Philips CareVue CIS / 60105* / PC110 use patients from 60102
Philips IIC / 60101 / PI101 / Mary / P / Smith / F / 1/20/80 / 4 West ICU, room 405 Bed 1 / Jones
Philips IIC / 60102 / PI105A / Roger / P / Smith / M / 2/20/78 / 4 West ICU, room 406 Bed 1 / Wang
Philips IIC / 60102 / PI105B / Susan / P / Smith / F / 3/20/95 / 4 West ICU, room 407 Bed 1 / Jamison
Philips IIC / 60104 / PI108 / William / P / Smith / M / 4/20/90 / 4 West ICU, room 408 Bed 1 / Jamison
Philips IIC / 60105* / PI110 use patients from 60102
Welch Allyn Connex / 60102 / WA104A / Allen / W / Welch / M / 6/6/66 / ER 1, Bed 1 / Unknown
Welch Allyn Connex / 60102 / WA104B / Betty / W / Welch / F / 6/7/67 / ER 1, Bed 2 / Unknown
Welch Allyn Connex / 60102 / WA104C / Charles / W / White / M / 6/8/68 / ER 3, Bed 1 / Unknown
Welch Allyn Connex / 60102 / WA104D / Darlene / W / Waring / F / 6/9/69 / ER 4, Bed 2 / Unknown

* These tests are intended to show that a DOC can receive messages from multiple DORs. DORs may each send data from one or more patients to one or more DOCs. Since coordination will be difficult, the DORs should be prepared to send a lengthy series of values. In the above table it is suggested that DORs send data for multiple patients, but this is optional.



Copyright © 2006: ACCE/ACC/HIMSS/RSNA

DEC Connectathon Test Cases January, 2007 v.1.5

Appendix B: Messages With Parameters

DORs will send messages with any reasonable physiologic values for the parameters shown. Each message shall contain at least three parameters that the receiving DOC can process and display or document, and may send any number of additional parameters. DORs are responsible for coordinating with their DOC partners to assure that the DOCs are able to receive at least the minimum three parameters required for a given test. Parameter values should be consistent with the HIMSS Scenario and realistic for a patient in a cardiac ICU bed or on an OR table. Parameters are selected from Jack’s list.

Monitors (including Vital Signs Monitors)

At least four parameters will be be sent for each patient; at least three of which can be processed by the receiving DOC.

Available parameters:

Pulse Rate


Non-invasive systolic blood pressure, left arm

Non-invasive diasystolic blood pressure, left arm


Invasive pressures (use right arm)

Additionally, at least 4 more parameters to be sent from bedside and perioperative monitors.

Available parameters;

Systolic Invasive BP, right arm