Reach for the Starts Morning Announcements


DAY AND DATE Good Morning. Today and tomorrow you’re going to have the opportunity to learn all about a great program called Reach for the Stars that ?-? graders are going to be participating in for the next 2 weeks. It’s going to be a great way for us to kick off our school year by creating a “Reading Frenzy” It’s going to be awesome. Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my personal challenge to you

DAY AND DATE of you learned about our Reach for the Stars program yesterday and the rest of you will get to learn about it today. Today is the start. Don’t forget to read, read, read and to start sharing your goal and collecting sponsors. My challenge to you is this: Do the reading, collect pledges and have fun with this. If you read ______minutes over the next 2 weeks then I will______. Would you like to see that happen??????

DAY AND DATE students!! DID you start your reading yesterday? Did you all get to learn about the program and make a wish-list of some amazing books you’d like to earn during our reading challenge? If you missed for some reason, let your teacher know and we’ll get your reading log to you today and you can start too. It’s going to be fun and it’s good for you too. Reading in the classroom, at home and anywhere you go—all counts. Don’t forget to keep track.

DAY AND DATE you heard this before? “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Seuss wrote that in a book you might have read yesterday or a long time ago. It’s very true. Reading helps you go anywhere you want to go. Don’t forget to read and log your minutes.

DAY AND DATE almost the weekend and you’re going to have some extra FREE time right??–what a great time to read LOTS of minutes and get lots of sponsors! Be sure to tell everyone that Reach for the Stars will help you and your school receive exciting and fun new books!! Tell your family and friends all about your goal.

Reach for the Starts Morning Announcements


DAY AND DATE Good Morning. Did you read this weekend and remember to track your minutes? We’re excited to see how many minutes we can tally up. Don’t forget to be collecting pledges as well. I know many of you created some fun wish lists last week with lots of cool and exciting books that you can earn by collecting those pledges. Keep going. You’re almost half way to your goal of 10 days of reading!!

DAY AND DATE you know that reading makes you a smarter person? Yep, it does and the more you read, the more you know. All reading counts for your minutes and even if you read something that’s easy for you, it helps you read better if you keep at it. Keep tracking those minutes. Don’t forget to tell your teachers how you’re doing. We’re all cheering you on.

DAY AND DATE you’re officially half way through your reading challenge. Way to go!! Are you excited to get new books for your home and our school? We’re excited for you. Don’t forget to let your family and friends know that you’re Reaching for the Stars. I’m sure they’ll want to sponsor you and help you earn those books.

DAY AND DATE a fun reading idea for you today. Why not ask your family to read with you tonight? Find a great book and have everyone take turns. Reading AND being read to counts for your minutes. Maybe with everyone taking turns you could even read 60 minutes tonight. I challenge you!!

DAY AND DATEIt’s almost the weekend and I know there are lots of things to do so I’m reminding you in advance — Don’t forget to read and collect pledges so that you’ll earn lots of cool new books to read through the ______. Remember we’re “Reaching for the Stars”