International Exchange Programme
Bilateral - Travel TO Scotland
All completed applications must be submitted to the RSE by the appropriate closing date. Please check the Society’s website for annual closing dates, eligibility, and the most up to date information on the International Exchange Programme (All documents should be e-mailed to . Paper copies are not required.
All questions must be answered fully in the space provided (however each box can be expanded as necessary). Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be considered.
Part I: Do not attach copies of CVs, publication lists, etc. as an alternative to answering the questions on the form.
Part II: Applicants should explain clearly and concisely the main purpose of the visit and the prospective benefits to the applicant, the host(s) and their respective academic field. Please use non-technical language as far as possible.
Part III: Information on expenditure and financing of the visit must be provided. Applicants should advise the RSE of any confirmed sources of assistance as soon as such information is received, irrespective of the stage the application has reached.
Supporting documents: The following documents are required with the application:
(1) A letter, signed by the host institution overseas, indicating consent to the visit and the period.
(2) A letter, signed by the applicant’s head of department, indicating consent for the applicant to spend time away from their department.
Terms of award
For these visits, the Sister Academy pays the cost of APEX or equivalent fares for travel to and from Scotland. Local costs (travel, accommodation and subsistence) in Scotland will be met by the RSE. Applicants are strongly advised to keep costs low by arranging reasonably priced accommodation with their hosts, preferably in university halls of residence or local guesthouses. Excessive requests will be scaled down. The per diem rate will be based on the number of nights in Scotland. The day of travel out of Scotland will not, therefore, be covered. Travel to other parts of the United Kingdom will not be covered under this awards programme. Total costs should not exceed £3,000.
For such visits the award does not cover any costs associated with accompanying dependants, bench fees or laboratory costs, conference fees, insurance or medical expenses.
Conditions of award
It is a condition of the award that the host and visitor complete a joint report at the end of the visit. This must be sent to the RSE no later than one month after the end of the visit. Any publications arising from research undertaken during the visit should acknowledge the support given by the RSE. Further applications will not be considered by the RSE until a report has been submitted. A report format will be provided.
Where any of the proposed research in a host institution overseas involves work with animals or with human subjects, the applicant will be expected to ensure that the ethical aspects of the project are equivalent to current UK standards.
The award is granted for the purposes outlined in the application. The RSE must be consulted on, and informed of any changes to, the proposed visit. Failure to consult the RSE about proposed changes could result in funding being withdrawn.
Any funds remaining at the end of the visit must be returned to the RSE by a bank transfer.
Application checklist
-Parts I, II and III of form
-Data Protection Consent (below) provided
-Equal Opportunities Form (at end of application) completed
-Letter(s) of agreement to visit by the host(s)
-Letter of consent from visitor’s head of department
- Applications may take about two months to process, please allow sufficient time.
- Applications for repeat or return visits will only be considered once the outcomes of the initial trip have been reported.
- An applicant can only apply once per deadline.
- All documentation is requested by e-mail only.
RSE International Exchange Programme – Bilateral, Travel to Scotland
The RSE, 22-26 George Street, Edinburgh, UK, EH2 2PQ
The RSE, Scotland's National Academy, is Scottish Charity No. SC000470
Bilateral Programme Partner:……………………..…..(i.e. Czech academy of sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, National Science Council of Taiwan, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences Malaysia)
PART I: Applicant Information
Family name :
First name :
Middle name (if any) :
2Academic title
3Address of employing institution
Job title:
Address of employing Institution (including department):
Start date of employment:
4Subject area (two or three words only)
5Field of specialisation (up to nine key words)
6 Discipline Area
Please select one from the following list of discipline areas:
Biomedical and Cognitive Sciences
Clinical Sciences
Organismal and Environmental Biology
Cell and Molecular Biology
Physics and Astronomy
Earth Sciences and Chemistry
Informatics, Mathematics and Statistics
Language, Literature and History
Philosophy, Theology and Law
History, Theory and Practice of the Creative and Performing Arts
Economic and Social Sciences
Education and Public Understanding
Business and Management
7Academic qualifications (state title and class of degree(s), year obtained and educational institutions; include academic awards and prizes)
8Summary of academic career (give dates and positions held and names of institutions)
9Title and reference of five key recent publications in refereed journals
10Outline of present research (please use non-technical language as far as possible)
11Where did you hear of this programme?
