Grade 9 Tech Ed - Program Overview

This term like every other, students will have opportunities to expand their skills and talents through learning about and solving technology related problems and challenges.

Achieving the objectives of the learning challenges and the information surrounding each area of investigation will require a strong commitment to of student involvement, team organization and problem solving. This term will prove to be everything but paint by numbers approach to Technology Education. On the contrary, each student WILL BE CHALLENGED to put forth a significant degree of self-direction, time management, critical thinking, and enhanced problem solving efforts. As always, the quality of contribution will be one of the most significant factors to influence the level of student achievement of course outcomes and program success.

To this end, as a means of attempting to create a learning environment that is fun, innovative, challenging, and one that reflects aspects of today’ workforce, each student will become a pseudo employee of the Bi Hi Technology Inc. with Mr. Abriel as the CEO - Company Executive Officer.

During this last term, failure to sufficiently apply one-self may result in being “FIRED” from Bi Hi Technology Inc., and consequently, result in a loss of wages and immediate removal from Tech Ed with no ‘limo service’ to room 7 for an abundance of core subject worksheets and program outcomes extension activities. In a nutshell, no fun for you! So, knuckle down and stick around!

Assessment and Evaluation will be determined in relation to the achievement of program outcomes and further influenced by the quality of individual performance, achievement on quizzes, improved problem-solving skills, quality of assignment / project completion, time management and various interactions with class members.

Throughout this process, you will work in teams and individually on various technology-related activities. At two times throughout the term each group will vote one person as the group’s most valuable member based on the above noted criteria. The degree with which you apply yourself and deal with the challenges will influence who gets the vote and the ‘bonus commission bucks’.

Activity Challenge Commissions

For each activity challenge, teams will be paid in “mock dollars” a percentage of the ‘activity challenge value’ based on the level of team member performance.

Each student will be evaluated by their group members producing an overall ranking of highest earnings therefore paying a proportional number of ‘Tech Bucks’. Team ranking will exist from 1 – 4 or 1 – 3 depending on the number of group members, keeping in mind each group structure has its advantages and disadvantages.

Team Structure Examples: Estimated Activity challenge Value $2700.00 Tech Bucks.

Number of employees (4) – A, B, C, D

Based on group votes
A ranks 1st = 40% CV = $1080 A ranks 1st = 50% CV = $1350

B ranks 2nd = 25% CV = $675 B ranks 2nd = 30% CV = $810
C ranks 3rd = 20% CV = $540 C ranks 3rd = 20% CV = $540

D ranks 4th = 15% CV = $405

Awards Dinner

During the last few weeks of Tech Ed, the top four class earners will be invited to exclusive “afternoon off” rewards party. These students will covert their invested “Tech Bucks” into real dollars using a “get real” Tech Ed conversion factor of 1TB = ($0.01). Invested Tech Bucks will be collected, combined and converted to pay for the “awards dinner” for the all expenses paid catered party including copiousness amounts of yummy food, drinks and treats. Note: (Certain restrictions apply).

Activity Challenges

The order of activity challenge completion will depend on the availability of participants and program resources. Groups will proceed to the subsequent activity challenge only upon teacher evaluation of timelines and successful activity challenge completion.

Note: Each activity challenge will have clearly constructed and defined timeframe for completion. Groups who require additional Tech Ed classes for activity challenge completion will minimize
AC value by 10% for every class extension beyond the completion date. Nonetheless, each activity challenge undertaken must be 100% complete as per conditions of each activity challenge. A maximum of two different challenges will occur at any one time due to logistical considerations and availability of resources.

Activity Briefs

1.  Bio-Related Technologies - Design and create a small product for assisted living. Working teams of three or four members as approved by your teacher. The product must be created using a Tech Ed problem solving process format. Construction plans and project Design Brief are required upon completion of the product / device. The product must fully functional and useable after it is completed. Value T$1700.00

2.  Bio-Related Technologies - Design and build a functioning hydroponics unit. The unit must enable to support and supply plant life with all the nutrients required to grow regardless of access to rain and or sunlight. It must be carefully monitored and thrive in a chemically safe and environment. Value T$2800.00
Note: (This activity may change according to the availability of materials and Tech Ed funds).

3.  Control Technologies – Design and build multiple simple electronic circuits. Demonstrate and understanding of how electricity operates. Circuits designed must perform the functions of creating sound, light, various levels of brightness, and demonstrate power and or movement. Value T$1800

4.  Control Technologies – Design and build a robotic arm that is able to move in multiple directions and lift a small object. Controlled through Pneumatics and or Hydraulics, it must be a multi-functional / multi part robotic arm. Must be made predominantly with materials approved for Tech Ed. Value T$2400

5.  Control Technologies - Design and build a vessel that is able to move by a power source other than that of its builder. The vessel may be created to move on water and on land. It must first be designed complete with specific construction plans and accompanied by a Design Brief upon completion. Materials in Tech Ed will be your main source for vehicle supplies. The vessel must move in a forward or backward direction without the assistance of gravity. Value T$1500

Design Brief Format

Name: Class: Date:

To discover and explore the areas of Bio Technology and Control Technology through activity related challenges as directed by Mr. Abriel.


Investigate the Problem – find out everything you can and need to know, in order, to understand the problem from a visual, structural, technical, chemical and or environmental perspective. Are there any safety factors to consider? Are there any major time factors that may pose problems? Can you solve this problem in a timely fashion? (Document Your Work).

Generate Multiple Solutions – Brainstorm ideas through conversing with team members, take notes, reference resource information, create diagrams, pictures, etc. Employ all resources that will help generate a creative and effective solution for each particular problem.
(Document Your Work).

Select The Best Solution – Carefully discuss and analyze all possible solution ideas and chose the one that will best accomplish the task / activity. Consider factors that relate to construction, fabrication, operation, available materials, location, team talents and skills. Chose wisely as one solution may be much better than others may.
(Document Your Work).

Develop The Chosen Idea – Begin the process of analyzing product or challenge solution idea. What must we do to make this idea / concept into a real product? Consider that it must be sketched and design on paper, accurate sizes and shapes must be determined, materials selected, parts created and assemble all the various parts. TECHNICAL ADVICE: Be accurate, pay attention to little details, and be specific! Measure twice - Act once! (Document Your Work).

Evaluate Your Solution – Have you managed to solve the problem? What evidence exists to verify your thinking? Have you used the construction plans to design your product or solution? How well does it function and or solve the original problem? On a scale from 1 – 10, 10 being the best, how well does your solution solve the problem?
(Document Your Work).