Curriculum Vitae Andrew Michael Wiesenthal


Name: AndrewMichaelWiesenthal

Date/Place of Birth: March 5, 1950; New York, New York

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Marital Status: Married

Children: None

Present Status: Director, Health Care Practice, Deloitte Consulting

Present Address: Deloitte Consulting

50 Fremont Street, 31stFloor

San Francisco, CA 94105

Education: 1967-1971: B.A. in Latin American Studies, with Honors


New Haven, Connecticut

1971-1975: M.D., StateUniversity of New York


Brooklyn, New York

2002-2004: S.M. in Health Care Management

HarvardSchool of Public Health

Boston, Massachusetts

Professional Experience:

Postgraduate Training: 1975-1976: Intern in Pediatrics

University of ColoradoMedicalCenter

Denver, Colorado

1976-1978: Resident in Pediatrics

University of ColoradoMedicalCenter

Denver, Colorado

1978-1980: Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer

Field Services Division, Bureau of Epidemiology

Center for Disease Control

Assigned to Illinois Dept.of Public Health, Springfield

1980-1983: Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellow

University of ColoradoHealthSciencesCenter

Denver, Colorado

1982-1983: Instructor, Department of Pediatrics

University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine

Denver, Colorado

Employment: 1983-2000: Pediatrician and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Consultant

Colorado Permanente Medical Group

Denver, Colorado

1987-1994: Director, Quality Assurance

Colorado Permanente Medical Group

1994-1997: Associate Medical Director, Quality Assurance

Colorado Permanente Medical Group

1997-2000: Associate Medical Director, Medical Management

Colorado Permanente Medical Group

2000-2010: Associate Executive Director, Clinical Information Support

The Permanente Federation

Oakland, California

2010-present: Director, Health Care Practice

Deloitte Consulting

San Francisco, California

Other Professional Experience:

  1. Study of the training of native Guatemalan health care deliverers and paramedical personnel for the Division of Public Health, USAID, Guatemala, and for the Rockefeller Foundation, Guatemala, 1975.
  1. Nutritional status assessment as part of three-member USAID disaster relief evaluation team, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa, 1979.
  1. Consultant to Pan American Health Organization, W.H.O., Washington, D.C. on oral rehydration therapy of infantile diarrhea.
  1. Consultant to Pan American Health Organization, W.H.O., Washington, D.C. on international disaster relief epidemiology and assessment, 1980.
  1. Developed Quality Improvement Program, Kaiser Permanente Colorado, 1987-2000.
  1. Kaiser Permanente Executive Program, Stanford University, 1991-2.
  1. Intermountain Health Care Advanced Training Program in Health Care Delivery Improvement, 1/1994-5/1994.
  1. National Committee for Quality Assurance Managed Care Organization Surveyor, 1994-2002.
  1. Founded Medical Directors’ Quality Committee, a Kaiser Permanente national oversight organization intended to assess and improve the delivery system. Served on the Committee from inception (1994) until resignation due to change in basic duties (2000). Resumed membership in 2005 and continued until retirement from Kaiser Permanente in 2010.
  1. Founded the Care Management Institute, a Kaiser Permanente national entity which develops evidence based approaches to disease and condition management in order to improve clinical outcomes and delivery system effectiveness. Served on its board of directors from inception (1997) to retirement from Kaiser Permanente in 2010.
  1. Led the development and implementation of the Clinical Information System (CIS) in Kaiser Permanente Colorado (1991-1999). This was a joint development project undertaken with IBM which resulted in a fully integrated electronic health record, ordering, and results reporting system. It completely replaced the paper medical record and ordering/reporting systems, and it was used by more than 600 physicians and 1500 clinical staff in Colorado. Led the implementation of Kaiser Permanente HealthConnect, an electronic health record system licensed from Epic Systems, across all of Kaiser Permanente nationally. The project began in 2003, and it was completed in early 2010. The system is being fully utilized by all of the more than 14,000 Permanente physicians and 160,000 other KP staff nationwide.


New York Academy of Family Practice, Summer Fellowship, 1976.

Department of Pathology, S.U.N.Y. Downstate School of Medicine, Summer Fellowship, 1977.

