Virginia M. Barry, Ph.D. Paul Leather
Commissioner of Education Deputy Commissioner of Education
Tel. 603-271-3144 Tel. 603-271-3801
101 Pleasant Street
Concord, N.H. 03301
FAX 603-271-1953
Citizens Services Line 1-800-339-9900
TO: Jennifer Carbonneau, SIG Coordinator
Alan Smith, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Sikander Rashid, School Principal
FROM: Deborah Connell, NH DOE SIG Liaison
Patty Ewen, NH DOE North Country Liaison
RE: Title I, Part A Section 1003 (g) School Improvement Grant (SIG) of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act Monitoring Visit for the 2011-12 School Year
Final Report: Littleton High School – Littleton, NH
DATE: June 11, 2012
Thank you for organizing a very successful monitoring visit. We appreciated all the time and effort that went into the preparation for the review. Special thanks should go to Jen Carbonneau for making all the arrangements. We would also like to thank you and all your staff for your willingness to share your thoughts about the SIG program and for all the time you set-aside to meet with us. We were able to develop a good understanding of what the Title I School Improvement Grant (SIG) program looks like and how it operates in your school/district.
This final report is divided into three categories. They are as follows:
Commendations:Commentary by LHS teachers, students and community members reflect acceptance and support of the transformation principal, Sikander Rashid.
The school leadership team is committed to the transformation. Teacher leaders were very enthusiastic about the opportunity to act in leadership roles via the committee chairperson assignments. Vertical and horizontal PLCs have been established to support communication and integration of new knowledge into curriculum, instruction and assessment. The 2011 summer retreat for the leadership team and teachers was critical to building an understanding of the SIG process and requirements of the LHS “action plan”. Teacher quote: I recommend a whole school retreat again. It was inspiring!”
Parent comments reflected support for the high school leadership. They praised the commitment of the LHS teachers to providing a quality education for their children.
Students feel valued and appreciate the principal’s support of PBIS. Diversity Day was mentioned frequently.
The Extended Learning Opportunities Program is successfully bridging the school-community gap. The ELO program support of the launch of NH Literacy Day in the North Country is particularly notable. Research provides evidence of the importance of early intervention. (Note: The Assistant Superintendent has applied for a grant to support Early Kindergarten and should be recognized for this insight.)
The LEA has financially supported the elementary principal’s participation in all SIG technical assistance to development the teacher evaluation system. The teacher evaluation system will be adopted district wide.
The effort to infuse technology to enhance instruction has been successful. Use of technology is a practice observed in classroom visitations.
There has been significant advancement in NWEA assessment to track student growth. Pre and post- test measures are in place. (A system to utilize data to inform instruction will be in place by the start of the 2012 academic year.)
Compliance Issues and Timeline for Remediation:
None noted
Parents: The parents interviewed requested that communication from LHS be written as well as electronic. They expressed concern that access to the building is difficult. They asked “Where is the main entrance and how do parents enter?” They suggested that a “welcoming” atmosphere would be helped by providing visitor parking by the main entrance at the back of the building.
RtI: The implementation of a RtI system is a SIG goal that has not been achieved. A system to utilize data to inform instruction needs to be in place by the start of the 2012 academic year. A schedule which supports RtI is necessary.
While the teacher evaluation system has been shared with the staff, not all teachers understand the model and components. A schedule of the professional development activities that are planned should be shared with the staff.
Please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns. I can be reached at
603 271-3769 or .
TDD Access: Relay NH 711