Southern Reserve, Rupert Drive, Mulgrave, 3170
ABN 15 230 486 779
Web: http://www.tennis.com.au/wellingtontcmulgrave
President: / Andrew Cosham5 Hubbard Ave, Mulgrave 3170 / Secretary: / Frank Colgan
13 Huxley Ave, Mulgrave 3170 / Treasurer: / Dianne Gilling
17 Bevis Street, Mulgrave, 3170
Tel: 9546 4289 / Tel: 0419 564 506 / Tel: 9546 6462
For the financial year 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014
Payment due no later than 31st July 2013
Contact Details:
Surname: ……………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………… Suburb: …………………………………………………….. Postcode: ……………
Home Phone: ……………………………………………… Work Phone: …………………………………………..
Specific Member Details:
First Name / Date of Birth / Gender / Member Category / Email / Mobile Phone / Primary Club(if other than Wellington)
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
………………………………. / ...... /……/…… / M/F / Snr/Jnr/FTS/Nite/Soc/NPM / ……………………………………………………………… / …………………………… / ……………………………
Membership Categories
Full Membership:
Senior (Snr): aged 18 years of age and over
Junior (Jnr): aged 17 years or less
Full-time Student (FTS): senior member attending an Educational Institution full-time
Restricted Membership:
Night (Nite): Court access for night tennis competition (WDTA or WTC social) only. No other membership privileges apply. VTA registration/insurance still required. Court visitor fees apply at other times.
Social (Soc): Non competitive membership. Social court access only. Court access not permitted during competition. VTA registration/insurances still required.
Non-Playing Member (NPM): members for social or holding purposes only, with no entitlement to play. VTA registration/insurance not required. Court visitor fees apply at all times.
Family Membership:
A family membership can consist of 1 or 2 seniors, plus junior, full-time student (to the age of 21), night and non-playing members of the same family residing at the one address. Details of all family members must be specified.
VTA Insurance: This is a compulsory annual fee paid by all playing members of the club
primarily to cover public liability insurance for the club and its members.
$29 per individual and $101.50 per family for 4 members or more.
Visitors Fees: All visitors and restricted membership holders (except Social Memberships) using court facilities are required to pay a visitors fee of $5.00 per day, except for sanctioned club events and competitions where specific charges apply.
Visitors must be accompanied by a Wellington Tennis Club member (max number of visits per year is 3)
SubscriptionFees Applicable / Total Payable
Insurance / Annual
Individual Memberships / Senior / $30.00 / $120.00 / $150.00
Junior / $30.00 / $60.00 / $90.00
Full Time
Student / $30.00 / $70.00 / $100.00
Nite / $30.00 / $25.00 / $55.00
Social / $30.00 / $60.00 / $90.00
Non Playing
Member / N/A / $21.00 / $21.00
Family Memberships / 2 Members / $60.00 / $180.00 / $240.00
3 Members / $90.00 / $180.00 / $270.00
4 Members / $105.0 / $180.00 / $285.00
5 Members
And over / $105.0 / $180.00 / $285.00
Gate Key * / $6.00
Payment Options:
1. Direct Debit to Commonwealth Bank 06 3244 10072868 (Preferred Payment)
2. Cheques payable to Wellington Tennis Club
3. Cash
Please return completed membership form to:
Di Gilling (Treasurer):
17 Bevis Street, Mulgrave 3170. Ph: 9546 6462
I/We accept and agree to abide by the Clubs Constitution and By-Laws.
Signature: ______(parent/guardian signature required if under 18)