Permanente Award, Colorado Permanente Medical Group, 2000.

Licensure (Medical Practice):

California (#G85851), 2000-present

Colorado (#20325), 1976-present.

Hawaii (#11564), 2001-present

Illinois (#036-58612), 1979-1984.

Specialty Board Certifications:

National Board of Medical Examiners, July 1, 1976 (#153881).

American Board of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics, February 1, 1981 (#25687).

Pediatric Infectious Diseases, November 15, 1994 (#487, first ever certification examination). Recertified, May 18, 2001, December 11, 2008

Academic Appointments:

1979-1980: Clinical Associate

Department of Pediatrics

Southern IllinoisUniversitySchool of Medicine

Springfield, Illinois

1982-1983: Instructor, Department of Pediatrics

University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine

Denver, Colorado

1983-1985: Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics

University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine

Denver, Colorado

1985-1996: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine

Denver, Colorado

1996-2000: Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics

University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine

Denver, Colorado

Other Professional Activities:

Member, Board of Directors, Colorado Permanente Medical Group, P.C., January 1988 through December 1993, Chairman, January 1991 through December 1993

Governor's Hemophilia Advisory Council, November 1991 through 2000 (Colorado)

Member, Board of Directors, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), October 1995 through December 2001

Member, Board of Directors, Care Management Institute, Kaiser Permanente, September 1997 through present

Member, Board of Directors, Colorado Personalized Education for Physicians, January 1998 through March 2000; President-elect, January 2000 through March 2000

Member, Editorial Board, The American Journal of Managed Care, October 2000 through January 2003.

Member, SNOMED International Authority, January 2005 through December 2006

United States representative to Managing Board, International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization, April 2007 through present

Commissioner, Certification Commission for Health Information Technology, October 2006 to December 2010; Trustee, January 2011 to present

Professional Society Memberships:

AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics

Epidemic Intelligence Service Alumni Association

Infectious Diseases Society of America

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

American Medical Informatics Association

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

Foreign Language Abilities:

Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese.

Volunteer Activities:

Samaritan House and WarrenVillage pediatric clinics, Denver, Colorado, 1993-2000

Member, Board of Directors, AIDSProjectEastBay, 2008 to present

Publications; Original Articles:

1. Baumslag N, Davis R, Mason LG, McQuestion M, Sabin E, Snyder J, WiesenthalAM: Oral rehydration therapy: An annotated bibliography. World Health Organization, Washington, D.C., 1980.

2. WiesenthalAM, Nickels MK, Hashimoto KG, Endo T, Ehrhard HB: Intestinal parasites in Southeast-Asian refugees: Prevalence in a community of Laotians. JAMA 1980; 244(22):2543-2544.

3. Glass RI, WiesenthalAM, Zack MM, Preston M: Risk factors for myocardial infarction associated with the Chicago snowstorm of January 13-15, 1979. JAMA 1981; 245(2): 164-165.

4. Cordes LG, WiesenthalAM, Gorman GW, Phair JP, Sommers HM, Brown A, Yu VL, MagnussenMN, Meyer RD, Wolf JS, Shands KN, Fraser DW: Isolation of Legionellapneumophilafrom hospital shower heads. Ann Int Med 1981; 94: 195-197.

5. WiesenthalAM, Powell KE, Kopp J, Spindler JW: Increase in Mycobacteriumavium complex isolations among patients admitted to a general hospital. Pub Health Rep 1982; 97: 61-65.

6. Radetsky MS, Istre GR, Johansen TL, Parmelee SW, Lauer BA, WiesenthalAM, Glode MP: A multiply resistant pneumococcus causing meningitis: its epidemiology within a day-care center. Lancet 1981; 2:771-773.

7. WiesenthalAM: A maternal-neonatal outbreak of infections due to an unusual group A B-hemolytic streptococcus. Infect Control 1984; 5(6):271-274.

8. WiesenthalAM, Todd JK: Toxic shock syndrome in children aged 10 or less. Pediatrics 1984; 74:112-117.

9. Todd JK, Ressman M, Caston SA, Todd BH, WiesenthalAM: Corticosteroid therapy for patients with toxic shock syndrome. JAMA 1984; 252:3399-3402.

