Macbeth Act V

Act V, scene i

  1. Find evidence that Lady Macbeth refers to the following incidents as she sleep-walks: a) the murder of Duncan, b) the murder of Macduff’s family, c) Macbeth’s breakdown at the banquet.
  2. How does Shakespeare create sympathy for Lady Macbeth in this scene?
  3. Compare Lady Macbeth’s first appearance in the play with her last.
  4. Why is this scene written in prose, rather than poetry?
  5. Other than simply removing blood, what does Lady Macbeth’s handwashing symbolize. Why does it seem ironic?

Act V, scene ii

  1. What do we learn of Macbeth and his plans in this scene?
  2. How does this scene suggest a) the growing isolation of Macbeth? b) the growing strength of the forces in opposition to him?

Act V, scene iii

  1. Give specific references which show that Macbeth is apparently placing his trust in the second and third prophesies of the Apparitions.
  2. What news does Macbeth receive in this scene? How does he react?
  3. What do lines 22-28 tell us about the price Macbeth has paid to gain his ambition?
  4. Compare Macbeth’s state of mind in this scene with that of Lady Macbeth in Act V, scene i.

Act V, scene iv

  1. What do we learn of Macbeth’s plans?
  2. Contrast the spirit of Malcolm’s army with that of Macbeth’s followers.
  3. How does Malcolm’s order to his army (V.iv.4-7) a) foreshadow the fulfillment of the Third Apparition? b) create dramatic irony?

Act V, Scene v

  1. Compare Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death with the way Macduff reacted to his family’s demise.
  2. Is Lady Macbeth’s death in this scene a surprise? Explain.
  3. Re-read Macbeth’s speech in lines 17-28, and …

a)state the theme

b)comment on the emotions revealed

c)select and explain three metaphors

Act V,Scene vi - vii

  1. How does Malcolm’s state of mind headed into battle contrast Macbeth’s?
  2. What purposes are served by the encounter between Macbeth and Young Siward?

Act V, Scene viii

  1. “And be these juggling fiends no more believ’d, / That palter with us in a double sense.” Why has Macbeth reached this conclusion about the witches?
  2. Show that Macbeth reveals both pride and physical courage in this scene.
  3. How does this scene see that justice is done regarding each of the following characters: a) Macbeth, b) Macduff, c) Malcolm
  4. How is the death of Macbeth tragic? Does Macbeth deserve any sympathy here? Explain.