Dear parents, friends and family of seniors:
It's time to order your Senior Tribute for the 2017 yearbook. To have enough time to scan pictures, type the text and design the pages for 400 + seniors, we must have your pictures and tribute text submitted in full by Thursday, November 9 at 3:00 pm with payment. No exceptions will be made.
Steps to Acquiring A Senior Tribute… Please follow these instructions.
1. Decide which size you would like for your recognition ad.
2. Pay for your tribute at
3. Select the appropriate amount of pictures you will need for your tribute. Remember to pick photos of good quality. Do not crop or edit any photos or digital images.
a. Digital images should be jpegs at highest resolution and should be sent to .
b. Print photos should be clean and uncut. They should be sent into school in an envelope or folder to Mrs. Sands in room 428.
4. Type, or neatly write, your message, paying attention to the word count. Submit it electronically to or send it in hard copy to Mrs. Sands in room 428, again in an envelope or folder.
5. Place anything you are submitting in hard copy in an envelope or folder labeled and send it to school or drop it off in the main office by 3:00pm November 9, 2017. Be sure to include your contact info should we encounter any problems or have any questions.
6. Remember to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like anything returned to you.
7. Digital materials should include the child’s full name and the size of the ad you are purchasing. If you submit digital images, please make sure each image is saved - last name first, and the size of your ad you are purchasing. For example…
Smith, Jane_1.4_pic1.jpeg
Smith, Jane_1.4_pic2.jpeg
8. If you are having a photographer send us images directly, please be sure they include your child’s full name and reference your name.
9. Contact Mrs. Sands at with any questions or concerns.
Sizes & Pricing
1/8 PAGE Tribute
1 picture
Up to 30 words
1/4 PAGE Tribute
1 picture and up to 50 words
2 pictures and up to 30 words
Up to 4 pictures
Up to 75 words
Up to 6 pictures
Up to 125 words
Please fill this out NEATLY and return to Mrs. Sands (room 428) & Yearbook Staff
Name of Student____________________________________________________
Parents' Name(s)____________________________________________________
Phone number(s)/Email______________________________________________
¢ $219 for a full-page tribute (up to 6 pictures and 125 words)
¢ $118 for 1/2-page tribute (up to 4 pictures and 75 words)
¢ $67 for 1/4-page tribute (1 picture and 50 words)
¢ $67 for 1/4-page tribute (2 pictures and 30 words)
¢ $42 for 1/8-page tribute (1 picture and 30 words)
¢ I understand that my photos and words must be submitted by Thursday, November 9, 2017 to avoid a $15 late charge.
¢ I understand that if I submit more than the number of words allotted for the size tribute I purchase, I will be billed a $15 editing charge to have the words cut down by the yearbook staff.
¢ I understand that if I submit more than the maximum number of pictures, the yearbook staff will determine which photos will be used, and I may not be notified.
¢ In the unlikely event that the yearbook runs out of space, I understand that I will get a refund.
¢ I have included a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that my pictures can be returned.
¢ I do not need anything returned.