10. WiesenthalAM, Levin MJ: Guidelines for choice of antiviral chemotherapy. In Kass EH, Platt R (eds.): CurrentTherapyinInfectiousDisease1983-1984. B.C. Decker, Inc., Philadelphia, 1983 and in Current TherapyinInternalMedicine1984-1985.B.C. Decker, Inc. Philadelphia, 1984.

11. WiesenthalAM, Ressman M, Caston SA, Todd JK: Toxic shock syndrome--I. Clinical exclusion of other syndromes by strict and screening definitions. Am J Epidemiol 1985; 122(5):847-856.

12. Todd JK, WiesenthalAM, Ressman M, Caston SA: Toxic shock syndrome--II. Incidence in defined, hospitalized populations. Am J Epidemiol 1985; 122(5):857-867.

13. WiesenthalAM, Ressman M, Caston SA, Todd JK: Toxic shock syndrome in hospitalized patients with Staphylococcus aureus infection. Infection 1986 Mar/Apr; 14(2):86.

14. WiesenthalAM, Lauer BA: Syringe preparation technique and minor adverse reactions to diphtheria-tetanus toxoids-pertussis immunization. Pediatr Infect Dis 1987 Nov; 6(11):1048-1050.

15. WiesenthalAM: Urinary tract infections: assessment and management. In Barkin RM (ed): TheEmergentlyIllChild

Aspen Publishers, Inc. Rockville, Maryland, 1987.

16. WiesenthalAM: Immunization. In Hathaway WE, Groothuis JR, Hay WW Jr., Paisley JW (eds.): CurrentPediatric DiagnosisandTreatment, 10th edition. Appleton & Lange.Norwalk, Connecticut, 1991.

17. Joffe LS, Glode MP, Gutierrez MK, WiesenthalAM, Luckey DW, Harken L: Diphtheria-tetanus toxoids-pertussis vaccination does not increase the risk of hospitalization with an infectious illness. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1992 Sep; 11(9):730-5.

18. Garrido T, Jamieson L, Zhou Y, WiesenthalA, Liang L: Effect of electronic health records in ambulatory care: retrospective, serial, cross-sectional study. BMJ 2005 Mar 5; 330:581-5.

19. Dolin RH, Mattison, JE, Cohn S, Campbell KE, WiesenthalAM, et al: Kaiser Permanente’s Convergent Medical Terminology. Medinfo 2004; 2004:346-50.

20. Garrido T, Raymond B, Jamieson L, Liang L, WiesenthalA: Making the business case for hospital information systems—a Kaiser Permanente investment decision. J Health Care Finance 2004;31(2):16-25.

Publications; Abstracts:

1. WiesenthalAM: Increase in Mycobacteriumintracellulareinfections at a hospital in southern Illinois. Presented at the EIS Annual Conference, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1980.

2. Gardner S, Brouillette R, WiesenthalAM, Shulman S: Rifampin in eradication of methicillin/gentamicin resistant S.aureus from an NICU. Ped Res No. 466, 15: 518, 1981.

3. Radetsky MS, Glode MP, Istre GR, Lauer BA, WiesenthalAM: Emergence of multiply resistant pneumococcus. Presented at ICAAC, November, 1981.

4. WiesenthalAM, Caston SA, Ressman M, Todd JK: Toxic shock syndrome--development and validation of a screening case definition. Presented at ICAAC, November, 1981.

5. WiesenthalAM, Ressman M, Caston SA, Todd JK: Incidence of hospitalized toxic shock syndrome in defined populations, 1970-1980. Presented at ICAAC, October, 1982.

6. Todd JK, Ressman M, Caston SA, WiesenthalAM: Toxic shock syndrome: Comparative study of steroid treatment. Presented at ICAAC, October, 1982.

7. WiesenthalAM, Lauer BA: Syringe preparation technique and minor adverse reactions to DPT immunization. Presented at SPR, May, 1986.

8. Joffe LS, Glode MP, Luckey DW, Wiesenthal AM: Does DTP vaccine increase the risk of hospitalization with an infectious illness? Presented at ICAAC, October, 1990.

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