PART II: Details of proposed visit
1Dates of visit
From / (day) / (month) / (year)To / (day) / (month) / (year)
Total length of visit / (days/weeks)
2Country(ies) and City(ies), names of laboratories and people to be visited, with dates/periods and contact details.
3Please attach a letter from your host(s) giving approval, in principle, to host your visit.
4Please attach a letter from your employer giving approval, in principle, for your absence.
5State purpose of visit, specifically addressing the following questions:
(Please give details)
Will you be engaged in research collaboration?
Are you going to use a special facility or learn new techniques (or both)?
Will you give lectures/seminars?
Please provide details of title(s) and audience.
Please give details of any other activities
What impact will this project have on the direction of your research?
6What are the anticipated outcomes of this visit?
7Knowledge of relevant languages
Please indicate any relevant language and state level of proficiency
(fluent / adequate for conversation / basic)
8Will you be accompanied by any dependants? Please give details
(Note that no additional financial provision for accompanying spouse/dependants will be made)
PART III: Details of Expenditure
1.Travel and Subsistence
International fares (economy/APEX rate - indicate routing) / £
- Routing:
Local travel in UK (public transport only) / £
Local travel in home country (public transport only) / £
Subsistence in UK (£100 per diem rate) / £
Cost of Obtaining Visa (if applicable)
/ £TOTAL / £
2Partnership funding for this visit
(a)Have you been advised of any sums payable through the organisation(s) in the country to be visited? (other than from our bilateral cost-sharing partners). If so, please provide a summary of contributions from sources in the country to be visited. Please state if these are agreed or under consideration (If under consideration, please state when the outcome will be known).
(b)Have you received promise of assistance from any other source? If so, give details.
(c) Will you make a personal contribution?
(d)Give details of pending or proposed applications (results must be communicated to the RSE as soon as known).
3Please give brief details of any other Royal Society of Edinburgh grants received in the last five years and state whether you have any other Royal Society of Edinburgh grants pending.
RSE International Exchange Programme – Bilateral, Travel to Scotland
The RSE, 22-26 George Street, Edinburgh, UK, EH2 2PQ
The RSE, Scotland's National Academy, is Scottish Charity No. SC000470
I confirm that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and undertake to seek the RSE’s or the relevant Sister Academy’s consent to any changes to the information provided here.
Where any of the proposed research in a host institution overseas involves work with animals or with human subjects, the applicant will be expected to ensure that the ethical aspects of the project are equivalent to current UK standards.
The RSE accepts and processes your personal data which is held on the RSE’s database. The RSE holds this data in confidence and will not release it to any third party (other than those organisations listed below) without your consent. Please read the statement below and tick the box provided if you agree to its provisions. Please note that if you do not agree, the RSE may not be able to process your application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the RSE’s Events Officer (International) to discuss this in more detail ( or telephone +44 131 240 2782).
“I confirm that by completing this application form I accept and consent to the transfer of my personal data to The Scottish Government (the funders of this scheme) and its auditors, agents including any supplier processing such data and to third parties involved with the delivery, audit, review and evaluation of the RSE International Exchange Programme and/or to the RSE’s Sister Academies and their associated institutes, in each case for the purpose of evaluating my application for a RSE International Exchange Award, and for auditing, evaluating and reviewing the RSE International Exchange Programme as a whole or in part and all related programmes.
I also confirm that I have received approval from my overseas collaborator(s), and any other collaborators whose personal data is included in this application, for their personal data to be used in this manner.”
Signature of applicant: ......
RSE International Exchange Programme – Bilateral, Travel to Scotland
The RSE, 22-26 George Street, Edinburgh, UK, EH2 2PQ
The RSE, Scotland's National Academy, is Scottish Charity No. SC000470