
The sound check will begin shortly.

12:52Sarah Morehouse

Hi Steve :)


cant hear presenter

12:53Sarah Morehouse

Windy, not too cold, a bit cloudy. An hour ago, it was flurrying.


He is relavitely quiet

12:53William Martin

Cloudy, but this is Ithaca

12:53Leigh Jay Hicks

sounds great to me!


sounds good to me too


He is very quiet compared to the 1st speaker

12:54Connecticut College 2

it is garbled on my end


sounds perfect from brooklyn on a mac

12:55Lida Larsen

still softer than you Steve

12:56Sarah Morehouse

Show up early; get a bagel. :)

12:56C. Curry

Agree with Lida but is acceptable.


Working, but out of balance.


ok here in Kentucky

12:57Edward Iglesias

sounds good at CCSU

12:57Wilson - SUNY Albany

sounds good to me


Good in Vermont now!


There won't be any audio until we begin at 1:00pm ET.

12:58Veronica Pejril

Trying to ignore the Apple Lovefest banter... Hiding my twitter feed. ;)


Got my screen split so I can watch both--talk about multitasking...


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This audio presentation, slides, and transcript will be available from the EDUCAUSE Live! archive later today. Visit for more information.


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Twitter: #EDULive


Before you sign off today, please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the upper right corner of your screen or use this URL . Your reactions and comments are very important to us.

13:01Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

Are the slides available?


@ Shelby, If the slides are not advancing properly, you may download a copy by visiting:

13:01Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

thank you



I don't see the slides


@ juville, look for a private message from Technical Help.



13:11Greg Russo

the controversy over your bead curtain...

13:13Greg Russo

From a young person's perspective, we definitly care about privacy. But it's in a different context. We accept online information is out there but as long as it's out of sight it's out of mind. When abuse happens, outrage follows

13:14Greg Russo

though education about the first part of that, that things you put on the net ARE searchable, still needs to get taught to new users at every gae

13:14Greg Russo


13:14Melanie Pringle

Agreed, and that potential employers DO actually scan one's facebook page

13:15Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE

In the same ways that IT products have not always been "secure by default", are mobile technology devices being developed without building in "privacy protections by default"? What can be done to educate the developers of future communication devices?

13:15Bedan Kamau|CSU Pomona 2

I think there is a focus on Internet privacy issues and very little being said about Mobile device privacy issues

13:16Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

very good point about mobiles

13:16Ed Garay, UIC

Potential employeers, grad school adminissions personnel, lots of people run e-Discovery on prospective candidates, yet people don't seem to care.

13:16Greg Russo

as the entertainment industry and Rick Santorum have learned, once it's out there it's out there in all but the most obscure cases


Please continue to send your questions or comments to the chat area and we'll get to them at the next break.

13:18Robert Voelker-Morris

I don't know old school privacy does involve putting stuff out there and hoping it fades away, like saying something in a group but hoping it stays with the group. If it doesn't then we get mad. So there is an element of overlap I think too.

13:19Robert Voelker-Morris

I think the big point is the web amplifies it all

13:19Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

Robert - like when the listserv email groups suddenly became open and searcahble?

13:19Robert Voelker-Morris

Shelby = yes that is a good example

13:20Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

Those were big when I was in college, and a lot of my friends have things they NEVER meant to go that public.

13:20Ed Garay, UIC

What effective advice do you have help everyone (not just young folks) maintain an appropriate digital footprint?

13:21Melanie Pringle

Should we Google ourselves or E-Discovery ourselves at regular intervals? Is this a necessary step to keep tabs on our digital history?

13:22Greg Russo

the advantage of more information about people and their activities/character is only good if people drop the idea everyone else is perfect

13:22Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

I like to us pipl.com

13:22Melanie Pringle

Thanks Wyatt

13:22Greg Russo

right now we're stuck in a world where you can get fired for getting a picture taken while you're drunk if it goes on facebook


this is going to go many steps farther; real-time tracking...only the very privileged will ever be able to be "alone"

13:22Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Then you would need to go to each site and edit/change your information Melanie

13:22Greg Russo

as if your boss has never been drunk or how no one assumes you consumed any alchohol in your personal life before they saw a picture of it

13:22Ed Garay, UIC

Also, how do you suggest one cope with personal information being taken out-of-context in an asynchronous unknown fashion anywhere on the Internet?

