/This form should be completed by current staff (or family members) of the University of Melbourne. Eligibility for the discount is determined by the staff member’s employment arrangements and the family member’s relationship as set in the Policy: . / When completed, please submit this form with your course application.
For enquiries please contact Admissions:
Visit Staff Hub for further information:
Student ID / Date of birthSurname / Given name
Contact numbers
Suburb / State / Postcode
Course name
Course code / Course stream
For family members only: Relationship to staff member
I am the staff member’s: / (see over for definitions of eligible family members)
2. staff member details
Surname / Given nameEmployee number / I am an academic or professional staff member who is:
Continuing, at time fraction:
Fixed-term (with at least a further 12 months appointment), at time fraction:
My contract end date is:
3. Declaration of staff member
I affirm the information provided above is true and accurate. I have read and understand the eligibility requirements as detailed below. I undertake to inform the University immediately if there is any change in my relationship to the applicant/student or in my employment status. I authorise nominated University staff to verify my employment status as declared above.Signature / Date
4. Declaration of family member applicant (IF APPLICABLE)
I affirm the information I have provided is true and accurate. I have read and understand the eligibility requirements as detailed below. I understand that, if my relationship with the staff member named above ceases or the status of the staff member’s employment with the University changes, I will no longer qualify for the fee discount. I undertake to inform the University immediately of any change in my relationship to the staff member. I authorise the University to confirm the information I have provided in this application with the staff member named above.Signature / Date
privacy information
The University of Melbourne collects personal information in accordance with the University Privacy Policy which can be viewed in full at Information is collected, used and stored for the purpose of administering enrolment and related activities. Commonwealth and State agencies require certain information to be reported or disclosed by the University. You may request access to your information at any time by contacting the privacy officer at .
5. Declaration of staff member’s supervisor
I confirm that the staff member named above is in the eligible category to receive a staff discount for themselves/their family member (as detailed in section C below). The employment details provided in Section 2 are correct.Employee Number / Name
Signature / Date
information about the university staff fee discount
A.Eligibility criteria
The University Fee discount is offered to eligible University of Melbourne staff members and their immediate family who enrol in a local or international full fee place in a graduate award course or in theCommunity Access Program and are not in receipt of any other discount, bursary or scholarship provided by the Government, Commonwealth, University or Faculty of the University. Note that staff of University of Melbourne Affiliates are not eligible for the discount.More information about eligibility:
B.eligible courses (with the exception of courses listed in Policy 111, section 7.6, schedule 1)
Local and International Full Fee graduate Award coursesCommunity Access Program (Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels)
C.eligible staff members
Academic and Professional staff andContinuing members of staff, either part or full time or
Fixed term members of staff with at least 12 months remaining in their appointment
Please note thatstaff of University of Melbourne Affiliates, casual and honorary staff are not entitled to a fee discount.
D.eligible family members
The fee discount is also available to immediate family members of both the staff member and the staff member’s spouse subject to the following conditions:- The relationship must be active when the application is lodged,
- Relationships upon which eligibility depends must be current,
- Discount will be applied pro-rata depending on the time fraction of the staff member.
Staff member
/Staff member’s spouse
Spouse (including defacto spouse and domestic partner)Child (including adopted / step child)
Grandchild (including adopted / step grandchild)
Parent / step parent
Grandparent / step grandparent
Sibling / step sibling / half sibling / Child including adopted child
Grandchild including adopted / step grandchild
Parent / step parent
Grandparent / step grandparent
E.Tuition fees and fee help
Students must pay their tuition fees upfront to the University by the due date shown on their invoice. Late payment penalties do apply if fees are not paid by the due date.Students who:
are enrolled in a graduate award course, and
meet the FEE-HELP eligibility requirements, and
have lodged a Request for FEE-HELP Assistance by their first subject census date
may, but are not required to, pay tuition fees upfront to the University. Their tuition fee liability will be reported to the Australian Tax Office as a FEE-HELP debt.
Fees information –
Fee-help information –
F.instructions for applicants
Check this form is complete and all parties have signed the declarationUpload the signed form as an attachment when you lodge your online course application:
Note that discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and you must apply prior to the semester census date.
G.Instructions FORSTAFF
Admissions team: Check the application form is complete and all parties have signed the declarationConfirm the course applied for is an eligible course(eg check schedule 1, section 7.6 of the policy)
Notify the Fees team once an offer is made by compiling and forwarding the University Fee Discount Notification spreadsheet to
Fees team: Check the applicant is not in receipt of any other University discount, bursary or scholarship for the course
The University Fee Discount Notification template is available on the Student Administration intranet /Fees/Forms and Resources
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