The Annual Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 23rd May 2016 at 7 pm in the Village Hall.

1 / Record of Attendance:
Mrs. Neaverson (in the Chair) Dr. Pritchard, Mrs Cross, Mrs. Colebeck, Mrs. Pickles
In attendance: Mrs. L. Knott – Clerk to the Council. Mrs. P. McMorran Assistant Clerk, Mr. Rob Haylock (prospective Councillor) Mrs. V. Lightfoot (prospect Councillor) P.C.S.O. Chris Kendrick and 2 residents.
2 / Apologies for absence:
David Snartt County and Borough Councillor
Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Councillor Holly Cross proposed and Councillor Sue Colebeck seconded Dr. Sue Pritchard as Chair. This was unanimously agreed. Councillor Dr. Sue Pritchard proposed and Councillor Holly Cross seconded Mrs. Sue Colebeck to be Vice Chair. This was unanimously agreed. Councillor Sue Pritchard took over the Chair at this point.
Councillor Pritchard said she had not foreseen what would happen to the Parish Council and that an article would be coming out in the next Parish Magazine acknowledging the service of both Dr. Dick Lowe and Ken Waterfall. She went on to say she wanted to do right by the village and to tell her if she was not doing it right. / Councillor Dr. Sue Pritchard signed the Declaration of acceptance of Office
3 / Confirm and sign minutes of the April Parish Council meeting:
These were approved and duly signed without amendment
4 / Appointment of Councillors and Clerk:
Vicky Lightfoot and Rob Haylock were unanimouslyappointed to fill the two casual vacancies.
A new position of Assistant Clerk without profit was created for the period 1st April to 31st August 2016 and a position of Clerk without profit from 1st September to 31st March 2017 was created both to be held by Mrs Pam McMorran. / Declarations were signed by Vicky Lightfoot and Rob Haylock. The Register of Members Interests to be forwarded by the Assistant Clerk for completion and return
5 / Declaration of Parish Councillor’s personal and/or prejudicial interests on agenda items:
The Chairman represents the Gardening Club on the Village Hall Committee.
Councillor Janet Neaverson represents the Parish Council on the Magazine Committee.
6 / Police and NHW reports:
Councillor Holly Cross asked if a reply had been received from Stuart Bullen and as the answer was no she asked if he could receive a reminder. / Assist. Clerk to deal
7 / Planning issues:
Tree Warden
The Councillors unanimously agreed that Mr. Brian Anderson should be appointed Tree Warden. It was agreed that he was not required to attend Council Meetings unless he wished to do so.
P/16/0729/2 Bradgate Road Anstey
The Council had been asked to support Anstey PC in respect of this application as it was not consistent with Planning Policy. The existing Councillors agreed that they strongly objected. The new Councillors were unable to comment without seeing the documentation.
P/16/0383/2 Glamping Huts
The Asst. Clerk reported that a resident had written a letter to every resident on Markfield Lane without stating their own name and address. It had been addressed as Dear Parishioners and could have implied it came from the Parish Council. It had however alerted a number of residents to write to CBC with their objections.
Residents memorial wall on Main Street
The Chair said whilst planning permission had not been required she would mention this under planning. She said it was looking good and suggested Councillors went along and had a look. She said only the one resident had ever objected but to let her know if there were any problems. / Asst. Clerk to confirm this to him
Asst. Clerk to submit comments
Asst. Clerk to post these in the Members area
All Councillors to visit site
8 / Bob Bown Memorial Field:
Councillor Sue Colebeck reported damage to the wiring on the east end of the five a side. It was agreed that she, The Chair and Assistant Clerk to meet Peter Haddon on site to discuss repair. Peter Haddon had said the wire had never been fit for purpose and he already put a safety strand of wire and additional post to strengthen it.
Sue Colebeck also reported that the last four pieces of equipment were not included in the monthly check booklet. She had taken photographs and was going to insert them for next month.
The question of additional Dog Bag Bins was raised again. The Councillors wished to know how often the bins were emptied and what the price would be for new ones.
The Councillors asked about Peter Haddon and what his hourly rate was and where he carried out maintenance. / Meeting already arranged for Wed. 17th May
Sue Colebeck to send Assist Clerk a copy when completed.
Assist Clerk to ask CBC for dates and Glaston for prices
Assist. Clerk to obtain info
9 / Village Magazine:
Thanks was expressed to the Magazine Editor Carole Heubeck for all the work she puts in. / Assist. Clerk to convey
10 / Parish Council Website:
Photographs were taken of Vicky Lightfoot, Rob Haylock, Tara Pickles and Sue Colebeck who all agreed that they could be inserted into the website together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
Pam McMorran in her capacity as Website Administrator said she would issue them with passwords to enable them to access the private members area. She offered assistance with access if required and Sue Pritchard suggested a session after the next Council meeting. / Website Administrator to insert photos and issue passwords.
11 / Village Hall:
The Clerk confirmed that the Public Works Loan was a repayment loan without interest.
12 / Highways, footpaths and traffic:
It was noted that the white mini island with attendant white lines and yellow lines on the Main Street had been reinstatedby County Highways. They initially missed out Bracken Hill but it is believed this may have now been completed.
A resident present expressed his concern at the heavy parking on Bradgate Hill which he believed was due to the Park. The Chair said we had good dialogue with the Park Trust and that Charnwood Traffic Wardens do attend and ticket regularly.ill / Assist. Clerk to check
13 / Churchyard and Cemetery:
Churchyard –No more had been heard from James Toone regarding the head stones that required attention to comply with the Church Insurance Policy.
Cemetery –
Three companies were sending tenders for the proposed extension but not yet received. / Asst. Clerk to chase
Asst Clerk to chase
14 / Bradgate Park Trust:
The problem of parking was continued to be discussed as commenced in paragraph 12. The possibility of employing a village traffic warden was muted and if so perhaps the Park Trust would pay for it. In that event we would need dialogue with Peter Tyldesley and it was suggested he should be invited to attend a Council meeting. / Assist. Clerk to make enquiries
15 / Reports by Councillors/Clerk:
There were none
16 / Correspondence:
a. Details of voting for the EU referendum
b. Aletter from Carol Ann Sugden requesting a donation to the Queen’s 90th Birthday street party. The Councillors agreed £50
c. CPRE Branch News was circulated / The Clerk to send
17 / Finance:
It was noted that the present signatories for the Nat West Current Account are: Lydia Knott, Pam McMorran, Janet Neaverson, Sue Pritchard, Holly Cross
Dick Lowe and Ken Waterfallolly
a. Up to date statement of account balance:
The Clerk stated these were not available.
b. Authorisation for payment of invoices:
cheque No. 002036 to Peter Haddon for various maintenance £205.00
c. Approval of accounting statements and annual governance statement:
This was deferred until the next meeting
d. Review of Risk Assessments:
This was not dealt with / Assist. Clerk to remove DL and KW.
Clerk to chase
Clerk to prepare
d. The Chair to scan and email Councillors. A new version was flagged for the future.
18 / Dates of next four Parish Council Meetings:
20th June, 18th July, 22ndAugust, 26th September all commencing 7 p.m.
The Chair asked whether the Councillors were prepared to change the Council meeting time to 7.15 or even 7.30. All Councillors wished the time to remain at 7 p.m. / Asst. Clerk to book Sept with Pat Wood