This agreement identifies the roles and responsibilities of the partners involved in the project and sets out the actions that will facilitate a successful and effective project.
Aim of the project
To increase the number of children who take part in extra curricular sport and physical activity on a regular basis and in so doing contribute to achieving the WAG target of 90% of children taking part in regular and frequent activity by 2020.
The programme
The programme should be diverse in order to provide a balance of:
· Competitive/formal sporting opportunities through a national framework of structured week-night and weekend intra-school and inter house competitions;
· Coaching sessions in many different sports;
· Recreational/informal opportunities: providing a wider range and greater variety of opportunities through the inclusion of activities such as dance, aerobics, walking and cycling.
The 5x60 Officer will be responsible for the recruitment and support of volunteers and leaders. The 5x60 Officer will not be employed to lead and coach activities.
Role of the local authority line manager
· To provide line management support and guidance for the 5x60 Officer including the management of:
Annual leave, work programme and appraisal of performance, professional development, contractual issues and undertake disciplinary procedures that are necessary
· To ensure that the heads of agreement between School and Local Authority and Local Authority and School is met.
· To ensure that the 5x60 Officer has access to wider sports development meetings and is engaged in partnership work with other officers.
· To ensure that the work of the 5x60 Officer contributes to LA development strategies and works towards the overall aims of the framework for young people in sport
· To ensure that good practice is shared across the authority and Wales.
· To liaise with the AYPSO at SCW (Sports Council Wales) and the school contact on the progress of the 5x60 Officer and the project.
· To oversee the financial management of the 5x60 Officer within the respective authority.
· To liaise with head teachers and senior management within school in establishing and agreeing basic principles of the scheme.
· To assist the 5x60 Officer in resolving any conflicts
Role of the School Contact
· To raise the profile of sport and physical activity within the school.
· To support the 5x60 Officer in the co-ordination of the project through:
· Ensuring the “whole school” shows commitment to development and sustainability of the 5x60 programme.
· Ensuring that the project is integrated into the wider school’s development planning.
· Ensuring that the work of the project is communicated to the school senior management team.
· Ensure that the 5x60 officer has access to mechanisms to communicate the wider diversity of school staff and pupils:
E.g.: School assemblies, staff meetings, school intranet, access to notice boards.
· Ensuring that the work of the 5x60 Officer enhances and not replaces opportunities already offered.
· Ensuring that the 5x60 Officer has access to those facilities and equipment required to deliver the plan.
· Communicating progress to the Local Authority line manager
Role of the 5x60 Officer
· To be responsible for the planning, co-ordination and implementation of the 5x60 Programme within a specified secondary school
· To be responsible for the development of a programme of new and additional extra curricular opportunities both on and off site to reflect the needs of the pupils within the designated school.
· To recruit and support teachers, parents, senior pupils and other volunteers assisting in the delivery of the programme and ensure Sports Leaders Awards are accessible within the school.
· To work towards the provision of sustainable lifelong participation through links with community partners.
· To work within the school to create “whole school” ownership and development.
· To be responsible for the implementation of appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and the collection of appropriate data to measure the effectiveness of the 5x60 Programme.
· To undertake the administrative and financial tasks associated with the 5x60 Secondary Programme.
· To ensure that all work complies with acceptable standards of fairness, transparency, accountability, equality, respect and bilingualism
· To work in conjunction with local sports development officers, leisure staff, Governing Bodies of Sport and local education representatives to ensure the 5x60 Programme complements and links with other Sport and Physical Activity development opportunities. In particular, the programme should ensure continuity and progression from Dragon Sport.
· To appropriately market and promote 5x60 activities.
· To use innovative ways of promoting activities to children who do not normally participate in sport and physical activity.
· To adhere to all LA policies and procedures in terms of: The use of AOTTS (Adults Other Than Teachers), health and safety, risk assessment, child protection, community use agreements.
· To undertake appropriate training activities.
· To undertake such other duties as may be reasonably required commensurate with salary grade and capabilities of the post holder.
Local Authority Role(The Line Manager will normally carry out these duties) / School Role
(The School Contact will normally carry out these duties)
Policy and Practice
Ensure that the 5x60 Officer will not be deployed to undertake work during school holidays that is not related to achieving the school plan / Ensure that the 5x60 Officer is not deployed to undertake work in school that is not related to achieving the school plan. (Assisting with lesson delivery, exam cover, classroom technician)
Provide school with their Active Young People Vision/Strategy and how 5x60 Officer post contributes to the bigger picture / Consider the 5x60 Officer as a member of school staff
Ensure that the project complies with the local authority policies on Health and safety, including Risk Assessment, Insurance, use of Adults Other Than Teachers, OSHL, Child Protection and Community use of School facilities / Adhere to the local authority policies on Health and safety, including Risk assessment, Insurance, use of Adults Other Than Teachers, OSHL, Child Protection and Community use of School facilities
Ensure that the project demonstrates good practice in relation to inclusion and fair play / Nominate a specific individual to act as school contact and identify another individual to carry out the role of school contact should this person no longer be able to carry out their duties in relation to School Contact role.
