Nam Loo



Drexel University should provide temperature control in each classroom so that students will pay better attention in class and professor will teach better. This university was ranked 2nd by Princeton review with the most students being disgruntled with the college administration. One of the ways to make students happy and more focused is by making students feel comfortable when they are in class. My proposal with solve all these problems Drexel is currently having


One of the problems Drexel have is that when students go to a classroom that is either hot or cold, they cannot concentrate. It is bad enough students have to go to class during the summer, but to go to a classroom where students are extremely uncomfortable is even worse. That is why class attendance dramatically drops during the summer term. Also, when students get exposed to one extreme temperature to another, they are bound to get sick. This is how colds, headaches, coughs, and running noses occur. And when students get sick, they stop going to classes.

And for the students that do decide to go to class, they are not pay attention. Because students are either shivering or sweating, it is not an environment where they can learn productively. After a while, students don’t go to class anymore because what is point of going when they can’t concentrate on what the professor is teaching and all they can think about is leaving class. This problem gets even worse when students are taking examinations. It is very distracting when students are waving paper fans at themselves or rubbing their hands while taking a test. This usually leads to low examination scores and that eventually leads to bad grades.

Not only are students affected, but professors as well. Professors are more inclined to cancel classes or dismiss classes early when they feel uncomfortable. They also cannot teach when all they think about is leaving the room. The retention rate for professors also declines. What professor would want to work in a university where they don’t take care of its professors and students?

So, if students and professors don’t want to be school, why should they go to school? Professors might as well post their lectures online and students than can learn from the comfort of their own home.


What I propose is that Drexel University should have temperature control in each classroom so that professors can set a temperature that is comfortable for everyone. By implementing my proposal, it would solve the following problems:

  1. Student attendance will increase since it gives students one less excuse of missing classes.
  2. Students paid better attention and do better in examination since they are comfortable.
  3. Student grades improve because they do better in examinations and are alert while in class.
  4. Students don’t get sick as much and class attendance would increase.
  5. Professors teach better and are less inclined to cancel classes because they are comfortable too.
  6. Retention rates for professors increase because they feel that the university is taking care of them.


All we need in every classroom is a temperature control unit in each class. Most of the buildings on campus already have a central air conditioning system, but the problem is that it is control by one unit which is located in the basement. That one unit only measures the temperature in the room it is in. Since the temperature of a room varies based on the number of people in the room, whether the door or windows are closed and the location of the room, that one unit is not effective enough. But by installing a temperature control unit in every room, the temperature can be controlled and everyone will be comfortable

For the buildings that do not have a central air conditioning system, it should be renovated so that it does have that kind of system. And in the meantime while the buildings are being renovated, it should at least have an air conditioner and portable heater in every room.


By installing temperature control unit in every room, both the students and professors will benefit and enjoy being at Drexel. The students grades and attendance will increase because they are comfortable and can focus better when they are in classes. Professors’ retention rate and motivation to teach students will increase because they feel they Drexel is taking care of them and they are also comfortable while they are teaching in the classrooms.

In the long run with both the students and professors happy at Drexel University, Drexel won’t be ranked 2nd by Princeton Review with the most disgruntled students. It might rank 2nd by Princeton Review with the most happy students.