The Rochester Grammar School
16 – 19 Bursary/Discretionary Fund Application Form 2017/18
16 – 19 Bursary Guidelines for Applications
Please be aware that the 16-19 Bursary is different from the Educational Maintenance Allowance that ceased on 1 January 2011 to new applicants. Students in the sixth form, who are in need of some minor financial support, can apply to the School’s 16-19 Bursary Fund. This fund replaced the old EMA and has been allocated directly, by the government, to individual Schools to administer. This funding does not replicate the EMA and the amount of money available for distribution is much less. Therefore, we are committed to distributing Bursaries to those students with the greatest need.
The Application process:
Application forms can be found on the school internet site and from the main school office. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 20thOctober. However, should your circumstances change during the academic year, please contact the Principal in writing.
Decision Making Process
The applications will be assessed by a panel of four and bursaries awarded on the greatest need. Applicants will be informed, in writing, of the panel’s decision by the end of the following week. Should your application be successful you will be expected to sign the 16-19 Bursary Fund Contract 2017-2018 with the school.
Payments and Conditions of Bursary
Some students who have successfully applied for these awards may receive direct payments into their bank accounts however for the majority of students the school will be making payments on their behalf direct to suppliers e.g. travel costs, computer or other educational equipment, free school meals etc.
At the end of each term a review will be made on attendance, punctuality and behaviour and adjustments may be made to your next allocation. You will be informed of this in writing.
Appeals – Complaints Procedure
You have the right to appeal and/or complain if you feel that your case has not been given fair consideration. Appeals should be made in writing to Mrs Claire Brinklow (Principal) in the first instance. If a further appeal is to be requested then this will be heard by a Governor’s sub-committee of 2 members including: a school governor and a neutral member of staff.
Level One: Guaranteed Bursary
The government has identified that the students most in need will fit into the groups identified below and these students may be eligible for a Bursary of £900 per year.
- A Student in Care
- A Care Leaver
- Student in receipt of Income Support
- Disabled student in receipt of employment support allowance and disability living allowance.
Parents/students will need to prove entitlement. This will be in the form of appropriate supporting documentation from the relevant Government Departments.
If personal circumstances change during the year you MUST notify the school immediately.
Level Two: Shared Residual Allocations
Those students who do not meet the criteria for level 1 above may fit the criteria for level 2. This may entitle them to a small bursary or enable the school purchase educational items on their behalf. Such payments could include IT equipment, educational equipment, free school meals, transport costs etc. The amount will be dependent on the number of applications for assistance and the total bursary fund provided by the Government to the school.
To be able to make application for this funding students will have to prove that they meet some or all of the following criteria in the form of appropriate supporting documentation.
That they or their parent(s) are on income support or other means tested benefits
- That they fulfil UK residency conditions
- That the total family income is less than £20,817 for the last financial tax year.
- That they were eligible for free school meals last year.
If your personal circumstances change during the year you MUST notify the school immediately.
Evidence requirement: evidence of household income by way of a P60, Working Tax Credit annual statement from HMRC, Receipt of Benefit Notification, Tax Credit Award Notification or Self Employed Income Notification must be provided to the school Finance Office along with the completed application form.
Level Three:Discretionary Fund
From time to time students may be faced with identifiable financial difficulties but they do not fit into category 1 or 2. These students may be eligible for some limited financial assistance. This can be for:
- Transport costs
- Books and equipment
- Educational trips
- Examination re-sit fees
- Free school meals for a specific period.
Applications must be made using formal application to the school and these will be treated in the strictest confidence. Discretionary payments may be awarded on either a match funded or full cost basis.
Please ensure you have read and understood the school’s statement regarding bursary applications before completing this form. Please note if a bursary is awarded the payments will be made subject to the conditions of the 16-19 Bursary contract being met.
Please hand this form to the school’s finance department along with any relevant evidence for processing by 20th October 2017
Please indicate which fund you are applying for:
Bursary Fund Please complete all of the application form
Discretionary Payment Please complete personal details and Q1-9 & Q13
Please complete all information in BLOCK capitals:
Surname: / Forename:Date of Birth: / Age at 31/8/2017 / Sex: Male/Female
Previous School Name(if not RGS):
How long have you been resident in the UK?
Home Telephone Number: / Parent Mobile Number:
Student Mobile: / Student E Mail:
- Are you a young person in care?
- Are you a care leaver?
- Are you a young person in receipt of income support?
- Are you a disabled young person in receipt of employment and support allowance who are also in receipt of disability living allowance?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, please attach evidence of this with your application form.
- Are you eligible for free school meals? (Household income less than £20,817 pa)
- Does your household receive means-tested benefits e.g. Working Tax credit?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, please attach evidence of this with your application form.
- What is your household income? (Please complete)
Please supply evidence of your household income by way of a P60, Working Tax Credit annual statement letter from HMRC, Receipt of Benefit Notification, Tax Credit Award Notification or Self Employed Income Notification.
The Rochester Grammar School
16 – 19 Bursary/Discretionary Fund Application Form 2017/18
- How do you travel to school?
- If by public transport what are the weekly costs?
Please supply evidence of the cost of transportation to school.
- Do you have any course/equipment costs?
- Please provide additional information:
Please supply evidence of the costs at school.
- Please provide additional information that may be relevant including the details of any discretionary fund requests. (Please attach further details if necessary).
- Please provide the student’s banking details, where funds might be sent by BACS:
Account Holder’s Name
Bank Name:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
I/We confirm that all information provided is true and I will notify school if any circumstances change. I/We understand that the bursary will be provided on the basis that certain conditions set by the school as detailed in the Bursary Contract and understand that money may be claimed back if I/We knowingly gave information which is discovered to be false.
Please hand this form to the school’s finance department along with any relevant evidence for processing by the 20th October 2017.
Student Signature:Parent Signature: Date:
School Use Only:
Received: / Number: / Purpose: / Awarded:Bursary 1: / Bursary 2: / Discretionary:
Payment: / Termly (3) / Individual (1)
Evidence Seen: / T1 / T1
T2 / T2
T3 / T3 / Bank