Totten Intermediate Science Fair Project Proposal Form

Name ______Class ______

Dear Parents & Students:
This year we are reorganizing our annual science fair. Students will have a choice of one of three types of projects to submit. All students are required to do a project. All projects will include a written research paper that is informative and explains the scientific rationale for their project. Students should use the research report to convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately. Students should effectively select appropriate sources, organize this material and provide analysis of the content. Students should be using these sources to learn scientific ideas and be able to put these ideas into their own words.
All submitted work must be the student’s original work. No prepackaged kits are allowed. Projects that do not appear to be the work of the student will be graded accordingly.
Final projects will be presented upon return from the President’s Week break in February.
Totten Science Department Teachers
Type of Project I Plan to do: (Please circle)
o  Traditional Investigational Controlled Experiment with research paper
o  Model or demonstration with research paper
o  In- depth Research project, extended research paper that looks at an appropriate science topic or issue
The question/ topic I plan to investigate/ model/ demo/ research: (Provide details. Continue on back)
Please read and fill out the checklist below for your chosen project type. / Teacher’s Comments
Checklist for Experiments
·  StudHave you followed your teacher’s guidelines on project restrictions Yes/ No
·  Is the topic interesting to you? Yes/ No
·  Can you find at least 2 written sources on your project? Yes/ No
·  Can you measure changes to the factors/ variables as a quantity Yes/ No
·  Can you design a fair test to answer your question? Yes/ No
·  Is your experiment safe/ Yes/ No
·  Can you obtain all the materials reasonably? Yes/ No
·  Does your project meet all rules & requirements of the assignment? Yes No
·  Do you have enough time to perform at least 2 trials of your experiment? Yes/ No
·  I will be able to record my data in charts and graphs Yes/ No
Checklist for Demos/ Models
·  Do you know the scientific principles that are being shown? Yes/ No
·  Does the model accurately represent the scientific process or phenomena? Yes/ No
·  Can you build the project yourself? Yes/ No
·  Do you have access to the materials? Yes/ No
·  Are you interested in the Project or topic? Yes/ No
·  Can it be brought to school? Yes/No
·  Can you explain the project in your own words? Yes/ No
Checklist for In- Depth Research Projects
·  Multiple written and internet sources at appropriate student level Yes/ No
·  I have a topic I want to learn about from class at a more in- depth level Yes/ No
·  My writing will be original while using information from other sources Yes/ No
·  I want to inform my classmates on this topic/ issue Yes/ No / Approved
Not Approved,
Must revise

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______I acknowledge my child has a science project due at the end of President’s Week break. Sign & Return following December Break.