Sealed Bids will be Accepted for the Patching of Potholes.
Sealed bids will be received by the Bibb County Commission office until 2:00 pm on March 6, 2014.
Bids should be directed to:
Bibb County Commission Office
Attention: County Administrator
157 S. W. Davidson Drive
Centreville, AL 35042
(205) 926-3114
All bids must have the company name and address on the outside of the envelope and be clearly markedPatching Bid.
The Bibb County Commission is accepting sealed bids for the patching of potholes. Bids shall be in the form of price per ton of material. The per ton price shall be inclusive of all items listed under Summary contained herein. A copy of this notice may be picked up and bids returned to the Bibb County Commission office located at 157 S. W. Davidson Drive, Centreville, AL 35042. Bids must be turned in by 2:00 pm, March 6, 2014. For more information contact County Administrator Mark Tyner at (205) 926-3114 or . The Bibb County Commission reserves the right to waive any informalityand to reject any orall bids.
Bidders must confer with their respective insurance agents, brokers, or carriers to
determine in advance of bid submission the availability of the insurance coverages andendorsements required herein. If an apparent low bidder fails to comply strictly with the insurance requirements below, that bidder may be disqualified from award of contract. Proof of insurance shall be submitted with bid. Compliance with E-Verify documentation will be required as well.
Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this contract the following or equivalent insurance policies at no less than the limits shown below and cause its subcontractors, if applicable, to maintain similar insurance acceptable to Bibb County in order to protect against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by contractor. Cost of insurance shall be included in bid.
General Liability of a minimum of $1 million per occurrence.
The following shall be required:
1. Prep Work
2. Placement of Tack
3. Placement of ½” Maximum Aggregate Size Hot Mixed Asphalt
4. Consolidation with Gas Powered Plate Tamp or Equivalent
Also please provide a cost as specified above less the cost of Hot Mixed Asphalt.
All work performed will requiredocumentation. This includes dates and times worked, locations addressed, as well as original material tickets.
A list of references for similar work may be submitted with bid.
Bids shall reflect all requirements as stated in these specifications. All processes and equivalents contained herein will require the County Engineer’s approval prior to the commencement of work.
Total Bid per ton, in place:Total Bid less asphalt cost:
Submitted by: ______
Date: ______
If awarded the bid, I agree to all terms and requirements in this document and
consider this a binding contract.
Signature: ______