Learning Activity 1.3. Pre-participation screening and risk stratification
/ Pre-participation screening is a process that includes risk stratification, health appraisal, and informed consent. The process evaluates a client's medical readiness to undertake health-related physical fitness assessments.To reduce the occurrence of any unwanted event during physical fitness assessment or during an exercise program, the pre-participation screening and risk stratificationprocess gives the assurance that the client is ready and able (based on standards and industry guidelines) to participate in the rigors of the assessment process.
/ Media Clip:Workers Health
Our Poor Health: The State Government's work health program has revealed that many Victorian workers are in danger of getting diabetes or heart disease. [online]. Seven Nightly News (SEVEN Melbourne); Broadcast: Friday, 5th February 2010.[informit]
/ Franke, W.D. (2005). Covering all bases: Working with new clients. ACSM's Health Fit J, 9(2), 13-17. [e-Reserve]
Provide a brief definition for the MRIPL acronym;
M /
R /
I /
P /
L /
/ American College of Sports Medicine. (2010). Preparticipation health screening and risk stratification In W. R. Thompson, N. F. Gordon & L. S. Pescatello (Eds.), ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (8 ed., pp. 18-39). New York: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. [Free Download]
Define the criteria for each positive risk factor.
- Age
- Family history
- Cigarette smoking
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Dyslipidmia
- Prediabetes
/ Sports Medicine Australia. (2005). SMA pre-exercise screening system. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.[Free Full Text]
Critique: In the Stage 2 procedures, what has the SMA provided?
Module 1. Introduction to Clinical Exercise Assessment and Prescription Unit 1 Concepts in clinical exercise assessment /
/ Complete the following flow charts and tables: American College of Sports Medicine. (2010). Preparticipation health screening and risk stratification In W. R. Thompson, N. F. Gordon & L. S. Pescatello (Eds.), ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (8 ed., pp. 18-39). New York: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. [Free Download]
1.Logic model for risk stratification.The flow chart in Figure 2.3 may be used to move sequentially through the process to determine the risk-category placement for each individual
/ 2.ACSM Risk stratification categories for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.Appropriate recommendations for medical examination, physical activity/exercise, exercise testing and physician supervision are made based on a risk stratification process that assigns participants into one of three risk categories: (a) low, (b) moderate, or (c) high risk (Table 2.1). The process by which individuals are assigned to one of these risk categories is called risk stratification. Provide a brief description of the criteria for the risk categories below.
/ Low risk
/ Moderate risk
/ High risk
/ ACSM Risk stratification case study.63-year-old male, who is a security guard. He is 170cm,and 86kgs, with a triglyceride level of 3.4 mmol/L, total cholesterol of 7.8 mmol/L, HDL 0.8 mmol/Land blood pressure of 155/90 mmHg. He is a chronic television viewer who has never been "athletic" his entire life. He suffers from asthma, which is controlled by Ventolin. He avoids walking due to mild arthritis in his left knee. He smoked for 20 years before the asthma forced him to quit 2 years ago. He typically drinks two to three glasses of scotch a couple of evenings per week. Recently a graded exercise test was administered (Bruce Protocol) for complaints of chest pain. The test was terminated at stage two at a heart rate of 150 bpm due to volitional exhaustion. Additional testing revealed a hiatal hernia as the cause for the chest pain. He is at your facility because his physician suggests that he should exercise.
+ / – / Risk Factor Summary / Comments / Risk Factor Thresholds
select-+ / Family History / /
select-+ / Cigarette Smoking / /
select-+ / Hypertension / /
select-+ / Hypercholesterolemia / /
select-+ / Impaired Fasting Glucose / /
select-+ / Obesity / /
select-+ / Sedentary Lifestyle / /
select-+ / HDL / /
select12345678 / (+) Risk Factors /
Major Signs or Symptoms Suggestive of CPM Disease
ACSM Risk Stratification: selectLowModerateHigh
/ Screening of young competitive athletes: Corrado, et al. (2005). Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Eur Heart J, 26(5), 516-524.[Free Full Text]
Complete the flow chart illustrating the proposed screening protocol for young competitive athletes.
/ Key Points: Outline three (3) key learning points from this topic.
/ Professional Vocabulary: Define the following acronyms as part of your professional vocabulary.