13:23Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

oh and pipl.com is free

13:23Ed Garay, UIC

Specifically, what advise do you have for people who are rather active on Facebook?

13:24Melanie Pringle

What about disclosing political viewpoints in internet "public" forums? Is this potentially damaging to your professional reputation, even if you're acting as a private agent?

13:24Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Ed, FB has some decent privacy controls built-in now. My suggestion would be to look through those and then set them accordingly

13:24Greg Russo

it shouldnt be but it is Melanie


i don't post my political or religious views on FB

13:25Ed Garay, UIC

Why do you tyhink Facebook does not have more granular controls on who can see what or when? That is, a way to distinguish between friends and family, colleagues, close friends and distant acquaintances?

13:25Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

I wonder - the first rule I learned, way back when, was "never use your real name". But that's really changed, especially with pictures.

13:25Melanie Pringle

This is so frustrating to me, because FB is such an effective grassroots medium to promote activism

13:25Edward Iglesias

The middle ground approach also allows for SLAP lawsuits

13:25Jennifer 3

@Ed - they do. you can create friends list and set different privacy settings for different groups.

13:25Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Ed, we have to remember FB makes its money off the freely shared information of its users...to institute granular controls only limits FB's potential for profits.

13:26Ed Garay, UIC

Would it really matter if Facebook and other social networking environments offer better control and access to disparate access to one's personal content? (I don't think so, btw)

13:26Greg Russo

@Melanie: I'd say dont put anything up there or join any political groups you arnt willing to their laugh off or stand up for under scrutiny


Who do you want to sue, and for what?

13:27Claudia Holland

Can you give examples of lawsuits that have been fruitful in setting precedent to enforce people to think twice about twhat they post on the Web?

13:28Greg Russo

Claudia, there are some pending cases about youtube comments iirc

13:28Edward Iglesias

What about counter clerks who do blog about customers?

13:28Claudia Holland

But have decisions been made or were suits settled out of court?

13:29Christopher Holmes (Baylor)

Recommendations when websites are created to invade privacy and slander (such as collegeacb.com)?

13:29Greg Russo

i'm not 100% sure but i think one is still going and the other has been appealed

13:30Greg Russo

but it hasnt popped up on my news searches lately so they may have just quietly settled

13:30Melanie Pringle

UK's got it right

13:31Ed Garay, UIC

Years ago, I came to the conclusion that there is little I (we) can do to control anything we author digitally, be it an email message, a tweet, a Facebook status, anything we enter while filling out an application, anything. So I try to remain appropriate digitally or otherwise; totally transparent. That's my approach, but I wonder what others do.

13:32peg odonnell

The kid who does the collegeacb site is at Weseleyan. You can write a letter and complain if your students are slandered and they will put it in his file. he is not using the school's servers. They have tried to educate him

13:32Greg Russo

sounds like a responsible approach Ed

13:33Robert Voelker-Morris

copyright sure = commercial rights

13:33Bedan Kamau|CSU Pomona 2



Brendan, :)

13:35Robert Voelker-Morris

privacy seen too much as non-commercial and just individual "private" rights, no $ value attached?

13:35Greg Russo

tbh, I think Star Wars kid will be very successful because of his fame

13:35Greg Russo

he may never live it down, but you can turn that kind of notoriety into an advantage

13:36Veronica Pejril

Like Antoine Dodson

13:36Greg Russo


13:37Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

That's a good point. "They don't have the full story, nor do they care." it's much easier to get a bad name and be stuck with it.

13:37Claudia Holland

No wonder people live off the grid, insofar as possible.

13:37Melanie Pringle

No kidding!

13:37Melanie Pringle

Steadily losing faith in humanity...again...

13:37Jennifer 2

Star Wars kid will be fine in long run-look at the fame of the Jackass movies and stars for stupid stunts! LOL!