Provide the 5x60 Officer with a school welcome pack on their first day in post.
Provide feedback and agree on plans / Provide the 5x60 Officer with the opportunity to present plans to School management team
Line Management, Support and Advice
Meet with 5x60 Officer at least twice per term / Meeting with the 5x60 Officer and Line Manager to discuss progress
Ensure that the 5x60 Officer attends any relevant training opportunities organised by LA and SCW / Ensure plans and programmes compliment, not replace, existing provision
Agree and monitor 5x60 Officer’s annual leave / Provide day-to-day support for the 5x60 Officer
Deal with any contractual issues and undertake any discipline procedures that are necessary / Contact the Line Manager where issues of professional conduct arise
Provide 5x60 Officer with the Local Authority AYP(Active Young People) vision / Provide 5x60 Officer with information on initiatives the school is involved in e.g.: PESS, Healthy Schools, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Crime for your Life, CFS etc
Provide 5x60 Officer with information on other authority programmes / schemes / initiatives that might impact on the work of the 5x60 Officer / Provide the 5x60 officer with details of existing extra curricular provision, including any information on current partnerships with the community
Inform 5x60 Officer of the procedures for claiming travelling expenses / Provide 5x60 Officer with information relating to any Reward and Recognition policies
Inform 5x60 Officer of LA AOTT’s policy and coach recruitment and quality assurance procedures / Provide emergency contact numbers and medical conditions for pupils in line with school procedures
Provide 5x60 Officer with the names of any individuals who have coaching or leadership qualifications
Involve 5x60 Officer in Local Authority AYP team meetings / Introduce 5x60 Officer to appropriate school personnel e.g. Head Teacher, Senior Management Team, PE Department, Bursar, caretaker, School Council reps, Member of staff with responsibility for primary/secondary transition, others as necessary
Ensure that 5x60 Officer has regular meetings with SDO (Sports Development Officer) team, PESS Co-ordinator, Healthy School Co-ordinator, OSHL officer and Disability Sport Officer plus any other member of LA staff that is relevant to the work of the 5x60 officer / Invite 5x60 Officer to all relevant meetings, particularly PE Department Meetings
Co-ordinate school contact meetings / Ensure that the 5x60 Officer is kept up to date with issues and developments that may affect the programme
Publicise the programme effectively to all pupils and ensure that all publicity materials / campaigns reflect good practice in relation to healthy lifestyles including healthy eating
To provide guidance and support to the 5x60 Officer in relation to their work with disaffected pupils / Discuss the inclusion of disaffected pupils in the programme with the 5x60 Officer
Accommodation and Resources
Invite member of school senior management team to be involved in the 5x60 Officer appointment process / Ensure that the 5x60 Officer is provided with access to an appropriate working space and computer, printer, Internet and telephone, photocopying facilities to include school holiday times as necessary
Recruit and provide school with 5x60 Officer / Ensure suitable facilities are allocated to the programme in order to deliver agreed plans. This should include access on weekends, weekday evenings and school holidays
Provide 5x60 Officer with relevant CPD opportunities / Attend relevant CPD opportunities
Induction training for 5x60 officers will be provided locally in conjunction with AYPSO’s and the 5x60 line managers. National training will be provided for 5x60 officers by SCW.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Support research undertaken by SCW to evaluate the impact of this project / Ensure that the 5x60 Officer is able to regularly inform SMT of project progress
Inform the school of any additional aspects required by SCW in relation to monitoring & evaluation of the project / Provide Local Authority with any information, and/or data, required for monitoring and evaluation procedures
Ensure the school completes the Biannual participation survey that is sent out on behalf of the SCW / Complete the Biannual participation survey that is sent out on behalf of SCW
Include 5x60 targets and progress in school development plans and self review documentation
I have read and understood this agreement and agree to abide by the responsibilities stated above.
Name: ……………………….. Name: ………………………..
(On behalf of Local Authority) (On behalf of the School)
Position: …………………….. Position: ………………………
Signature: …………………… Signature: ……………………..
Date: ………………………… Date: …………………………..