13:38Veronica Pejril

He's living in LA now. Or consider the homeless radio announcer guy who's got a job now.

13:39Veronica Pejril

You can ride the wave of a meme, or be drowned by it.

13:39Ed Garay, UIC

Another question: what is your take on universities and colleges that think they have the obligation to issue (and enforce) privacy consideration policies for institution-related social activities?

13:41Kevin Smith

Can Prof. Solove say more about the contours of a law he would advocate to provide a tort claim against someone who reveals information I think should be confidential?

13:42Ed Garay, UIC

At last month's Educause Learning Initiative annual meeting we had a heated debate about institutional policies on social networking. Folks at some schools feel the need to issue and try to enforce social networking-related policies.


Please type your questions for the presenter in our chat space. We'll have a few minutes after this presentation segment to share questions again.

13:44Jennifer 2

Some colleges use twitter and FB to communicate with students. It's always a good idea to provide guidelines for use of these to the students but it does open up some new legal issues as well as netiquette issues!

13:44Jennifer 2


13:45Jennifer 2

I'd be interested in whether anyone has a policy to share on campus social networking yet! Please, let me know if you have one! We have an acceptable computer use policy only at this time.


What are your thoughts on longitudinal education databases, RttT, and tracking students from pre-K to work, given 23 states are using SS# to ID from school to work


Jennifer -- have you seen the school and social media paper circulating?

13:50Jennifer 2

No, sorry I haven't. Is there a link to it online at all?


yeslll hold on... I will find it

13:51Chip Byers, MOREnet

How would a change to 230 impact positive opinion sites such as Angie's List where people recommend contractors (or express their negative impression). These sites can be a help to consumers. Would a change to 230 allow a contractor to force the site to remove negative reviews of his work?

13:51Debbie R.

not sure I buy that argument. even before online sites, kids knew how to ruin someone's reputation by word of mouth

13:51Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Importance and privacy are not on the standardized exams, last I looked, therefore these concepts are not taught as much as they should be.

13:51Melanie Pringle

Cheers, Wyatt

13:52Melanie Pringle

Endemic institutional problem!


@ jennifer 2 - here's a good place to start for social media policies:

13:53Bedan Kamau|CSU Pomona 2

There was also the Duke Univesity Scandal "Sex Thesis" where a girl had outlined her sexual excapades that went viral



13:53Jennifer 2

Awesome! Thanks, Robert!


Don’t forget to please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the upper right corner of your screen or use this URL . Your reactions and comments are very important to us.

13:54Claudia Holland

I appreciate the fact you published your book open access

13:54Debbie R.

hey that link is full of viruses, Robert


Jennifer -- can't figure out how to copy paste. If you Email me I will forward

13:55Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Agree that spurious claims need to be punished Dan.

13:57Jennifer 2

sheila-just sent you an email. Thanks!

13:57Melanie Pringle

Thanks everyone, this has been a great forum!

13:59Jennifer 2

FYI: Someone asked me about student comments in our new ePortfolio system which should be course related. However, I have turned on the ability to remove comments from your own portfolio projects and we'll see how that goes!


Thanks for attending! This audio presentation, slides, and transcript will be available from the EDUCAUSE Live! archive later today. Visit for more information.

13:59Steve Rholl - St. Olaf College

Thank you for the presentation!

13:59Donna at RIT

The trend to have computer professionals evaluate speech, etc. is not a comfortable place for IT folks to be.

13:59Wyatt Ditzler-UWM

Thanks all, good discussion all around!


Before you sign off today, please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the upper right corner of your screen or use this URL . Your reactions and comments are very important to us.



13:59helen mccullough

Thank you!

13:59Ed Garay, UIC

Thank you all.

14:00Jennifer 2

Thank You!

14:00Shelby Anfenson-Comeau

thank you

14:00Bedan Kamau|CSU Pomona 2

Thank you

14:00Bedan Kamau|CSU Pomona 2

very informative

14:01Veronica Pejril


14:01Chip Byers, MOREnet

The Session Evaluation link is not responding for me.

14:03Aisha Moore

@ Chip, the session evaluation will open in a seperate browser.

